#!/usr/bin/env python # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # Python/ROOT macro for estimating the value of pi using a Monte Carlo technique. # # The program picks random points in the area [-1,1] x [-1,1], and determines which # fraction of these are within the unit circle. This in turn gives a measure of pi # with associated statistical uncertainty. Performing such "experiments" many times # not only gives the value of pi, but also a feel for the use of Monte Carlo, and # experience in calculating averages, RMSs, and the error on these. # # For more information see: # P. R. Bevington: page 75-78 # # Author: Troels C. Petersen (NBI) # Email: petersen@nbi.dk # Date: 25th of November 2016 # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # from ROOT import * # Import ROOT libraries (to use ROOT) from array import array # Import array for TGraphErrors... import math # Import MATH libraries (for extended MATH functions) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def sqr(a) : return a*a # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # gStyle.SetOptStat("emr") gStyle.SetOptFit(1111) SavePlots = False # Determining if plots are saved or not r = TRandom3() # Set parameters: Nexperiments = 100 # Number of "experiments" determining pi Npoints = 1000 # Number of points per experiment in determining pi pi_true = 3.14159265358979323846264338328 # = TMath.Pi() # Make histograms: Hist_PiDist = TH1F("Hist_PiDist", "Hist_PiDist", 50, 2.9, 3.4) Hist_HitDist = TH2F("Hist_HitDist", "Hist_HitDist", 200, -1.0, 1.0, 200, -1.0, 1.0) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Loop over process: #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # sum1 = 0.0 sum2 = 0.0 for iexp in range ( Nexperiments ) : Nhit = 0 for j in range ( Npoints ) : # Get two random numbers uniformly distributed in [-1,1]: x1 = 2.0 * (r.Uniform() - 0.5) x2 = 2.0 * (r.Uniform() - 0.5) # Test if (x1,x2) is within unit circle: if (x1*x1 + x2*x2 < 1.0) : Nhit += 1 # Plot 2D distribution of (x1,x2) for the first experiment: if (iexp == 0) : Hist_HitDist.Fill(x1,x2) # Calculate the fraction of points within the circle and its error: f = float(Nhit) / float(Npoints) ef = sqrt(f * (1.0-f) / float(Npoints)) # From this we can get pi and its error: pi_estm = 4.0 * f pi_error = 4.0 * ef # Plot these values and calculate mean and RMS: Hist_PiDist.Fill(pi_estm) sum1 += pi_estm sum2 += pi_estm * pi_estm # Print first couple of pi measurements: if (iexp < 5) : print " %2d. pi estimate: %7.4f +- %6.4f"%(iexp+1, pi_estm, pi_error) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Calculate average and RMS, and print the result compared to the true value of pi: if (Nexperiments > 1) : pi_ave = sum1 / float(Nexperiments) pi_rms = sqrt(sum2 / float(Nexperiments) - pi_ave * pi_ave) pi_err = pi_rms / sqrt(float(Nexperiments)) print " The %d experiments yields: pi = %7.5f +- %7.5f (RMS = %5.3f)"%(Nexperiments, pi_ave, pi_err, pi_rms) print " and the agreement with the true value of pi is: %6.2f sigma"%((pi_ave - pi_true) / pi_err) else : print " Since only one experiment was done, no average and RMS can be calculated." # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Plot the histograms: # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Distribution of points from one experiment: canvas1 = TCanvas("canvas1","", 80, 40, 650, 600) Hist_HitDist.SetMarkerColor(kRed) Hist_HitDist.SetMarkerStyle(20) Hist_HitDist.SetMarkerSize(0.4) Hist_HitDist.Draw() if (SavePlots) : canvas1.SaveAs("HitDist.pdf") # Distribution of resulting estimates for pi: canvas2 = TCanvas("canvas2","", 120, 80, 900, 600) fit_PiDist = TF1("fit_PiDist", "gaus", 2.9, 3.4) fit_PiDist.SetLineColor(kRed) Hist_PiDist.SetLineColor(kBlue) Hist_PiDist.Fit("fit_PiDist", "L") if (SavePlots) : canvas2.SaveAs("DistPiEstimates.pdf") raw_input( ' ... Press enter to exit ... ' ) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # First acquaint yourself with the program, and make sure that you understand what the # parameters "Nexperiment" and "Npoints" refere to! Also, before running the program, # calculate what precision you expect on pi in each experiment, when using the number # of points chosen in the program (i.e. 1000 points). # # Then, run the program, and then take a look at the result... which requires that you # fill in the calculations yourself! # # # Questions: # ---------- # 1) Try to run 100 experiments with 1000 points in each. What is the approximate # uncertainty on pi in each experiment? Does that fit, what you calculated before # running the program? What is the uncertainty on the AVERAGE of all 100 experiments? # # 2) How do you expect the values of pi to distribute themselves? And is this the # case in reality? # # 3) Does it make any difference on the precision of the final pi value, whether # you make many experiments with few points, or one experiment with many points, # as long as the product of Nexperiment x Npoints remains constant? # # The following problem is the REAL question in this exercise! # # 4) Now try to use this method in three dimensions to estimate the constant in # front of the r^3 expression for the volume. Do you get 4/3*pi? # Increase the dimensionality (say up to 10), and see if you can figure out # the constants needed to calculate the hyper-volumes! # # HINT: I'll reveal, that for Ndim of 4 and 5, the constant contains pi^2 and some # simple rational fraction, while for Ndim 6 and 7, it contains pi^3 and a # rational fraction. # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #