#!/usr/bin/env python # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # Python/ROOT macro for exercise on calibration. # # You're developping a new method for measuring the distance to stars, and want to # calibrate and thus improve this method, such that the precision obtained is unbiased # and has a minimal variance. You know that the method depends on several factors, such as: # * Amount of signal light from the star (lsig) # * Amount of background light in the surrounding sky (lbkg) # * Temperature of star (temp) # * Transparency of sky (tsky) # # In order to determine the influence of these factors, and how much you need to correct # for each of them, you consider 10.000 stars with known distances (measured by another # method, e.g. triangulation). From these, you can find how well your own method works, # make corrections to biases as needed, and finally find out how precise your calibrated # method is. Happy calibration. # # Author: Troels C. Petersen (NBI) # Email: petersen@nbi.dk # Date: 5th of December 2016 # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # from ROOT import * from array import array # Setting what to be shown in statistics box: gStyle.SetOptStat("emr") gStyle.SetOptFit(1111) verbose = True Nverbose = 10 SaveFigures = false # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def sqr(a) : return a*a # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Define files, lists, counters and read data: # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # file = "data_calib.txt" dknown = [] dmeas = [] lsig = [] lbkg = [] temp = [] tsky = [] Nread = 0 # Loop over files and open them with open( file, 'r' ) as f : # Loop over lines and extract variables of interest for line in f: line = line.strip() columns = line.split() if (len(columns) == 6) : # Put the values read into lists: dknown.append(float(columns[0])) dmeas.append(float(columns[1])) lsig.append(float(columns[2])) lbkg.append(float(columns[3])) temp.append(float(columns[4])) tsky.append(float(columns[5])) if (verbose and Nread < Nverbose) : print " Distance (known) = %8.2f Distance (measured) = %6.3f "%(dknown[-1], dmeas[-1]) Nread += 1 f.close() # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Make Histograms and vectors: # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Hist_Raw = TH1F("Hist_Raw", "Hist_Raw", 80, -2.0, 2.0) Hist_Calib = TH1F("Hist_Calib", "Hist_Calib", 80, -2.0, 2.0) # Example histograms of "Luminosity Signal (lsig)" distribution Hist_lsig = TH1F("Hist_lsig", "Hist_lsig", 50, 0.0, 50.0) Hist_lsig2D = TH2F("Hist_lsig2D", "Hist_lsig2D", 50, 0.0, 50.0, 50, -1.0, 1.0) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Loop over data and make plots: # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # for i in range (len(dknown)) : # Note the initial relative resolution: distrel = (dmeas[i] - dknown[i]) / dknown[i] Hist_Raw.Fill(distrel) # Do calibration (expand this yourself!): # --------------------------------------- dmeas_calib = dmeas[i] # Make corrections that gives a better resolution here... # Note the final relative resolution: distrel_calib = (dmeas_calib - dknown[i]) / dknown[i] Hist_Calib.Fill(distrel_calib) # Histograms for making calibration: Hist_lsig.Fill(lsig[i]) Hist_lsig2D.Fill(lsig[i], distrel) print " The initial and final resolutions are: %6.3f and %6.3f \n"%(Hist_Raw.GetRMS(), Hist_Calib.GetRMS()) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Show the distribution of fitting results: # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # c0 = TCanvas("c0","", 20, 50, 900, 600) Hist_Raw.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Realitive precision (dmeas - dknown) / dknown") Hist_Raw.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Frequency") Hist_Raw.SetLineWidth(2) Hist_Raw.SetLineColor(2) Hist_Raw.Draw() Hist_Calib.SetLineWidth(2) Hist_Calib.SetLineColor(4) Hist_Calib.Draw("same") c0.Update() if (SaveFigures) : c0.SaveAs("UncalibratedCalibrated.pdf") # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Show the distribution of fitting results: # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # c1 = TCanvas("c1","", 120, 100, 900, 600) Hist_lsig2D.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Signal light from star (lsig)") Hist_lsig2D.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Realitive precision (dmeas - dknown) / dknown") Hist_lsig2D.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0.0, 50.0) Hist_lsig2D.Draw("box text") ProfX_lsig = Hist_lsig2D.ProfileX("ProfX_lsig") ProfX_lsig.SetLineWidth(2) ProfX_lsig.SetLineColor(2) ProfX_lsig.Draw("same") c1.Update() raw_input( ' ... Press enter to exit ... ' ) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # As always look at the data and get a feel for each of the variables. A good idea might # be to plot them all to know what range to expect them in. # # Next, consider the distribution of "relative differences" (RD) between the observed # (by your method!) and actual distance: RD = (dist_obs - dist_known) / dist_known # The RMS is 0.27, i.e. a 27% precision, and it is neither centered at zero (as it # should not to be biased), nor very Gaussian. There is also a long tail towards too # high values. This is what you want to improve upon! # # Finally, there is the distribution of the bias and relative precision as a function of # the signal luminosity (lsig). As you can see, the response does not depend on lsig, # and so there seems to be no (varying) bias from this variable. Check the other three # variables, and if you find some bias, try to correct for it, such that you get the # relative difference to be the most narrow Gaussian centered around 0. # # Note that if you are on average say 50% too high compared to the true values, then # you need to correct by 50%, i.e. divide by (1 + 0.5), and in general, if your # measurement is f(x) off, where f(x) describes the offset, then you need to divide # by (1 + f(T)). Why: # # RD = (d - d_true) / d_true => d_true = d / (1 + f(x)) # # Thus define d_calib = d / (1 + f(x)), and continue using d_calib when considering # other effects. # # # Questions: # ---------- # 1) What corrections do you apply for each of the variables, and how much do each of # them improve on the result? # 2) Try at the end to figure out, which variables the final resolution depends on. # Can you give an estimate of the uncertainty for each single star? # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #