#!/usr/bin/env python # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # Python script giving example of making a nice ROOT figure. # # Author: Troels C. Petersen (NBI) # Email: petersen@nbi.dk # Date: 4th of November 2016 # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # from ROOT import * from array import array from math import sqrt # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Example of nice plot: # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # gROOT.Reset() # Setting of general plotting style: gStyle.SetCanvasColor(0) gStyle.SetFillColor(0) # Settings for statistics box: gStyle.SetOptStat(1111) gStyle.SetOptFit(1111) # Statistics and fitting box placing and size: gStyle.SetStatX(0.92) gStyle.SetStatY(0.94) gStyle.SetStatW(0.15); gStyle.SetStatH(0.10); # Random numbers from the Mersenne-Twister: r = TRandom3() r.SetSeed(1) # Text to write on the plot: text = TLatex() text.SetNDC() text.SetTextFont(1) text.SetTextColor(1) SavePlots = True # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Generate data: # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Npoints = 200 x = array( 'f', [0.0]*Npoints ) # Create an array of length Npoints with zeros. ex = array( 'f', [0.0]*Npoints ) # [X]*N is just a python syntax to initialize y = array( 'f', [0.0]*Npoints ) # a list of values X. ey = array( 'f', [0.0]*Npoints ) alpha0 = 3.6 alpha1 = -2.8 alpha2 = 2.3 alpha3 = -0.5 sigmay = 0.2 Npoints2 = 40 Noffset = 50 # Generate data: # -------------- for i in range( Npoints ) : sigmay_used = sigmay if (Noffset < i < Noffset+Npoints2) : sigmay_used = sigmay * 1.6 # Noisy region! x[i] = float(i+3) / 50.0 ex[i] = 0.0 y[i] = alpha0 + alpha1 * x[i] + alpha2 * x[i]*x[i] + alpha3 * x[i]*x[i]*x[i] + r.Gaus(0.0,sigmay_used) ey[i] = sigmay # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Fit the data and plot the result: # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # For graphs in general, see the tutorial page for many more examples: # http://root.cern.ch/root/html/tutorials/graphs/index.html # Make a white canvas and draw the example fit in: c0 = TCanvas("c0","",50,50,1200,700) c0.SetFillColor(0) # Fit data: # --------- graph = TGraphErrors( Npoints,x,y,ex,ey ) # How do you control the axis? # Read more at: http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TGaxis.html graph.SetTitle("Fit of a graph") graph.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(-0.1, 4.1) graph.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(-4.0, 5.4) graph.GetXaxis().CenterTitle(); # Centers titles graph.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Deciliters of alcohol") graph.GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(50510) # The "50510" is a code, see http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TAttAxis.html # See also: http://root.cern.ch/root/html/tutorials/graphics/gaxis.C.html graph.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Spirit of the night") graph.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.5) graph.SetLineWidth(2) graph.SetMarkerStyle(20) graph.SetMarkerSize(0.6) graph.SetMarkerColor(kRed) graph.Draw("AP") fit = TF1("fit", "pol3", 0.0, float(Npoints+4)/50.0 ) fit.SetLineColor(kRed) fit.SetParNames("Constant", "Linear coef.", "Quadratic coef.", "Qubic coef.") graph.Fit("fit","R") # In ROOT, you can just ask the fit function for it: Chi2_fit = fit.GetChisquare() Ndof_fit = fit.GetNDF() Prob_fit = fit.GetProb() # Text: text.SetTextSize(0.04) text.DrawLatex(0.16, 0.84, "The fit is dubious: Prob(%5.1f,%3d)=%6.4f"%(Chi2_fit,Ndof_fit,Prob_fit)) text.SetTextSize(0.03) text.DrawLatex(0.16, 0.81, "Perhaps there is a noisy region?") # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Make insert figure (done using a "pad"): # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Copy data into a new graph to be drawn x2 = array( 'f', [0.0]*Npoints2 ) ex2 = array( 'f', [0.0]*Npoints2 ) y2 = array( 'f', [0.0]*Npoints2 ) ey2 = array( 'f', [0.0]*Npoints2 ) for i in range( Npoints2 ) : x2[i] = x[i+Noffset] ex2[i] = ex[i+Noffset] y2[i] = y[i+Noffset] ey2[i] = ey[i+Noffset] graph2 = TGraphErrors( Npoints2,x2,y2,ex2,ey2 ) # Make the pad: pad = TPad("pad", "pad", 0.12, 0.11, 0.65, 0.55, 0, 1, 1); pad.SetTopMargin(0.0); pad.SetFillColor(0); pad.GetFrame().SetFillColor(0); pad.GetFrame().SetBorderSize(0); pad.Draw(); pad.cd(); # Go to this pad, such that next "Draw" is here! xlow = 1.05 xhigh = 1.85 ylow = 1.90 yhigh = 4.10 graph2.SetTitle("") graph2.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(xlow,xhigh) graph2.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(ylow,yhigh) graph2.SetLineWidth(2) graph2.SetMarkerStyle(20) graph2.SetMarkerColor(2) graph2.Draw("AP") fit.Draw("same") # Go back to the large canvas and indicate the cut-out: c0.cd() line0 = TLine(xlow, ylow, xhigh, ylow) line0.Draw() line1 = TLine(xlow, ylow, xlow, yhigh) line1.Draw() line2 = TLine(xlow, yhigh, xhigh, yhigh) line2.Draw() line3 = TLine(xhigh, ylow, xhigh, yhigh) line3.Draw() line0b = TLine(0.36, 1.34, 1.05, 1.9) line0b.SetLineStyle(3) line0b.Draw() line1b = TLine(1.86, 1.9, 2.52, 1.34) line1b.SetLineStyle(3) line1b.Draw() if (SavePlots) : c0.SaveAs("NiceFigureExample.pdf") # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # raw_input( ' ... Press enter to exit ... ' )