#!/usr/bin/env python # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # This Python/ROOT macro illustrates the use of ChiSquare as a goodness-of-fit measure, # how this distribution comes about, and that it actually works! At the same time, it is # also an illustration of how to do a linear fit analytically, that is without running # the ROOT fitting (i.e. minimizing) algorithm (called Minuit). # # The program generates a certain number of datasets, each consisting of 9 points along # a line. These are then fitted (both analytically and numerically), and the result and # the Chi2 of the fit is recorded along with the probability of the fit. # # References: # Barlow: Chapter 6 # Cowan: Chapter 2.7, Chapter 7 # Bevington: Chapter 6 # # Author: Troels C. Petersen (NBI) # Email: petersen@nbi.dk # Date: 12th of November 2016 # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # from ROOT import * from array import array # Arrays are needed to fill the graphs used in ROOT from math import sqrt # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Define a function: def sqr( a ) : return a*a # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Chi Squared Test # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # gROOT.Reset() # Setting of general plotting style: gStyle.SetCanvasColor(0) gStyle.SetFillColor(0) # Settings for statistics box: gStyle.SetOptStat(1111) gStyle.SetOptFit(1111) # Random numbers from the Mersenne-Twister: r = TRandom3() r.SetSeed(1) # Initializing the random numbers using 1 as seed. Put "0" to use the time (i.e. random)! # I chose to put "1" in order for all of us to have the same "random" numbers. # Text to write on the plot: text = TLatex() text.SetNDC() #text.SetTextFont(1) #text.SetTextColor(1) SavePlots = False # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Define Histograms: # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # How does the fitted values come out: Hist_alpha0 = TH1F("Hist_alpha0", "Hist_alpha0", 80, 0.0, 8.0) Hist_alpha1 = TH1F("Hist_alpha1", "Hist_alpha1", 80, -0.25, 1.35) # How does the Chi-square and probability come out: Hist_Chi2 = TH1F("Hist_Chi2", "Hist_Chi2", 20, 0.0, 20.0) Hist_Prob = TH1F("Hist_Prob", "Hist_Prob", 20, 0.0, 1.0) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Loop over generating and fitting data: # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Nexp = 1 Npoints = 9 # Create arrays for graph (needed by ROOT): x = array( 'f', [0.0]*Npoints ) # Create an array of length Npoints with zeros. ex = array( 'f', [0.0]*Npoints ) # [X]*N is just a python syntax to initialize y = array( 'f', [0.0]*Npoints ) # a list of values X. ey = array( 'f', [0.0]*Npoints ) # Parameters used in this problem: alpha0 = 3.6 alpha1 = 0.3 alpha2 = 0.1 sigmay = 1.0 for iexp in range( Nexp ) : # Generate data: # -------------- for i in range( Npoints ) : x[i] = float( i+1 ) ex[i] = 0.0 y[i] = alpha0 + alpha1 * x[i] + r.Gaus( 0.0, sigmay ) # NOTE: Random Guassian noise added to each point! # y[i] = alpha0 + alpha1 * x[i] + alpha2 * x[i]*x[i] + r.Gaus(0.0,sigmay) ey[i] = sigmay # ---------------------- # Fit data analytically: # ---------------------- # The linear fit can be done analytically, as is outlined here # http://www.nbi.dk/~petersen/Teaching/Stat2016/StraightLineFit.pdf # Define the sums needed for the calculation: s = 0.0 # Counter sx = 0.0 # Sum over x sxx = 0.0 # Sum over x*x sy = 0.0 # Sum over y sxy = 0.0 # Sum over x*y # Loop over data to calculate relevant sums: for i in range( Npoints ) : s += 1.0 sx += x[i] sxx += sqr(x[i]) sy += y[i] sxy += x[i] * y[i] # Use sums in calculations: Delta = sxx * s - sqr(sx) alpha0_calc = (sy * sxx - sxy * sx) / Delta alpha1_calc = (sxy * s - sy * sx) / Delta sigma_alpha0_calc = sigmay * sqrt(sxx / Delta) sigma_alpha1_calc = sigmay * sqrt(s / Delta) # So now you have data points and a fit/theory. How to get the fit quality? # The answer is to calculate the Chi2 and Ndof, and from them get their # probability using a function (e.g. from ROOT): Chi2_calc = 0.0 for i in range( Npoints ) : fit_value = alpha0_calc + alpha1_calc * x[i] Chi2_calc += sqr((y[i] - fit_value) / ey[i]) Nvar = 2 # Number of variables (alpha0 and alpha1) Ndof_calc = Npoints - Nvar # Number of degrees of freedom # From Chi2 and Ndof, one can calculate the probability of obtaining this chi2 # value or something worse (i.e. higher Chi2). This is a good function to have! Prob_calc = TMath.Prob( Chi2_calc, Ndof_calc ) # ----------------------------------------- # Fit data numerically (i.e. using Minuit): # ----------------------------------------- # This is the same fit, but now done numerically and iteratively by Minuit in ROOT: # It is shorter, but a lot slower! However, it works for ALL functions! graph = TGraphErrors(Npoints, x, y, ex, ey) fit = TF1("fit", "[0] + [1]*x", 0.5, float(Npoints)+0.5) # fit = TF1("fit", "pol1", 0.5, float(Npoints)+0.5) # Alternative, using internal function "pol1" # fit.FixParameter(1, 0.0) graph.Fit("fit","RQ") # The "Q" option means "Quiet", i.e. don't print anything! alpha0_fit = fit.GetParameter(0) alpha1_fit = fit.GetParameter(1) sigma_alpha0_fit = fit.GetParError(0) sigma_alpha1_fit = fit.GetParError(1) # In ROOT, you can just ask the fit function for it: Chi2_fit = fit.GetChisquare() Ndof_fit = fit.GetNDF() Prob_fit = fit.GetProb() # Let us see, if the calculated and the fitted values agree: if iexp < 25 : print " Calc:%6.3f+-%5.3f %5.3f+-%5.3f p=%6.4f Fit:%6.3f+-%5.3f %5.3f+-%5.3f p=%6.4f"%( alpha0_calc, sigma_alpha0_calc, alpha1_calc, sigma_alpha1_calc, Prob_calc, alpha0_fit, sigma_alpha0_fit, alpha1_fit, sigma_alpha1_fit, Prob_fit) # Fill histograms with fit results: Hist_alpha0.Fill(alpha0_calc) Hist_alpha1.Fill(alpha1_calc) Hist_Chi2.Fill(Chi2_fit) Hist_Prob.Fill(Prob_fit) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Fit the data and plot the result: # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Make a white canvas and draw the example fit in: c0 = TCanvas("c0", "", 100, 20, 600, 450) c0.SetFillColor(0) graph.SetLineWidth(2) graph.SetMarkerStyle(20) graph.SetMarkerColor(2) graph.Draw("AP") c0.Update() if (SavePlots) : c0.SaveAs("FitToLine.pdf") # If there was more than one experiment, then make another white canvas: if (Nexp > 1) : c1 = TCanvas("c1", "", 150, 50, 1200, 700) c1.SetFillColor(0) c1.Divide(2,2) # Divide the canvas into 2-by-2 subcanvas c1.cd(1) # Go to the first subcanvas/pad Hist_alpha0.Draw("") # Draw the distribution of fitting values for the constant term c1.cd(2) # Go to the second subcanvas/pad (surprise!) Hist_alpha1.Draw("") # Draw the distribution of fitting values for the slope c1.cd(3) Hist_Chi2.Sumw2() # Ensure that ROOT propagates the uncertainties correctly! Hist_Chi2.DrawNormalized("e") # Here I draw it normalized, so that the function will match! f1a = TF1("f1a","ROOT::Math::chisquared_pdf(x,7)", 0, 20) # Define Chi-square function with Ndof=7 f1a.Draw("same") # Draw it on top of the histogram. # Text: text.SetTextSize(0.06) # Put some text in the plot too. text.DrawLatex(0.20, 0.16, "NOTE: This is not a fit!") c1.cd(4) Hist_Prob.SetMinimum(0.0) Hist_Prob.Draw("e") # Save to file: c1.Update() if (SavePlots) : c1.SaveAs("FitChi2dist.pdf") raw_input( ' ... Press enter to exit ... ' ) # Numbers to illustrate the point, that the ratio Chi2/Ndof is only a rule of thumb: print "\n Considering the relation between Chi2/Ndof ratio and Prob(Chi2,Ndof) vs. Ndof:" print " High number of degrees of freedom: Prob(240.0,200) = %7.5f"%(TMath.Prob(240.0, 200)) print " Low number of degrees of freedom: Prob( 2.4, 2) = %7.5f"%(TMath.Prob(2.4, 2)) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Make sure you've read the relevant references and that you understand not only what # the ChiSquare is, but also that it follows the ChiSquare distribution, and that the # probability of obtaining such a ChiSquare or worse (given that the hypothesis/PDF # is the correct one!) can be calculated from it. # # Executive Summary: The ChiSquare method is used both for getting the best fit, # and for testing the quality/probability of this fit. # # Questions: # ---------- # 1) Run the code such that it does exactly one fit, and take a look at the line fitted. # Does this look reasonable, and what is the chance that the input for the data could # actually be from a flat distribution, i.e. without the slope? # # 2) Does the fit reproduce the input numbers well (include the uncertainties in your # answer)? And do the analytical result(s) (Calc) agree with the numerical one(s) (Fit)? # # 3) Now increase the number of experiments to e.g. 1000, and rerun the macro. Figure # out what you see in the window split in 2-by-2, and go through each of these to # see, if you understand every feature of the distributions shown, and if you are # happy with them! Is this what you expected? # Try to make some fits of these output distributions to check, if you're satisfied! # # This somehow makes this the "long" question without any leading questions. # But you should try to be statistically minded enough and have an idea of what to # look for, at least to some degree :-) # # 4) Investigate if the distributions of probabilities is flat, or if it has some # slope to it. Do you understand why the distributions of probabilities is flat? # (This is typically conceptually hard to begin with, but don't worry!) # # 5) Find the line where the random points for the line are generated, and add a # quadratic term in x with the coefficient 0.1. Run the program again with Nexp=1, # and start by looking at the single fit in the graph. Can you see this change? # Now run 1000 experiments again, and see what has changed in the distributions # in the 2-by-2 window when including such a term, and think what consequences # it might have for an experiment. # # NOTE: The reason why the quadratic term is more clear in the latter case is NOT # that it is a better method. It is simply because there is 1000 times more statistics! # # # Advanced questions: # ------------------- # 1) Change the coefficient from question 5) to -0.2. Of course the linear fit does # not do very well. What changes are needed for the fit to be good again? Make # these changes, and see that the condition in question 4) is again met. # # 2) On page 104 Glen Cowan lists the conditions under which the ChiSquare distribution # is obtained (hypothesis is linear in fit parameters). Try to make a test, where # this is not the case (e.g. f(x) = cos(a*x)), and see to what degree this requirement # is actually needed. # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------