#!/usr/bin/env python # --------------------------------------------------------- # # Simple python script to calculate prime numbers! # Heavily commented... # # Author: Troels C. Petersen (Niels Bohr Institute) # Date: 08-11-2016 # # Run by: ./CalcPrimeNumbers_Commented.py # --------------------------------------------------------- # from ROOT import * # Import ROOT libraries (to use ROOT) import math # Import MATH libraries (for extended MATH functions) Nmax = 10000 # Maximum prime number N = 2 # Starting value SavePlots = False # Determining if plots are saved or not # Setting what to be shown in statistics box: gStyle.SetOptStat("emr") gStyle.SetOptFit(1111) # Define a histogram. # In Python one does not need to state the "type" (i.e. integer, histogram, etc.) of anything, # so when writing "hist_prime = ..." it will simply take on the type of what comes after. # # TH1D is a ROOT object: They always start with "T", and the "H1" means 1D histogram, while # "D" referes to "double" (i.e. numbers with digits!) # # After giving it a name (same as object name!) and title, one defines # the number of bins, and the starting and ending of the range. hist_prime = TH1D("hist_prime", "Prime number distribution", 100, 0.0, Nmax) # --------------------------------------------------------- # # Calculate prime numbers: # --------------------------------------------------------- # # Calculating prime numbers comes down to taking a number (here N), # and testing if it is prime by dividing it by all numbers up the # the square root of it. If no number divides N (tested using the # "%" operator, which returns the remainder: 6%3 = 0, 5%2 = 1, etc.), # then N is prime! # See if you can follow this in python program form below. There # are only 8 lines in total! # While-loop, which loops as long as the statement is true. # It is true to begin with (N=2, Nmax = 10000), but at some point # N will have increased beyond Nmax, and the looping stops. while (N < Nmax): hit = 0 # Define a variable "hit", with starting value 0. # For-loop, which lets "i" have values from 2 to the integer value # of the square root of N, rounded up ("int" rounds down, hence "+1"). for i in range (2,int(sqrt(N))+1): if (N%i == 0): # If the remainder of the integer division is 0, hit = 1 hit = 1 # The end of the indention closes the for-loop! if (hit == 0): # If no number gave a perfect integer division (i.e. with remainder 0)... hist_prime.Fill(N) # the it is a prime number. Fill it into the histogram. N += 1 # Increase N by one. # This algorithm gives the prime numbers up to Nmax = 10000! # Think it through, and see if you understand it... # --------------------------------------------------------- # # Draw output: # --------------------------------------------------------- # # Define a "canvas", i.e. a new window on the screen. # This is again a ROOT thing (hence the "T" in TCanvas), # and you give it name, title, x-position, y-position, x-size and y-size canvas = TCanvas( "canvas", "canvas", 50, 50, 1200, 600 ) hist_prime.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0, Nmax) # From the histogram, we get the x-axis, and set the range. hist_prime.SetMinimum(0) # We also set the minimum. hist_prime.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Prime number") # We give the x-axis a label. hist_prime.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Frequency") # We give the y-axis a label. hist_prime.SetMarkerColor(kBlue) # Set the histogram marker color to blue. hist_prime.SetMarkerStyle(20) # Set the histogram marker style to filled circles. # How could you know that 20 is filled circles? Well, ROOT is well documented and quite used, # so if you write "setmarkerstyle" in Google, the first hit is: http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TAttMarker.html # Here, you can find all the options, details, etc. # The Prime Number Theorem (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prime_number_theorem) states, # that the number of prime numbers follows roughly the function f(x) = 1/ln(x). # We have binned our prime numbers (see histogram definition at the top), so we # must have a function with a few more degrees of freedom: f(x) = a + b/ln(x), # where a and b are constants that needs to be fitted. # We define a function in ROOT as shown below. "T" from ROOT and "F1" is 1D function. # Again it has a name (chosen to be the same as the function name), and then one has to # specify the function expression, where "[0]" and "[1]" are constants and "log" is the # natural logarithm (log10 is the base 10 logarithm). Finally, it needs a range, which is [0,N]. fit_prime = TF1("fit_prime", "[0] + [1]/log(x)", 0, Nmax) fit_prime.SetParameters(0.0, 10.0) # Set the starting values of [0] and [1] to 0 and 10. fit_prime.SetLineColor(kRed) # Set the line color to red. fit_prime.SetLineWidth(4) # Set tne line width to 4. # So now we ask that the histogram is fitted by the fitting function. # The options "L" is for Likelihood fit (ChiSquare is defalt) # The options "R" is for Range, fitting in range defined for function (+- infinity is default) hist_prime.Fit("fit_prime", "LR") # Draw the histogram with the option "e" for showing the errors in the plot. hist_prime.Draw("e") # Put a legend on the plot: # The name is not surprisingly "TLegend", and one specifies the four corners: leg = TLegend( 0.25, 0.73, 0.60, 0.88 ) leg.SetFillColor(kWhite); # Let the fill color be white leg.SetLineColor(kWhite); # Let the edge be white (i.e. no edge) leg.AddEntry(hist_prime, " Prime number distribution", "P") # Histogram represented by a point "P" leg.AddEntry(fit_prime, " Prime number fit result", "L") # Fit function represented by a line "L" leg.Draw() # Draw the legend # Write some text on the plot: # The name is "TLatex", and naturally supports Latex in the writing (here of the fitting function): text = TLatex() # Useful for drawing text on plots text.SetNDC() # Use "absolute" coordinates, i.e. [0,1]x[0,1] text.SetTextFont(42) # One of the "standard" fonts text.SetTextColor(1) text.SetTextSize(0.05) text.DrawLatex(0.15, 0.17, "Fit function: f(x) = C_{0} + #frac{C_{1}}{log(x)}") if (SavePlots): canvas.SaveAs("PrimeNumberDistribution.pdf") # Save plot (format follow extension name) # Finally, ensure that the program does not termine (and the plot disappears), before you press enter: raw_input('Press Enter to exit')