Physics of Continuous Matter by B. Lautrup









             Ordering information                    Excerpts from the book            Reviews

This is the portal for the above book published in early 2005. Here you will find a number of useful items. The portal will be regularly updated with new information.

bullet Mathematica programs
Programs used for working out the examples, problems, and most of the figures.
bullet Gallery of figures
The gray-scale figures of the book - especially the simulations - become much more informative and beautiful in colours.
bullet Gallery of persons
In the books there are sketchy microbiographies of all the major scientists that have worked on continuum physics. Here you find links to more extended biographies.
bullet Extra problems
More problems with solutions.
bullet News, links, and goodies.
A collection of links to interesting pages, news,  extra material destined for a future edition, and other goodies.
bullet Errata
Misprints and minor corrections.

The author is grateful for any communication whatsoever  about the book. Comments, corrections and suggestions for improvement are extremely welcome. Please send email to  Benny Lautrup at

This page last revised on 04-Jan-2006