13:24:26 From Peter Andresen : How do you get 11 numbers from 2 types of particles and 3 detectors? 13:47:05 From Lasse Bonn : are there no theoretical predictions or previously measured numbers for these detector distributions? could we not fit the data this way? 13:48:45 From Lasse Bonn : thanks 13:49:15 From Jaime Caballer Revenga : by "strange correlations" you don't mean correlation between measurements, as they are independent, right? 13:49:56 From Jaime Caballer Revenga : ok, thanks 13:51:33 From Marcus Nørgaard Weng : It sounds illegal! 13:52:07 From peter Bagnegaard : Is any calibration or normalization of the data needed? Or is that for us to find out? 13:52:18 From Nicolai Ree : With 2d plot do you then mean just 2d scatter plot or 2d histogram like we did with the calibration?