13:16:56 From Jakob : A Question for the weighted average, can you put a few comments on when to use the "inverse weighted average" vs a "simple weighted average"? 13:21:55 From Marta Mrozowska : Troels, if you're "not that smart", there's no hope for the rest of us... 13:27:52 From Jaime Caballer-Revenga : f(x') is the function for an arbitrary value of x, right? 13:31:42 From Jaime Caballer-Revenga : both methods (transformation and accept-reject) have identical applications, or are used to find solutions to different sort of problems? 13:33:29 From Jakob : That was for the Table measurement before 13:34:02 From Rahul Rajendra Aralikatte : What do we do for functions with high dimensionality where we don’t know the boundaries? 13:34:12 From Lasse Bonn : where do our uniform random numbers come from 13:34:33 From Norman Pedersen : At this current slite ( Accept-Reject method :Example) why cant we use the inverse F ? 13:34:56 From Qinyi Chen : Lasse, maybe np.random()? 13:35:02 From peter Bagnegaard : These methods seem to rely on uniformly distributed numbers to generate random numbers from a distribution. Is this the case with all the methods? 13:36:56 From Bia Fonseca : if you have a problem with high dimension, maybe works to reduce the dimensionality first then work on the reduced data? 13:39:09 From Marcus Nørgaard Weng : Can I ask a question verbally? About the table measurement 13:45:34 From Lasse Bonn : those expressions are for computer time? 13:48:48 From Mirjam Partovi Dilami : Can we see our answers to the Table Measurement exercise? 13:50:17 From Qinyi Chen : and can we find answers to the exercise questions in course webpage? 13:52:45 From Jaime Caballer-Revenga : with highly efficient computation, the efficiency of the method is really a problem?, you could just let it run overnight..., right? 13:54:27 From Mirjam Partovi Dilami : Can we see our answers to the Table Measurement exercise? 13:55:12 From Sarah Jane Stapleton : Can you recommend an article for applications and uses of Monte Carlo and Accept/Reject methods? 13:56:36 From Hjalte : In chemistry it is used a lot to simulate how a catalyst works. 13:57:16 From Mirjam Partovi Dilami : Glen Cown seems very relevant. Is it a book you could recommend us to buy?