09:16:07 From jakob : Good morning! :) 09:33:23 From Lasse Bonn : can you give an example where P(theory) might be known 09:38:54 From Rahul Rajendra Aralikatte : Its still the first dataset we use even today 09:41:09 From Albert Bjerregård Sneppen : 😂 09:48:35 From Norman Pedersen : could you elaborate a bit on what it means to put a second axis into the data like that ? 09:50:09 From Rahul Rajendra Aralikatte : isn’t that similar to kernel methods? 09:50:41 From Rahul Rajendra Aralikatte : Sure :) 09:52:40 From Peter Andresen : How do you find the mean of A and B? 09:53:06 From Peter Andresen : If you already know which are which, why do you then want to separate them? 09:54:01 From Peter Andresen : Thanks :-) 09:56:36 From peter Bagnegaard : What's the importance of w0? 09:56:40 From Peter Andresen : How do you go from F value to a conclusion? 09:56:53 From Lasse Bonn : so fishers discriminant can only separate two classes 09:56:57 From Lasse Bonn : ? 09:57:57 From Peter Andresen : Perfect, thanks 10:03:33 From Sarah Jane Stapleton : Can the scale be shifted to -1 and +1 for any a and b combination of values? Are there any limitations? 10:04:13 From Marcus Nørgaard Weng : Isn't the Fisher method pretty close to PCA? Are they related? 10:04:32 From Jakob : What Marcus said, and what about LDA? 10:05:47 From Jakob : But that works with more categories right? 10:06:04 From Jakob : I see thanks