<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< H U G I N O G M U N I N elektronisk nyhedsbrev for AAbent Netvaerk for Videnskabsfilosofi og Videnskabshistorie nr. 101 d. 22. marts 2000 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bringer meddelelser om aktiviteter indenfor VIDENSKABSHISTORIE og VIDENSKABSFILOSOFI og tilgraensende omraader som eksempelvis FORSKNING I FORSKNING * VIDENSKABSTEORI * VIDENSKABSETIK VIDENSKABSSOCIOLOGI * VIDENSKAB, TEKNOLOGI OG SAMFUND * BIOETIK FORSKNINGSPOLITIK * NATURFILOSOFI * VIDENSKABSFORMIDLING <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Indhold: Opslag: Science Wars Models, maps, schemata: Semiotics and cognitive science (cfp) Naturen mellem videnskab og religion >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Opslag: <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: Louis Klostergaard Institutkollokvium ved IVH (Aarhus) Torsdag d. 23.3 kl. 1515 i koll. G4, Matematisk Institut Stud. scient. Laila Zwisler: Science Wars Abstract: I 90'erne har vi v¾ret vidne til et specielt voldsomt sammenst¿d mellem naturvidenskaberne og humanvidenskaberne. Konflikten blev d¿bt the Science Wars i 1995. Jeg vil begynde foredraget med the Science Wars forhistorie, hvor de positivistiske og postmodernistiske ideer spiller en vigtig rolle. Herefter vil jeg fort¾lle om konkliktens videre udvikling med hovedv¾gten lagt pŒ naturvidenskabsm¾ndenes rolle. Den absolutte hovedv¾gt er lagt pŒ fysikkeren Alan Sokals rolle i debatten. Ved et virkeligt fr¾kt tr¾k, hvor det lykkes Sokal at fŒ et kendt humanistisk tidsskrift til at optage en falsk artikel, bliver Sokal krigens hovedperson. I foredraget vil jeg vurdere Sokals synspunkter og vise, hvordan Sokal udvikler sine synspunkter i debattens l¿b. Desuden vil jeg komme ind pŒ naturvidenskabsm¾ndenes motiver for at deltage i Science Wars. PŒ gensyn Louis Klostergaard Kontoret, 89 42 35 12, ivhlk[ at ]ifa.au.dk <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: Martin Skov Call for Papers 5th Congress of NASS (Nordic Association for Semiotic Studies) MODELS, MAPS, SCHEMATA SEMIOTICS AND COGNITIVE SCIENCE Time: November 23-25, 2000 Place: Copenhagen, Denmark (venue not determined yet) Presentation: NASS invites all Nordic semioticians, researchers and students, to participate in the 5th congress of NASS, "Models, Maps, Schemata". Semiotics has no doubt undergone a cognitive revolution during the last decade. Many of the central issues of the semiotic tradition are now attacked in fertile ways from various cognitive points of view (not always necessarily using the term semiotics). On the other hand, semiotics already contains developments relevant for some of the questions in cognitive science - e.g. its more advanced and plastic symbol concept. In order to investigate this relation between semiotics and cognitive science, the present congress seeks to highlight this relationship and the relevant semiotic topics: models, maps, and schemata. Paper proposals will be welcome within all the traditional subdisciplines of semiotics ö only, the specific treatment should relate to the overall congress theme. Arranged under the Auspicies of the Board of NASS by: Frederik Stjernfelt (Chair), Martin Skov & Silvia Goldbaum Tarabini. Programme: The congress will feature both plenary and parallel sessions. The plenary speakers have all been invited by the organizers. Congress Language: English. Length of Presentation: The length of the session presentations will be 20 minutes with additional 10 minutes for discussion. Submission of Abstract: An abstract of no more than 400 words, including title, name(s) of the author(s) - if multiple, with indication of who will be the presenter's affiliation, and address/phone/email should be sent to the organizers, preferably by email to: semiotik[ at ]hum.ku.dk. If email is not possible, write to Prof. Frederik Stjernfelt Dept. of Comparative Literature University of Copenhagen Njalsgade 80, DK-2300 Copenhagen S Denmark Deadline: Proposals should be submitted before August 1st, 2000. All participants will be notified if their paper is accepted September 1st, 2000, at the latest. List of Parallel Sessions Biosemiotics (session chairman: Claus Emmeche) Diagram Semiotics (session chairman: Michael May) Neurosemiotics (session chairman: Martin Skov) Social Semiotics and Semiotics of Theology (session chairman: Nils Gunder Hansen) Phenomenology (session chairman: Dan Zahavi) Linguistics (session chairman: Henrik J¿rgensen) Prose Theory (session chairman: Kjell-Lars Berge) Literary Theory (session chairman: Drude von der Fehr) Arts and Pictorial Semiotics (session chairman: Gšran Sonesson) Mathematics and Semiotics (session chairman: Svend ¯stergaard) Anthropology and Semiotics (session chairman: Andreas Roepstorff) Semiotics and Economics (session chairman: Hans Siggaard Jensen) Cartography and Semiotics (session chairman: Troels Degn Johansson) All questions or other mail to the organizers should (preferably) be sent by e-mail to semiotik[ at ]hum.ku.dk. Congress Web-site: www.ihi.ku.dk/~mskov/nass.htm [this site will up and running from April 1.] <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: Peter Nicolai Halvorsen Onsdag d. 22. marts kl.19.30 K¿benhavn: HC¯, Aud. 8, Universitetsparken 5 Natursyn Naturen mellem videnskab og religion. En debat mellem lektor, dr. scient., Jens Martin Knudsen og journalist Ejvind Larsen Venlig hilsen Nicolai Halvorsen Studenterpr¾st pŒ natur og sund http://www.sund.ku.dk/praest tlf.353 27094 - lokale 9.1.47 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Slut paa HUGIN og MUNIN nr.101 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< H U G I N O G M U N I N elektronisk nyhedsbrev for AAbent Netvaerk for Videnskabsfilosofi og Videnskabshistorie nr. 102 d. 29. marts 2000 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bringer meddelelser om aktiviteter indenfor VIDENSKABSHISTORIE og VIDENSKABSFILOSOFI og tilgraensende omraader som eksempelvis FORSKNING I FORSKNING * VIDENSKABSTEORI * VIDENSKABSETIK VIDENSKABSSOCIOLOGI * VIDENSKAB, TEKNOLOGI OG SAMFUND * BIOETIK FORSKNINGSPOLITIK * NATURFILOSOFI * VIDENSKABSFORMIDLING <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Indhold: 1. Opslag: Divergente r¾kker: oprindelsen af summationsteorier A Centre for Early Quantum Physics 2. Internet-nyt SHOT meeting HYLE journal >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. Opslag: <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: Louis Klostergaard, ivhlk[ at ]ifa.au.dk Institutkollokvium ved Institut for Videnskabshistorie, Aarhus Universitet Torsdag d. 30.3 kl. 15:15, i koll. G4, Matematisk Institut Stud. scient. Lise H. Kjelstr¿m: Divergente r¾kker-oprindelsen af summationsteorier for uendelige r¾kker set i relation til modernismen Abstract: Divergente r¾kker kan synes som et sn¾vert matematisk emne, for hvad andet kan der siges om sŒdanne uendelige r¾kker, end at da de ikke konvergerer har de ingen sum, og kan dermed ikke anvendes i matematiske udregninger. Fakta er dog at der er meget at sige om de divergente r¾kkers rolle i matematikken, idet r¾kkerne i det 17. og 18. Œrh. blev anset som meget nyttige, og fuldberettigede objekter i matematikken, for i starten af 1800-tallet at blive karakteriseret som upŒlidelige objekter, som matematikere burde afholde sig fra at bruge. Endelig blev der i slutningen af 1800-tallet af Ernesto Csaro taget det f¿rste skridt mod en egentlig summationsteori for generelle uendelige r¾kker, der summerer visse divergente r¾kker. Jeg vil i kollokviet beskrive hvordan der i det 17. og 18.Œrh. - f¿rt an af Euler - blev regnet formelt med divergente r¾kker, og hvordan disse blev tildelt endelige summer, pŒ trods af de oplagte paradokser dette f¿rte til [...]. Desuden vil jeg pr¾cisere hvilke forskellige syn, der var pŒ divergente r¾kker i det 17. og 18.Œrh. sammenlignet med Cauchys og Abels holdninger i starten af 1800-tallet. Endelig vil jeg komme ind pŒ Csaros artikel fra 1890, hvori han gav den f¿rste definition pŒ et udvidet sumbegreb for uendelige r¾kker, og belyse hvilke ideer fra de foregŒende perioder han kombinerede dermed, og diskutere om den anderledes angrebsvinkel han behandlede generelle r¾kker med kan beskrives i relation til modernisme. <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: "Anne Lis Rasmussen, Niels Bohr Archive" The Niels Bohr Archive's Monday 10 April 2000 at 14.15 History of Science Seminar Auditorium M, Niels Bohr Institute Blegdamsvej 21, Copenhagen Dieter Hoffmann Research Scholar, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin A Centre for Early Quantum Physics The talk will describe Berlin's place in the history of early quantum physics. With the creation of a new radiation law and the introduction of h by Max Planck, Berlin physicists played a pioneering role in the establishment of quantum theory. But their contribution to early quantum physics is not limited to that - the precision measurements of light radiation and in some other fields (e.g., photochemistry) at the Physikalisch-Technische Reichsanstalt, the low temperature investigations by Walther Nernst, as well as a host of other other research and scientific activities, made Berlin into a leading centre for quantum physics during the first decades of the twentieth century. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. Internet-nyt SHOT meeting: http://www.mzwtg.mwn.de/mzwtg-e-kopf2.htm#Mitglieder August 17-20, 2000, the Munich Center for the History of Science and Technology will host the annual meeting of the "Society for the History of Technology" (SHOT) together with the annual meeting of the "Gesellschaft fŸr Technikgeschichte" (GTG). Meeting information is also available on the SHOT-homepage http://www.press.jhu.edu/associations/shot/ and in German on the web page of the GTG at http://www.zigt.ze.tu-muenchen.de/. [...] Hans Weinberger writes: The SHOT 2000 Program Committee would like to announce that the provisional program is posted at the following WEBSITE: http://www.mzwtg.mwn.de/SHOT2000/shot_gtg_program.html On behalf of the whole committee, we would like to say how extraordinarily difficult this year's selection process has been due to the large number and the unusually high quality of all submissions. We received over three times the proposals as last year, and we tried to expand the number of slots so that we could include additional proposals. We would therefore like to thank the SHOT community and all those interested in the history of technology who undertook the work to put together so many interesting submissions. Sincerely, Michael Allen, Zentralinstitut f=FCr Geschichte der Technik Technische Universitaet Muenchen, c/o Deutsches Museum Museuminsel 1, 80306 Muenchen, BRD/Germany EMAIL: Mike.Allen[ at ]mzwtg.mwn.de or mike.allen[ at ]hts.gatech.edu Hans Weinberger, Avd. fšr teknik och vetenskapshistoria Kungl. Tekniska Hšgskolan hans[ at ]kth.se <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: Joachim Schummer HYLE An International Journal for the Philosophy of Chemistry http://www.uni-karlsruhe.de/~philosophie/hyle.html This is to let you know that the second part of our special issue on MODELS IN CHEMISTRY has appeared. The present section is particulary on Molecular Models (see ToC below). Full papers are available for free at: http://www.uni-karlsruhe.de/~philosophie/hyle.html If you like to receive announcements of further issues on a regular basis, please subscribe to our announcement list, as some 520 people did already. Send e-mail to LISTSERV[ at ]RZ.UNI-KARLSRUHE.DE with the only text in the body of your message: SUBSCRIBE HYLE-L YOUR NAME where you should insert your name. Best wishes, Joachim Schummer, Editor ----------------------------------- HYLE, Vol. 6, No. 1 ----------------------------------- Special Anniversary Issue: MODELS IN CHEMISTRY (2). Molecular Models - Editorial - Giuseppe Del Re (Napoli, Italy): "Models and analogies in science" - Pawel Zeidler (Poznan, Poland): "The Epistemological Status of Theoretical Models of Molecular Structure" - Peter Ramberg (Berlin, Germany): "Pragmatism, Belief, and Reduction: Stereoformulas and Atomic Models in Early Stereochemistry" - Eric Francoeur (Berlin, Germany): "Beyond dematerialization and inscription: Does the materiality of molecular models really matter?" - Pierre Laszlo (Liege, Belgium): "Playing with Molecular Models" BOOK REVIEWS - John W. Burbidge: "Real Process. How Logic and Chemistry Combine in Hegel's Philosophy", Toronto 1996 (by ULRICH RUSCHIG) - Elisabeth Crawford: "Arrhenius: From Ionic Theory to the Greenhouse Effect", Canton 1996; & Diana Barkan: "Walther Nernst and the Transition to Modern Physical Science", Cambridge 1999 (by PETER J. RAMBERG) - Lawrence M. Principe: "The Aspiring Adept. Robert Boyle and His Alchemical Quest", Princeton 1998 (by VLADIMIR KARPENKO) - Britta Goers: "Chemischer Atomismus. Anwendung, Veraenderung, Alternativen im deutschsprachigen Raum in der zweiten Haelfte des 19. Jahrhunderts", Berlin 1999 (by KLAUS RUTHENBERG) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Slut paa HUGIN og MUNIN nr.102 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< H U G I N O G M U N I N elektronisk nyhedsbrev for AAbent Netvaerk for Videnskabsfilosofi og Videnskabshistorie nr. 103 d. 25. april 2000 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bringer meddelelser om aktiviteter indenfor VIDENSKABSHISTORIE og VIDENSKABSFILOSOFI og tilgraensende omraader som eksempelvis FORSKNING I FORSKNING * VIDENSKABSTEORI * VIDENSKABSETIK VIDENSKABSSOCIOLOGI * VIDENSKAB, TEKNOLOGI OG SAMFUND * BIOETIK FORSKNINGSPOLITIK * NATURFILOSOFI * VIDENSKABSFORMIDLING <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Indhold: Opslag: The foreign policy of Swedish science 1917-1926 Ph.d.-kursus i videnskabsteori: Disease, Genes, Reduction Kompleksiteten og den menneskelige tilv¾relse The problem of the unity of science Tiltr¾delsesforel¾sning: "Medicinhistoriens fremtid -- ..." >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Opslag: <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: "Anne Lis Rasmussen, Niels Bohr Archive" The Niels Bohr Archive's Wednesday 26 April 2000 at 14:30 History of Science Seminar Auditorium A, Niels Bohr Institute Blegdamsvej 21, Copenhagen Sven Widmalm, Docent Office for History of Science Uppsala University The foreign policy of Swedish science 1917-1926 In the summer of 1917, the Norwegian academic and politician Fredrik Stang proposed, at a Scandinavian inter-parliamentarian meeting at Kristiania (Oslo), that the Nordic countries should make a concerted effort to promote the resumption of international collaboration in science after the war. He believed that the Nordic countries could replace Germany as centres of international science as they offered researchers from the Entente and the Central Powers neutral ground for meeting and collaborating. Norway and Denmark acted on Stang's suggestion, setting up foundations that would finance international exchange in science and the humanities. One result of this initiative was the Rask-¯rsted Foundation which, among other things, sponsored visitors to Niels Bohr's Institute for Theoretical Physics. The talk will describe the wartime plans to use neutrality as a resource for making Sweden a centre of international science. It will also discuss Swedish activities after the war within the International Research Council (IRC), an organization created by Entente scientists in order to restructure international collaboration along the lines of the Versailles treaty. The Central Powers were excluded until 1926, and Swedish activities within the IRC centred on this problem: how to make the organization "truly international" by lifting the boycott of Germany and by strengthening the influence of smaller (often neutral) states. <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: haan[ at ]kubism.ku.dk Ph.d.-kursus i videnskabsteori: Disease, Genes, Reduction S¿minestationen, 24.-28. september 2000 Ph.d-kurset 'Disease, Genes, Reduction' omhandler den videnskabsteoretiske reduktionisme-debat. Kurset gennemgŒr typer af reduktionistiske og anti-reduktionistiske argumenter sammen med udvalge case studier fra det medicinske sŒvel som fra andre omrŒder. Endvidere vil en r¾kke besl¾gtede emner blive belyst, herunder enhedsvidenskab, teoriafpr¿vning, Îevidensbaseret' videnskab, samt genetik og milj¿. Kurset vil bestŒ af forel¾sninger og diskussionsseminarer ved kursusl¾rerne. Endvidere vil der blive afsat tid til freml¾ggelse og diskussion af deltagernes forskningsprojekter. Kurset henvender sig til ph.d.-studerende inden for alle grene af videnskabsforskning samt til ph.d.-studerende fra alle fag hvor reduktionismedebatten spiller en rolle. Kurset afholdes som internatskursus pŒ S¿minestationen i Dragerup Skov ved Isefjorden. Kurset arrangeres af adjunkt Hanne Andersen, Afd. for Medicinsk Videnskabsteori, K¿benhavns Universitet (tlf. 3532 7931, e-mail: h.andersen[ at ]medphil.ku.dk) og professor Stig Andur Pedersen, Faggruppen for Filosofi og Videnskabsteori, RUC. L¾rerkorpset bestŒr endvidere af professor Kenneth Schaffner, George Washington University, professor Paul Hoyningen-Huene, UniversitŠt Hannover, samt Dr. Marcel Weber, UniversitŠt Hannover. For ph.d.-studerende hvis institution ikke har udvekslingsaftale med Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet skal betales en undervisningsafgift (ca. kr. 1.350). Tilmelding SENEST MANDAG D. 1. MAJ 2000 pŒ s¾rlig tilmeldingsblanket, der kan rekvireres hos Ph.d. Sekretariatet, Panum Instiuttet, Blegdamsvej 3, 2200 Kbh N, tlf. 3532 7065, e-mail: anlo[ at ]adm.ku.dk. N¾rmere oplysninger om kurset kan rekvireres fra Hanne Andersen. Hanne Andersen Dept. for Medical Philosophy and Clinical Theory University of Copenhagen Panum Institute, Blegdamsvej 3 DK-2200 Copenhagen N Phone: (+45) 3532 7931 Fax: (+45) 3532 7938 <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: Kees van Kooten Niekerk FORUM TEOLOGI NATURVIDENSKAB Hermed indbydes til FTN's 20. Symposium pŒ Pressens Uddannelsescenter, Universitetsparken, Aarhus Universitet l¿rdag den 6. maj 2000 KOMPLEKSITETEN OG DEN MENNESKELIGE TILV®RELSE I s¾sonen 1999-2000 har Forum Teologi Naturvidenskab indkredset de filosofiske, idŽhistoriske og teologiske perspektiver i de nye kompleksitetsvidenskaber. Det Œrlige symposium forts¾tter - og afslutter - denne linje ved at s¾tte fokus pŒ den kompleksitet, som kommer til udtryk i menneskets egen tilv¾relse. Til dette formŒl har vi inviteret to internationalt kendte forskere, J. Wentzel van Huyssteen fra Princeton Theological Seminary, og S¿ren Brunak fra Danmarks Tekniske Universitet. J. Wentzel van Huyssteen er James McCord Professor i teologi og naturvidenskab og en n¿gleperson i diskussionen mellem de to fag. van Huyssteen vil introducere den evolution¾re psykologi, herunder den nyere forskning i den s¾rlige evne til sproglig symboldannelse, som kendetegner homo sapiens. Mens van Huyssteens foredrag behandler mennesket som f¾notype og herunder s¾tter fokus pŒ religionens rolle i menneskets udvikling, er temaet for S¿ren Brunaks foredrag den menneskelige genotype og den h¿jfleksible organisme, som bliver resultatet heraf. S¿ren Brunaks arbejde med neurale netv¾rk og bioinformatik vil v¾re kendt af mange. Som altid vil Œrets arbejde i FTNs arbejdsgrupper blive introduceret og sammenfattet, ligesom Forum Teologi Naturvidenskabs fremtidige faglige profil vil blive diskuteret. Se i ¿vrigt hertil den nye hjemmeside: www.forumteonat.au.dk Eftersom ethvert symposiums hensigt er at forene det faglige og det sociale, er Forums symposium et godt sted at begynde for den, som ¿nsker at l¾re den tv¾rvidenskabelige diskussion mellem naturvidenskab, humaniora og teologi at kende lidt n¾rmere. Alle er velkomne! PROGRAM kl. 9.00-9.30 Ankomst og registrering i PUC kl. 9.30-9.35 Velkomst kl. 9.35-10.45 J. Wentzel van Huyssteen: Evolution and Human Uniqueness: A Theological Perspective on the Emergence of Human Complexity Prof. J. Wentzel van Huyssteen recently published the highly acclaimed 'Duet or Duel? Theology and Science in a Postmodern World' (SCM 1998) and 'The Shaping of Rationality: Toward Interdisciplinarity in Theology and Science' (Eerdmans 1999). This paper will argue that the idea of emerging complexity supports some of the latest explanations for the uniqueness of the human mind. With the appearance on earth of homo sapiens, a totally new kind of being had arrived on the scene, and we are warranted to ask: how special are we really? An argument will be made that the uniqueness of human beings is primarily tied to attributes like human consciousness, personhood, intelligence, rationality, and the ability to construct symbolic and ultimately religious meaning. The question that has to be answered, of course, is how and why these attributes were acquired in the course of our evolutionary past. To answer this question, an analysis of biological/cultural co-evolution will show that genuine novelty emerged with the human mind's amazing cognitive fluidity. This cognitive fluidity resulted in the creative and imaginative nature of human culture, and reveals the fact that natural selection is greatly relaxed on a cultural level. While biological evolution powerfully supplied us with complex brains, hardwired for cognitive fluidity, culture in all its complex forms transcend biological frameworks. Because of this fact, the origin of religion, so unique to humans, cannot be extrapolated or dismissed in terms of earlier explanations in biology. Biology, therefore, does not generate religion directly, but the phenomenon of life certainly evokes religious response. For this reason religious belief cannot be excluded from any discussion of typically human behaviors. Finally this paper will explore the possibilities of revisioning the theological idea of the human being as imago dei in the light of its apparent biological/cultural uniqueness. kl. 10.45-11.00 Kaffe kl. 11.00-12.00 Respons fra Anders Overgaard Petersen og Kees van Kooten Niekerk med efterf¿lgende diskussion kl. 12.30-13.30 Frokost kl. 13.30-14.30 S¿ren Brunak: Bioinformatics and the Human Genome Project Professor S¿ren Brunak is the author of numerous articles in his field. Recently he published with Pierre Baldi the important book 'Bioinformatics. The Machine Learning Approach' (MIT Press 1998). He is also co-author (with Benny Lautrup) of 'Neural Networks - Computers with Intuition' (World Scientific Publishing 1990) Netop i disse Œr afd¾kkes sammens¾tningen af den molekyl¾re arvemasse for en lang r¾kke forskellige organismer, herunder mennesket. For eksempel kender vi nu hele arvemassen for kolibakterien, men ogsŒ for den noget mere komplicerede svamp Saccharomyces cerevisiae, bedre kendt som bageg¾r. Mange andre organismers komplette DNA sekvens er ved at blive bestemt, f.eks. den fra risplanten, zebrafisken, og musen. Den komplette DNA sekvens for mennesket med dens over 3 milliarder nukleotider ventes at v¾re f¾rdig allerede om 1 Œr. Indenfor videnskaben findes der n¾ppe nogen anden form for data, der omfattes med sŒ stor offentlig interesse. De nye teknikker til bestemmelse af DNA sekvenser har ikke blot f¿rt til landvindinger indenfor molekyl¾rbiologien og bioteknologien, men har ogsŒ fŒet stor betydning for opklaringen af forbrydelser, fastl¾ggelse af familieforhold og sygdomsprognoser for det enkelte individ. De mange genomprojekter medf¿rer, at nye DNA og proteinsekvenser tŒrner sig op i de internationale databaser. Det samme g¿r information om sekvensernes funktion og afstamning, og ofte ogsŒ om deres molekyl¾re struktur. Den voldsomme v¾kst i datam¾ngdernes omfang har radikalt ¾ndret mulighederne for at udvikle seri¿se computermetoder til klassifikation, forudsigelse og sammenligning af specifikke elementer af molekylernes funktion og struktur. Indenfor bioinformatikken er der i de sidste ti Œr dukket en r¾kke helt nye datadrevne eller modelfrie metoder op. D.v.s. de skabes ikke ved at tage udgangspunkt i antagelser og kendte facts, men f.eks. gennem optr¾ning af kunstige neurale netv¾rk. Foredraget vil give en status for computerbiologien og gennemgŒ nogle af de nye metoder, der ogsŒ anvendes til mange andre formŒl indenfor forskning og udvikling. kl. 14.30-15.30 Diskussion kl. 15.30-16.00 Kaffe kl. 16.00-17.30 Pr¾sentation og diskussion af et emne fra Œrets arbejde Fysikgruppen ved Finn Christiansen m.fl. Wild Water Rafting - Three Views on the Science-Religion Dialogue Biologigruppen ved Finn Christiansen m.fl. Genetisk anti-reductionisme Etikgruppen ved Eva Nordentoft m.fl.: Fem klonede svin. Om xenotransplantation kl. 17.30-18.00 Evaluering af Forums arbejde og ¿nsker for fremtiden kl. 18.30 Middag og festligt-fagligt samv¾r pŒ restaurant Hong Kong, Europaplads 6, 8000 rhus C. PRAKTISKE OPLYSNINGER Tid: L¿rdag den 6. maj 2000 Sted: Pressens Uddannelsescenter (PUC) H¿egh Guldbergsgade 4 8000 Aarhus C tlf. 86 13 62 33 PUC er beliggende i bunden af Universitetsparken ved siden af Aarhus Kunstmuseum. Pris: kr. 175,- for hele arrangementet (ved rettidig tilmelding) kr. 100,- for formiddag og eftermiddag (ved rettidig tilmelding) kr. 30,- for formiddagens foredrag m. kaffe (evt. u. tilmelding) kr. 30,- for eftermiddagens program m. kaffe (evt. u. tilmelding) Tilmelding: Forskningslektor Kees van Kooten Niekerk Institut for Systematisk Teologi Aarhus Universitet Hovedbygningen 8000 Aarhus C tlf. 8942 2272 Telefax: 83 20 13 99 Tilmelding pr. brev, fax eller e-mail til Kees van Kooten Niekerk skal v¾re fremme senest onsdag den 26. april kl. 12.00 TILMELDING Jeg tilmelder mig hermed hele arrangementet (kr. 175,-) Jeg tilmelder mig hermed formiddag og eftermiddag (kr. 100,-) Jeg tilmelder mig hermed formiddagens foredrag m. kaffe (kr. 30,-) Jeg tilmelder mig hermed eftermiddagens program m. kaffe (kr. 30,-) Navn ..... Adresse ....... Tlf. .... Tilmeldingen skal v¾re undertegnede i h¾nde senest onsdag den 26. april kl. 12.00 Forskningslektor Kees van Kooten Niekerk Institut for Systematisk Teologi, Det Teologiske Fakultet, Aarhus Universitet, 8000 Aarhus C. Tlf. 89 42 22 72 Telefax: 86 20 13 99 E-mail: Niekerk[ at ]teologi.au.dk <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: Center for etik og ret Til orientering fremsendes vedlagt program for m¿de i AcadŽmie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences ult. maj. Med venlig hilsen HmiaH M¿de i AcadŽmie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences Tema: "THE PROBLEM OF THE UNITY OF SCIENCE" K¿benhavn-Aarhus - 31. maj - 3. juni 2000 bent for alle Program K¿benhavn: Kirkens Hus/KFUM-KFUK, St. Kannikestr¾de 19, II (Festsalen) MAY 31 15h00 P. Kemp : Opening Address 15h15 E. Agazzi : Ç What does it mean the unity of science ? È 16h15 J. Faye : Ç The unity of disunity È 17h30 H. Barreau - Ç L'unitŽ des sciences : une double t‰che pour la philosophie È JUNE 1 9h00 D. Shapere : Ç Unification and reason in science È 10h00 A. Cordero : Ç The problem of unity within a single field of science È 11h30 Jean-Pierre DesclŽs : Ç L'interdisciplinaritŽ et l'unitŽ de la science È 12h00 R. Queralto : Ç The concept of scientific truth and the unity of sciences È 15h00 J. Ricard : Ç Complexity, reductionism and the unity of science È 16h00 F. Collin Ç A Difference between the Sciences of Nature and the Sciences of Man È 17h30 G. Prosperi : Ç Experimental sciences and Human science È Frist for tilmelding er senest fre. d. 26.5. til nedenstŒende adresse. Frokostbillet (DKK60 p.p.) til torsd. 1.6. kan k¿bes pŒ nedenstŒende adresse. Aarhus: Aarhus Universitet, M¿delokale 2 i Studenternes Hus JUNE 2 14h00 H. Fink : Welcome to Aarhus address 14h30 M. Bunge : Ç The necessary unification of the social sciences È 15h30 B. Kanitscheider : Ç The Consilience - approach towards the unity of science È JUNE 3 9h00 G. Heinzmann : Ç PoiŽsis et l'unitŽ de la rationalitŽ È 10h00 P. Mittelstaedt : Ç What if quantum mechanics is universally valid ? È 11h15 J. Mosterin : Ç Unity of cosmology and particle physics ? È 12h15 B. d'Espagnat : Ç La mŽcanique quantique est-elle la thŽorie universelle ? È Yderligere oplysninger samt tilmelding ved henvendelse til Center for Etik og Ret, Valkendorfsgade 30, III, 1151 Kbh. K, tlf. 3369 1616, fax 3369 1617, e-mail: ethiclaw[ at ]inet.uni2.dk <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: Thomas Sšderqvist Tiltr¾delsesforel¾sning Den 1. september 1999 tiltrŒdte Thomas Sšderqvist stillingen som professor ved Institut for Folkesundhedsvidenskab. I denne anledning afholdes tiltr¾delsesforel¾sning med titlen: "Medicinhistoriens fremtid -- i krydsfeltet mellem historieteori, patienter og h¿jteknologisk l¾gegerning" Torsdag den 4. maj, kl. 15-16 i Auditoriet, Afdeling for Medicinhistorie--Medicinsk-historisk Museum Bredgade 62, 1260 Kbh K Efter forel¾sningen indbyder Institut for Folkesundhedsvidenskab til en reception i Medicinsk-historisk Museums smukke lokaler. Allan Krasnik Institutleder Professor, MPH, phd >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Slut paa HUGIN og MUNIN nr.103 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< H U G I N O G M U N I N elektronisk nyhedsbrev for AAbent Netvaerk for Videnskabsfilosofi og Videnskabshistorie nr. 104 d. 3. maj 2000 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bringer meddelelser om aktiviteter indenfor VIDENSKABSHISTORIE og VIDENSKABSFILOSOFI og tilgraensende omraader som eksempelvis FORSKNING I FORSKNING * VIDENSKABSTEORI * VIDENSKABSETIK VIDENSKABSSOCIOLOGI * VIDENSKAB, TEKNOLOGI OG SAMFUND * BIOETIK FORSKNINGSPOLITIK * NATURFILOSOFI * VIDENSKABSFORMIDLING <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Indhold: Opslag: Challenges for Science and Engineering in the 21st Century What Einstein Learned form Mathematicians Ph.d.-forsvar: Defending Science ... Limits of Natural Knowledge Maxwell and "the Method of Physical Analogy" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Opslag: <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: Tom Borsen Hansen Challenges for Science and Engineering in the 21st Century. International conference, organized by the International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility (INES), co-organized by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, The Royal Technical Institute (KTH) and the Swedish Council for Planning and Coordination of Research (FRN), 14-18 June 2000, Stockholm, Sweden. The conference will open up unique possibilities to discuss the present constitution of science and engineering, the relation between science and society in the new century, the demands on science in a rapidly changing world, the impact of scientific methods on social life and the environment, and the responsibility of scientists and engineers for the consequences of their work. The conference consists of 14 plenary presentations and 20 workshops, dealing with a broad spectrum of subjects in four theme areas: a) Developing the culture of science and engineering, b) Science and engineering for a finite world, c) Humanizing the economy in a global context, and d) Steps towards comprehensive security and lasting peace. Titles of workshops are e.g.: Towards a culture of individual and institutional responsibility * Inventing and refining sustainable technologies and services * Steps towards a sustainable consumption * Towards disarmament and the culture of peace. Find more information on the web page www.ines2000.org, or contact the organizers by e-mail: ines2000[ at ]t-online.de. <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> Institutkollokvium ved IVH Torsdag d. 4.5 kl. 15:15 i koll. G4, Matematisk Institut, rhus Universitet. Dr.David Rowe What Einstein Learned form Mathematicians Abstract: As is well known, Einstein's early work on general relativity theory was undertaken in collaboration with the mathematician Marcel Grossmann. Little, however, has been written about Grossmann's role in their joint work, nor have Einstein's numerous other dealings with leading mathematicians -- Levi-Civita, Hilbert, Klein, Weyl, et al. -- been studied carefully. Fortunately, the recently published volumes in the Collected Papers of Albert Einstein provide much useful documentation for such a study. Drawing on this source and other recent studies, I will describe some of the surprising twists and turns in Einstein's intellectual journey and how various mathematicians helped to clarify (as well as confuse) some of the fundamental problems that arose in the early stages of GRT. PŒ gensyn Louis Klostergaard Kontoret, 89 42 35 12, ivhlk[ at ]ifa.au.dk <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: "Peter C. Kjaergaard" Ph.D.-FORSVAR Peter C. Kjaergaard forsvarer onsdag den 17. maj sin afhandling med titlen: *Defending Science - "Genuine Scientific Men" and the Limits of Natural Knowledge.* Forsvaret finder sted paa Aarhus Universitet i aud. 025/bygn. 324 kl. 13:00 Bedoemmelsesudvalget bestaar af: Professor Helge Kragh, Aarhus Universitet Professor Geoffrey Cantor, University of Leeds, UK Professor Nancy Nersessian, Dibner Institute of the History of Science and Technology & Georgia Institute of Technology, USA Hovedvejleder: Hans-Joergen Schanz, Aarhus Universitet Resume af afhandlingen: Hensigten med denne ph.d.-afhandling er at unders¿ge hvordan og hvorfor viktorianske videnskabsfolk forsvarede videnskaben. Det demonstreres, at dette sp¿rgsmŒl generelt blev taget alvorligt i videnskabelige kredse. Debatten blev f¿rt i en r¾kke forskellige sammenh¾nge, der rakte dybt ind i den viktorianske kulturs sociale, politiske og intellektuelle sf¾rer. Afhandlingen er opdelt i syv kapitler, der hver omhandler forskellige aspekter af og perspektiver pŒ hvordan og hvorfor "rigtige videnskabsfolk" forsvarede videnskaben. Perioden begraenser sig hovedsaglig til aarene 1860-1880. Kapitel et skaber rammen for de f¿lgende kapitler og introducerer til de problemer, der f¿rte til debatten om videnskabens v¾sen og dens indflydelse pŒ kultur og samfund. Kapitel to demonstrerer hvordan disse diskussioner foregik i en Œnd af st¾rk aversion mod metafysisk filosofi blandt videnskabsfolk. Kapitel tre unders¿ger forholdet mellem videnskab og religion. En kompleks historisk skildring fremh¾ves i afvisningen af et simpelt mods¾tningsforhold. Dette illustreres gennem en diskussion af forskellige fors¿g pŒ at forene videnskab og religion indenfor den videnskabelige ideologis rammer. Kapitel fire unders¿ger hvordan og hvorfor ledende kr¾fter i videnskabelige kredse afviste spiritisme og n¾gtede at spiritistiske f¾nomener kunne accepteres som gyldig videnskabelig viden. Kapitel fem beskriver hvordan diskussioner om videnskabens hierarkiske opbygning afsl¿rede visse sp¾ndinger indenfor de videnskabelige kredse. Alligevel forsvarede man videnskabens fremme pŒ alle planer loyalt og forenet i debatten om den nye, frie uddannelse. Kapitel seks afd¾kker den filosofiske diskussion, der blev f¿rt i videnskabelige kredse, om videnskabens v¾sen og den videnskabelige videns gr¾nser. Kapitel syv konkluderer pŒ de foregŒende kapitler og peger pŒ nye studier, der vil udvide vores forstŒelse af det moderne billede af videnskaben og det 20. Œrhundredes videnskabsfilosofi. Afhandlingen ligger til gennemsyn paa Institut for Idehistorie, Aarhus Universitet. Yderligere oplysninger kan faas ved henvendelse til Lisbeth Holm Rasmussen paa tlf. 8942 2205 eller e-mail idelhr[ at ]hum.au.dk <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> The Niels Bohr Archive's Monday, 22 May 2000 at 14:15 History of Science Seminar Auditorium A, Niels Bohr Institute in collaboration with Blegdamsvej 17, Copenhagen The Society for History of Exact Sciences Nancy J. Nersessian Program in Cognitive Science School of Public Policy and College of Computing Georgia Institute of Technology Maxwell and "the Method of Physical Analogy": Model-based reasoning, generic abstraction, and conceptual change When I first read Maxwell in graduate school I found it surprising how many commentators on his work failed to take seriously what seemed to me to be the generative role of the analogy developed in the 1861-2 paper "On Physical Lines of Force." Maxwell's own comments on analogy as a method of discovery -- in letters, publications, and lectures -- were largely dismissed with his analogies characterized as at best "merely suggestive," offering "slight" value as a heuristic guide, and at worst as dishonest post-hoc fabrications, while the results were arrived at by "other means." Although we now possess historical accounts that take Maxwell's deeds seriously, what is needed still is an understanding of how analogy -- and more generally, what I call "model-based reasoning" -- functions to generate new scientific representations. Here I will present just the main features of the case that model-based reasoning is generative of conceptual change in science, by focusing on three central forms: analogical modeling, visual modeling, and thought experimenting (simulative modeling). I will then provide an interpretation of the role of physical analogy in the development of Maxwell's theory. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Slut paa HUGIN og MUNIN nr.104 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< H U G I N O G M U N I N elektronisk nyhedsbrev for AAbent Netvaerk for Videnskabsfilosofi og Videnskabshistorie nr. 105 d. 23. maj 2000 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bringer meddelelser om aktiviteter indenfor VIDENSKABSHISTORIE og VIDENSKABSFILOSOFI og tilgraensende omraader som eksempelvis FORSKNING I FORSKNING * VIDENSKABSTEORI * VIDENSKABSETIK VIDENSKABSSOCIOLOGI * VIDENSKAB, TEKNOLOGI OG SAMFUND * BIOETIK FORSKNINGSPOLITIK * NATURFILOSOFI * VIDENSKABSFORMIDLING <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Indhold: 1. Opslag: M¿de i NationalkomitŽen pŒ Syddansk Universitet nov. 2000 Summer school on the philosophy of mathematics Getting Scientists to Think about what They are Doing Difference, Democracy, and Philosophies of Science Molecular biology and theory of science - course for ph.d.students Vetenskap och neutralitet: konference i Helsingfors juni 2001 2. Internet-nyt Nyt dansk leksikon pŒ nettet New List (hist-analytic) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. Opslag: <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: dafa[ at ]filos.sdu.dk (David Favrholdt) NationalkomitŽen under International Union for the History and Philosophy of Science (IUHPS) har vedtaget, at Œrsm¿det Œr 2000 afholdes pŒ Syddansk Universitet - Odense Universitet den 10. og 11. november, 2000. Arrangementskomiteen bestŒr af Frits Saaby Pedersen, Jesper LŸtzen og David Favrholdt og vil senere blive suppleret med et fjerde medlem med tilknytning til Institut for Videnskabshistorie ved Aarhus Universitet. rsm¿det, der altsŒ afholdes pŒ en fredag-l¿rdag, vil denne gang ikke have noget overordnet emne, men udelukkende bestŒ af forskningsrapporter. Skulle nogle af disse falde inden for samme emnekreds, kan der blive tale om at samle dem under et overordnet tema. Men forel¿big anmoder arrangementskomiteen om, at alle der har lyst til og interesse i at afl¾gge en forskningsrapport om det, de arbejder med, (i foredrag af en varighed pŒ 20-30 minutter) fremsender en melding herom til David Favrholdt, Filosofisk Institut, Syddansk Universitet, Campusvej 55, 5230 Odense M. Fax 65 93 23 75. e-mail: dafa[ at ]filos.sdu.dk Venlig hilsen David Favrholdt <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: Matnet SUMMER SCHOOL on the PHILOSOPHY OF MATHEMATICS University of Roskilde June 19 - 23, 2000 arranged by The Danish Network for the History and Philosophy of Mathematics A brief introduction to the subject of the summer school: The main goal of this summer school is to provide an introduction to the modern discussions of the philosophical foundations of mathematics. Questions such as the nature of mathematical objects, the objectivity and truth of mathematical knowledge, the role of language, logic and proof will be among the central issues. Several of the most important logical and philosophical views regarding the foundations of mathematics developed during the 20th century will be described and their philosophical origins traced. Besides this dimension of the summer school one will also find sessions where contemporary views and issues in the philosophy of mathematics are discussed. The summer school is organised according to the following scheme: Each morning, in the form of consecutive lectures, Prof. Dirk van Dalen gives an introduction to the philosophical foundations of mathematics. The set of lectures can roughly be split into four parts: * The object matter of mathematics. What are the objects of mathematics, and what do we know about them? Does the nature of the mathematical universe force a particular kind of mathematics on us? Does the nature of the mathematical universe force a particular kind of objectivity on us? * The role of language and logic. The Dummettian approach. * Formalizations of foundational notions. A discussion of some principles. * Hilbert's old and new program. Each afternoon one finds lectures which touch upon special topics. In particular, there will be lectures on the philosophy of Immanuel Kant, Edmund Husserl and other philosophers who have greatly influenced the discussions of the foundations of mathematics in the 20th century. Finally one will also find lectures by contemporary logicians and mathematicians presenting their own views on modern mathematics and its foundations. The invited speakers include: Mark Van Atten Dirk van Dalen Ulrich Kohlenbach Carl Posy S¿ren Riis Flemming Tops¿e The course is open to both mathematicians and philosophers. There are no specific prerequisites required, although it will be an advantage to have some knowledge of both the foundations of mathematics and general philosophy of mathematics. Registration is free and does not include transportation, housing, food, etc. In order to registrate please write (or fax): Jesper Thrane Department of Philosophy and Science Studies University of Roskilde P.O. Box 260 DK_4000 Roskilde, Denmark Phone: +45 46742818 Fax: +45 46743012 E-mail: manne[ at ]kalvebod.dk and be sure to include the following information: 1. Name 2. Institution 3. Country and Zip Code 4. Phone 5. E-mail If e-mail is used be sure to include "Summer School Registration" in the subject entry. All questions pertaining to registration should be directed to Jesper Thrane. All other questions, not pertaining to registration, should be directed to Stig Andur Pedersen Department of Philosophy and Science Studies, Department of Mathematics Roskilde University, P.O.Box 260 DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark Phone +45 46742265 Secretary +45 46742587 Fax +45 46743012 email sap[ at ]ruc.dk <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> from: Tom Borsen Hansen Dansk Center for Naturvidenskabsdidaktik & Danmarks Farmaceutiske H¿jskole Emeritus Professor of Physics John Ziman, University of Bristol Onsdag, den 31. maj, kl. 15-17, Auditorium 4 Danmarks Farmaceutiske H¿jskole Universitetsparken 2, 2100 K¿benhavn ¯ Getting Scientists to Think about what They are Doing Philosophy and Ethics in Science Education Research scientists are trained to produce specialised bricks of knowledge, but not to look at the whole building. Increasing public concern about the social role of science is forcing science students to think about what they are actually learning to do. What sort of knowledge will they be producing, and how will it be used? Science education now requires serious consideration of these philosophical and ethical questions. But the many different forms of knowledge produced by modern science cannot be covered by any single philosophical principle. Sociology and cognitive psychology are also needed to understand what the sciences have in common and the significance of what they generate. Again, traditional modes of ethical analysis cannot deal adequately with the values, norms and interests activated by present-day technoscience without reference to its sociological, political and economic dimensions. What science education now requires is 'metascience', a discipline that extends beyond conventional philosophy and ethics to include the social and humanistic aspects of the scientific enterprise. For example, students need to learn about the practices, institutions, career choices, and societal responsibilities of research scientists, and to rehearse in advance some of the moral dilemmas that they are likely to meet. They need also to realise that science is changing rapidly, not only in its research techniques and organisational structures but also in its relationships with society at large. John Ziman is Emeritus Professor of Physics of the University of Bristol. He was brought up in New Zealand, studied at Oxford, and lectured at Cambridge, before becoming Professor of Theoretical Physics at Bristol in 1964. His researches on the theory of the electrical and magnetic properties of solid and liquid metals earned his election to the Royal Society in 1967. Voluntary early retirement from Bristol in 1982 was followed by a period as Visiting Professor at Imperial College, London, and from 1986 to 1991 as founding Director of the Science Policy Support Group. Since 1994 he has been the Convenor of the Epistemology Group, which studies the evolution of knowledge and invention. He was Chairman of the Council of Science and Society from 1976 to 1990, and has written extensively on various aspects of the social relations of science and technology. --- Professor of Education and Women's studies Sandra Harding, UCLA Torsdag, den 22. juni, kl. 15-17, Auditorium 3 Danmarks Farmaceutiske H¿jskole Universitetsparken 2, 2100 K¿benhavn ¯ Difference, Democracy, and Philosophies of Science Scientists and philosophers of science have assumed that their activities could and would contribute to improving human social relations and the quality of the material world in which these occur. Yet scepticism about the success of many of these activities has arisen since World War II. The focus of these criticisms has largely been on the external ethics and politics of sciences. This lecture will focus on the internal ethics and politics of sciences -- sciences' "realm of the political." The argument will be that the assumptions of the philosophies of western modern sciences promote a Classical Liberal theory of democracy. Yet this theory has been shown to have inadequate resources to engage effectively with three issues that must be addressed by any adequate philosophy of science these days. These are the emergence of new kinds of global social relations within which urgent scientific and technological issues arise, modern forms of power, and the way some culturally-local interests and values are scientifically productive. Why should such issues be addressed in science education, and how might this occur? Sandra Harding, a philosopher, is Professor of Education and Women's Studies at the University of California at Los Angeles. She is the author of Whose Science? Whose Knowledge? Thinking from Women's Lives, The Science Question in Feminism (winner of the Jessie Bernard Award of the American Sociological Association), and Is Science Multi-Cultural? Postcolonialisms, Feminisms, and Epistemologies. She co-authored The Gender Dimension of Science and Technology in 1996 UNESCO World Science Report. Dr. Harding has been a Visiting Professor at the University of Amsterdam, the University of Costa Rica, and the Swiss Institute of Technology, Zurich. <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: hoffmeyer[ at ]mermaid.molbio.ku.dk (Jesper Hoffmeyer) Subject: Ph d kursus MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND THEORY OF SCIENCE A course for ph.d.students held at Institute of Molecular Biology, University of Copenhagen, June 22 - 23 2000. Program and titles: June 22 9.45 Welcome 1. Session: Conceptual structures in molecular biology 10.00 Claus Emmeche: "Information and function in physics and biology" 10.45 Coffee Break 11.00 Sahotra Sarkar: "A skeptical look at some dogmas in molecular biology" 11.45 Discussion 12.15 Lunch 2. Session: Information in context 13.30 S¿ren Brunak: "Biology as computer science" 14.15 Discussion 14.30 Olaf Nielsen: "The debate on the Human genome Project" 15.15 Discussion 15.30 Coffee break 15.45 Jesper Hoffmeyer: "Is the central dogma a modern phlogiston theory?" 16.30 Discussion 16.45 Mogens Kilstrup: "A semiotic approach to intracellular regulation" 17.30 Discussion 17.45 Dinner June 23 3. Session (in Danish): Genteknologiens modtagelse i den danske befolkning 10.00 Lone Frank: "En videnskabsjournalist ser pŒ genteknik" 10.45 Diskussion 11.00 Trine Iversen: "Er befolkningen dum? Er genteknologien ond?" Arranged by: Jesper Hoffmeyer, Institute of Molecular Biology, The Biosemiotics Group, University of Copenhagen, Solvgade 83, 1307 Copenhagen K, http://www.molbio.ku.dk/MolBioPages/abk/PersonalPages/Jesper/Hoffmeyer.html and Claus Emmeche, Center for the Philosophy of Nature and Science Studies, NBI, Blegdamsvej 17, 2100 Copenhagen ¯. For more information, please contact: Ole Lans¿, S¿lvgade 83 opgang H, 1. sal t.v., 1307 Kbh. K. Email: agm[ at ]mermaid.molbio.ku.dk <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: Thomas Sšderqvist Subject: (fwd) Nordisk idŽhistorisk doktorandkonferens, Helsingfors 2001 From: Derek Fewster (forkortet, red.) Information ršrande Nordisk idŽhistorisk doktorandkonferens i Helsingfors 7 - 9 juni 2001 Under 1990-talet har nordiska doktorander inom disciplinen idŽhistoria sammankommit till gemensamma konferenser ungefŠr vartannat Œr. (...) Fšr att betona sammankomsternas nordiska karaktŠr beslšt deltagarna vid konferensen i UmeŒ att man fšljande gŒng skulle samlas i Helsingfors om detta var mšjligt. (...) I Helsingfors vill vi utgŒ frŒn en ganska vid definition, som inte endast definieras av ramarna fšr det traditionella Šmnet "idŽ- och lŠrdomshistoria". OrganisationskommittŽn har beslutat att samla konferensen kring tre huvudteman, som angriper det idŽhistoriska omrŒdet ur olika synvinklar: a) bokhistoria, b) identitet och offentlighet i det tidigmoderna Europa samt c) vetenskap och neutralitet. (...) €ven fria Šmnen Šr givetvis vŠlkomna. (...) Konferensen rŠcker tre dagar och kommer att fšrsigŒ frŒn den 7 till den 9 juni 2001. Deltagarantalet Šr begrŠnsat till 60 personer. Vi hoppas ocksŒ kunna erbjuda sŒ intressanta och vŠlrenommerade talare att danskar och norrmŠn skall se det mšdan vŠrt att resa till Helsingfors. Dessutom Šr vŒrt syfte att kunna bekosta icke-helsingforsares švernattningar och en del av reskostnaderna. Vi har redan erhŒllit 40 000 FIM fšr detta ŠndamŒl samt planerings- och kongresskostnader! VŒrhŠlsningar, OrganisationskommittŽn Meddelanden sŠnda till nihk-2001[ at ]helsinki.fi nŒr samtliga personer nedan: Derek Fewster Tfn: jobb 09 - 191 22836 eller 09 - 618 77 111 (...) PROGRAM Torsdagen den 7 juni 2001 10.00 Inkvartering 11.00 Rundvandring i universitetets centrala kvarter ca 12.00 LUNCH 13.00 Konfrensen šppnas 13.15 1:a gŠstfšredraget 14.30 BestŠlld kommentar & diskussion ca 15.00 Kaffe 15.30 De tre parallella sessionerna inleds med fšredrag och diskussioner. Tre fšredrag/presentationer per session ca 18.30 MIDDAG Fredagen den 8 juni 2001 9.00 2:a gŠstfšredraget 10.00 BestŠlld kommentar & diskussion ca 10.30 Kaffe 11.00 3:e gŠstfšredraget 12.00 BestŠlld kommentar & diskussion 12.30 LUNCH 13.30 De tre parallella sessionerna fortsŠtter med fšredrag och diskussioner. Tre fšredrag/presentationer per session ca 15.30 Kaffe 16.00 De tre parallella sessionerna fortsŠtter enligt behov med fšredrag och diskussioner, alternativt erbjuds fria fšredrag tematiskt grupperade. Tre fšredrag/presentationer per session. ca 19.30 FESTMIDDAG Lšrdagen den 9 juni 2001 9.30 De tre parallella sessionerna fortsŠtter enligt behov med fšredrag och diskussioner, alternativt erbjuds fria fšredrag tematiskt grupperade. Tre fšredrag/presentationer per session. ca 11.00 Kaffe 11.30 De tre parallella sessionerna fortsŠtter enligt behov med fšredrag och diskussioner, alternativt fria fšredrag tematiskt grupperade. TvŒ fšredrag/presentationer per session. ca 12.30 LUNCH 13.30 AllmŠn diskussion 14.30 Konferensen avslutas Mšjlighet fšr exkursion fšr deltagare som stannar ytterligare en natt. Presentation av [det ene af de tre af] konferensens tema (...) 3 Vetenskap och neutralitet Under de senaste decennierna har forskningen allt starkare pŒverkats av tanken att vetenskapen, liksom all annan mŠnsklig verksamhet, Šr en kollektiv verksamhet som pŒverkas av av sitt historiska, sociala, kulturella sammanhang. Bakgrunden till detta synsŠtt Šr en epistemologiskt-ontologisk uppfattning om att verkligheten konstitueras socialt och kulturellt. DŠrfšr Šr ocksŒ all forskning bunden till sin kontext, som bestŒr av en blandning av samhŠlleliga, personliga och interna vetenskapliga faktorer. Detta leder till behovet att ifrŒgasŠtta den traditionella idealbilden av den strikt objektiva forskaren, som bedriver vŠrdeneutral forskning. Vetenskapens kontextualisering har bland historiker och sociologer lett till ett intresse fšr vetenskapssamfundets interna personfšrhŒllanden, gruppintressen och skolbildningar, men ocksŒ fšr frŒgor om hur vetenskapliga metoder och teoretiska grundantaganden kan kopplas till vidare samhŠlleliga, politiska och ekonomiska faktorer. Inom den historievetenskapliga diskussionen har historieskrivningens narrativitet kommit upp som ett viktigt tema. ena sidan har man fokuserat pŒ en sprŒklig nivŒ, analyserat historieskrivningens berŠttartekniska strategier, dess sprŒk och begrepp - det som man kallar diskursen. andra sidan har man betonat att historikerns kŠllmaterial i sig redan utgšr en berŠttelse, som mŒste tolkas. Ett kontoutdrag frŒn ett bankkonto informerar inte endast hur mycket pengar nŒgon har haft pŒ banken, utan Šr ocksŒ en berŠttelse om ett utbyte av pengar och varor, om sociala och ekonomiska kontakter. Temat kan behandlas utgŒende frŒn tvŒ angreppssŠtt. 1) IdŽ- och lŠrdomshistoriska undersškningar om enskilda vetenskapsdiscipliner; t.ex. olika fšrsšk att genom vetenskapen faststŠlla ras- eller kšnsskillnader (eugenik, sexologi, psykologi, medicin), frŒgor gŠllande vetenskapens finansiering och dess institutioner, politiska, religišsa o.d. faktorers inverkan pŒ enskilda forskare/skolbildningar, vetenskapliga konflikter, debatter och fšrŠndringar. 2) Historievetenskapens sjŠlvfšrstŒelse och sjŠlvkritik; t.ex. historiografiska undersškningar, problematiseringar av den historiska kunskapen och historievetenskapens epistemologi, historieskrivningen som narrationer och tolkningar, den vetenskapliga historieforskningens kriterier m.m. om historieforskningen och dess uppgift. KommittŽn Šmnar bjuda hollŠndaren Frank R. Ankersmit som plenarfšrelŠsare inom detta tema. Ankersmit, vars specialomrŒde Šr historiefilosofi, Šr professor i historia vid universitetet i Groningen. I sina verk har Ankersmit kritiserat vad han kallar den modernistiska historieskrivningen, som strŠvar efter att genom ett stort kŠllmaterial rekonstruera det "verkliga" fšrflutna sŒ exakt som mšjligt, "sŒ som det var". (Se t.ex. "Historiography and Postmodernism" i History and Theory 3/89 och The Reality Effect in the Writing of History, 1989.) Ankersmit avser att en historisk kŠlla inte kan avslšja "det fšrflutna i sig", utan endast en tolkning av det fšrflutna. DŠrfšr kan historieforskningen aldrig ršra sig vertikalt, utan det handlar alltid om en horisontal ršrelse. Enligt Ankersmit Šr historieskrivningens metaforiska karaktŠr mycket viktigare Šn den efterstrŠvade verkligheten; den vŠsterlŠndska historiografin har kommit till ett slut, menar han, det har blivit dags att begrunda det fšrflutna snarare Šn att undersška det. Ankersmits tankar Šr lika intressanta som de Šr polemiska. Ett anfšrande av honom torde vara stimulerande ocksŒ fšr dem som inte Šr lika švertygade om att den vŠsterlŠndska historiografin har kommit till sitt slut eller om att en postmodern estetisk-metaforisk historieskrivning skall šverta fŠltet. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. Internet-nyt From: Asger S¿rensen Subject: Nyt dansk leksikon pŒ nettet Et tip... Et nyt dansk leksikon for det 21. Œrhundrede, der ogsŒ vil tage de oversete/undertrykte sider af verden med. Kig pŒ www.leksikon.org, som kan benyttes kvit og frit - eller k¿bes som CD-rom. asger[ at ]philosophy.dk www.philosophy.dk <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: Steven Bayne Subject: New List (hist-analytic) I am beginning a new discussion list devoted to the history of analytic philosophy. This is going to be closed (in the sense that the list manager must approve the list members) and will be carefully managed. I have reservations about this, but I am determined to have a list of the highest quality possible. Anyone interested should reply to this message explaining in some way their interest in the history of analytic philosophy. Here is a statement of objectives [...]. Best wishes Steve Bayne PURPOSE Hist-analytic is a moderated discussion group the purpose of which is too examine the works of those philosophers who initiated what has come to be known as "analytical philosophy." For purposes of this list, analytical philosophy begins with Alexius Meinong. Although Russell, Moore and Wittgenstein stand out as the earliest advocates, other luminaries include Rudolf Carnap, C.D. Broad, A. J. Ayer, F. H. Bradley, L. Susan Stebbing, Hans Reichenbach, Moritz Schlick, C. I. Lewis, J. L Austin, H. L. Hart, Gilbert Ryle,and many others. In addition, the works of somewhat later thinkers such as Nelson Goodman, W. V. Quine, Wilfred Sellars, Hector Castenada, Rodrick Chisholm, H. P. Grice and Gustav Bergmann will receive considerable attention. 1959 (the publication of P. F. Strawson's _Individuals_) is the somewhat arbitrary cut off point for what constitutes being history. It is the intention of the list manager to make this a serious discussion list devoted to a careful analysis of texts and historical documents. [...] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Slut paa HUGIN og MUNIN nr.105 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< H U G I N O G M U N I N elektronisk nyhedsbrev for AAbent Netvaerk for Videnskabsfilosofi og Videnskabshistorie nr. 106 d. 10. juli 2000 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bringer meddelelser om aktiviteter indenfor VIDENSKABSHISTORIE og VIDENSKABSFILOSOFI og tilgraensende omraader som eksempelvis FORSKNING I FORSKNING * VIDENSKABSTEORI * VIDENSKABSETIK VIDENSKABSSOCIOLOGI * VIDENSKAB, TEKNOLOGI OG SAMFUND * BIOETIK FORSKNINGSPOLITIK * NATURFILOSOFI * VIDENSKABSFORMIDLING <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Indhold: 1. Opslag: Praktisk Filosofi - i arbejde med mennesker Spectacular Bodies 2. Internet-nyt Danske Forskningsbiblioteker Science Communication, Education & Public Understanding of Sci. International Society Hist. Phil. Soc. Studies of Biology: 2001 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. Opslag: <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: "BESKED FRA FILOSOFI.NET" Subject: Filosofisk kursusforl¿b Filosofi.net bringer pŒ vegne af Aalborg Universitet f¿lgende meddelelse om et filosofisk kursusforl¿b. Bem¾rk at ans¿gningsfristen er 1. august 2000: Praktisk Filosofi - i arbejde med mennesker Aalborg Universitet udbyder med studiestart september 2000 et kursusforl¿b i "Praktisk Filosofi - i arbejde med mennesker" under Œben uddannelse. Det er en 1-Œrig videregŒende deltidsuddannelse, tilrettelagt som fjernundervisning med 6 weekendseminarer i Aalborg. Prisen er 1.400 kr. pr. semester, i alt 2.800 kr. for hele forl¿bet. Sidste frist for ans¿gning er den 1. august. Indhold: Kurset besk¾ftiger sig med de centrale grundopfattelser i klassisk og moderne praktisk filosofi. Der vil blive arbejdet med de etiske, livsfilosofiske og politisk-filosofiske problemstillinger, som er forbundet med behandling, pleje og udvikling af mennesker. Kurset udg¿r en del af tilvalgs-/suppleringsfaget i Filosofi. Du kan l¾se mere om uddannelsen her: http://www.auc.dk/aaben/prakfilo.htm - eller du kan rekvirere en uddybende brochure pŒ telefon 9635 9420. Med venlig hilsen ben Uddannelse Aalborg Universitet <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: Thomas Sšderqvist K¾re Hugin & Munin-l¾sere, Hvis i planl¾gger efterŒrsferie i London (eller ellers har vejen forbi inden jul), sŒ tror jeg (med midt kendskab til hvad Hayward Galleries og Martin Kemp ellers kan lave) at nedenstŒende udstilling nok vil blive en mindev¾rdig oplevelse. Det er sŒdan noget vi godt kunne t¾nke os at lave pŒ Medicinsk-Historisk Museum, hvis vi ellers havde ressourcerne og evnerne / Mvh, Thomas Sšderqvist ---- SPECTACULAR BODIES The Art and Science of the Human Body From Leonardo to Now Hayward Gallery London 19 October 2000 - 14 January 2001 The human body is an astounding feat of engineering. For centuries, man has striven to understand its complexities, both artistically and anatomically, often resorting to human dissection. Illustrating the point at which medicine and art collide, this exhibition brings together treasures from some 80 museums and collections worldwide. In one of its most ambitious projects ever, the Hayward Gallery presents works of art ranging from paintings and drawings by Leonardo da Vinci, Rembrandt, DŸrer and Stubbs, to contemporary work by eight artists, including Bill Viola and Christine Borland, alongside models and instruments from the medical world. Curated by Martin Kemp (who was also responsible for the Hayward's acclaimed Leonardo show in 1989) and Marina Wallace, the exhibition opens at the Hayward Gallery in October. Human dissections were often public events in the 17th and 18th centuries. Celebrated Dutch surgeons of the time are the subject of seven dramatic group portraits, including Rembrandt's Anatomy of Dr Deijman, 1656, which are shown in the exhibition with historic medical instruments. Prints and engravings give an impression of 17th century public anatomy theatres, whilst John Isaacs' new video work merges footage of Padua's anatomy theatre with imagery from modern hospitals. Twenty ŽcorchŽs -sculptures of flayed bodies revealing muscle structures - are shown alongside 18th century anatomical wax models in which every artery and vein has been painstakingly recreated. Spectacular, at times shocking images from ancient medical books and cross-sections of the womb reveal the richness of the visual history of obstetrics. The cycle of life is further explored in luridly coloured 18th century ceramics of pregnant women peeling their abdominal skin and Marc Quinn's 'Eternal Spring', 1998, in which red flowers are preserved in frozen silicone. For centuries artists and scientists have grappled with the idea that mood and character can be read in facial expressions. This fascination with outward manifestations of emotions is reflected in Franz Xavier Messerschmidt's grimacing heads in alabaster and lead (1775), DŸrer's depiction of melancholy (1514), Courbet's painting of a man in deep despair (1844-45) and Tony Oursler's Crying Doll, 1995. Gerhard Lang presents a contemporary response to historic studies of animalistic types in the show, which include examples by LeBrun, Leonardo and Grandeville. Nineteenth-century popular interest in categorising character types by physical appearance resulted in the Edinburgh Phrenological Society collecting head casts of criminals and great men. Eight examples are shown here, including those of Burke and Hare, the infamous grave robbers. Head-measuring devices are also exhibited; these were used by Francis Galton in an attempt to link head size and intelligence as part of his quest to establish a science of human nature. Galton's photographic portraits of inmates at Millbank Prison and Bethlam Asylum are shown with The Kidnapper, 1821-24, one of GŽricault's 'portraits of the insane', originally commissioned by Dr Georget, a medical officer at a private asylum. The practice of another 19th century physician, Dr Charcot, is given a contemporary reading by American artist Beth b whose new installation combines films of 'hysterical' women, wax models and 19th century restraining devices. Spectacular Bodies promises to be a revelatory show, providing an enlightening new context for an extraordinary collection of material, much of which has never before been seen in an art gallery. A fully-illustrated catalogue written by Martin Kemp and Marina Wallace, with 224 pages and 160 illustrations, will be on sale. The exhibition is accompanied by a lively education programme, and in November is complemented by a series of talks in the Voice Box, Royal Festival Hall. More than 300 works have been loaned from 15 countries, including: the Art Gallery of New South Wales in Australia; the Kunsthistoriches Museum, the …sterreichische Galerie, Belvedere and the Vienna Historisches Museum der Stadt in Austria; the Ashmolean, British Museum, Chatsworth, Fitzwilliam, Gordon's Museum, Pitt Rivers, Royal Academy, Royal College of Physicians, Royal College of Surgeons, Royal Library at Windsor, Science Museum, Tate Gallery and Wellcome Trust in England; Ecole Nationale Superiure des Beaux-Arts, MusŽe d'Histoire de la MŽdicine, MusŽe des Collections Historiques de la Prefecture de la Police and the MusŽe du Louvre in France; the Amsterdam Historisch Museum, the Museum Boerhaave, Utrecht University Library and Leiden Anatomical Museum in the Netherlands; the Szepmuveszeti Museum in Hungary; the National Gallery of Ireland; the Accademia di San Luca, the Uffizi and the Sienna Accademia di Fisiocritici in Italy; the Nasjonalgalleriet Oslo in Norway; the Jagiellonian University Museum in Poland; Glasgow University Library, the Hunterian, the Royal College of Surgeons and the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art in Scotland; and the Duke University, Springfield Museum of Fine Arts, Wadsworth Atheneum and Yale Center for British Art in America. Hayward Gallery on the South Bank, London SE1 Public enquiries: 020 7960 5226 Recorded information: 020 7261 0127 Advance bookings: 020 7960 4242 Opening hours: 10am-6pm daily, until 8pm on Tuesdays and Wednesdays Admission: £8 (£6 concessions) Free to Hayward members Hayward Gallery online: www.hayward-gallery.org.uk Further press information and images from Alison Wright on 0171 921 0888 email awright[ at ]hayward.org.uk or Ann Berni on 020 7921 0887 email aberni[ at ]hayward.org.uk, or fax 020 7921 0663 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. Internet-nyt From: Peter Hols¿e Til Hugin og Munin har jeg fundet et link, som alle b¿r kende: Danmarks Elektroniske Folke- og Forskningsbibliotek er begyndt at r¿re pŒ sig. De har etableret en portal med adgang til elektronisk materiale pŒ forskningsbibliotekerne og i stigende grad ogsŒ folkebibliotekerne i Danmark. Portalen findes pŒ http://www.deff.dk Filosofi findes ved at v¾lge "Kunst, kultur og sprog", dern¾st "Filosofi". Med venlig hilsen Peter H. Hols¿e Rektorkollegiets Sekretariat Vester Voldgade 121A, 4. sal 1552 K¿benhavn V Tlf.: 33 92 54 24 Fax: 33 92 50 75 <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> Bem¾rk: Konference om "Science Communication, Education and the Public Understanding of Science" som British Society for the History of Science arrangerer pŒ Royal Society i London 12-13 juli. Programmet ser meget interessant ud, og kan ses pŒ www.ucl.ac.uk/sts/bshs/index.htm , og der er vistnok mulighed for at tilmelde sig helt ind til nogle dage inden, hvis nogen H&M-l¾ser pludselig skulle fŒ lyster. <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: Chris Young Subject: Important ISHPSSB Announcements! It is a great pleasure to announce THE NEXT BIENNIAL MEETING of the INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR HISTORY, PHILOSOPHY, AND SOCIAL STUDIES OF BIOLOGY. The meeting will take place at Quinnipiac University in Hamden Connecticut (about five miles from New Haven and thirty-five miles from Hartford). The site is excellent, providing us the opportunity to work together in comfort and a pleasant setting. The local organizers at Quinnipiac, led by Kathy Cooke and David Valone, are very supportive in ensuring that our needs are met. Quinnipiac has ideal campus facilities for us to work and meet informally. The university can be accessed reasonably easily from major international airports, but since the meeting is not until next summer, we will supply the necessary details in due season. THE MEETING IS SCHDEULED FOR JULY 18-22, 2001. Those dates were chosen to be compatible with attendance at BOTH the International Congress of History of Science (in Mexico City, July 8-14) and the ISHPSSB meeting. If you have specific questions about local arrangements, please address them to David Valone or Kathy Cooke (email: david.valone[ at ]quinnipiac.edu or kathy.cooke[ at ] quinnipiac.edu; regular mail to Kathy at the Department of History, Quinnipiac University, Hamden CT 06518, USA; tel. 203-287-3475, fax 203-287-3471). PLEASE MARK THESE DATES ON YOUR CALENDARS AND PLAN TO ATTEND! ******* CALL FOR PAPERS: ******* INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR THE HISTORY, PHILOSOPHY AND SOCIAL STUDIES OF BIOLOGY 18-22 July 2001 Quinnipiac University, Hamden, Connecticut Submission Deadline: 15 March 2001 ISHPSSB invites members and interested scholars to submit proposals for sessions and papers on topics related to all facets of the history, philosophy and social studies of biology. The summer meetings are known for innovative, transdisciplinary discussion and for fostering informal exchange and on-going collaborations. Interested persons may obtain more information and browse suggested session topics and post their own prospective sessions at the website: http://www.phil.vt.edu/ishpssb/2001/ Participants may designate their session or paper as designed for prepared discussion and post relevant material in advance on the web. Innovative session formats that promote interdisciplinarity and/or participation are welcome. Proposals must include name, address, e-mail, title and abstract. Forms to accompany submission are posted on the website noted above. All session participants must preregister by 1 June 2001. Address inquiries and submit proposals to: Douglas Allchin, Program Chair 2005 Carroll Avenue St. Paul MN 55104 USA FAX: 612.626.8380 e-mail: Q2001[ at ]tc.umn.edu Limited travel grants will be available for graduate students presenting papers. Contact: Keith Benson, Univ. of Washington, College Studies, Box 354330, Seattle WA 98195-4330, krbenson[ at ]u.washington.edu, FAX 206.543.7400. -- Chris Young, Secretary ISHPSSB 1409 N Marshall St Milwaukee WI 53202-2762 (414) 298-9138 cyoung[ at ]aero.net <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Slut paa HUGIN og MUNIN nr.106 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< H U G I N O G M U N I N elektronisk nyhedsbrev for AAbent Netvaerk for Videnskabsfilosofi og Videnskabshistorie nr. 107 d. 8. august 2000 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bringer meddelelser om aktiviteter indenfor VIDENSKABSHISTORIE og VIDENSKABSFILOSOFI og tilgraensende omraader som eksempelvis FORSKNING I FORSKNING * VIDENSKABSTEORI * VIDENSKABSETIK VIDENSKABSSOCIOLOGI * VIDENSKAB, TEKNOLOGI OG SAMFUND * BIOETIK FORSKNINGSPOLITIK * NATURFILOSOFI * VIDENSKABSFORMIDLING <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Indhold: 1. Opslag: Fakult¾re H¿jdepunkter; Det naturvidenskabelige Fakultets 150-Œr... Joan Warnow-Blewett: When should scientists' unpublished records be saved? 2. Internet-nyt History of Intellectual Culture (New Journal) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. Opslag: <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: Nils Koudahl Fakult¾re H¿jdepunkter Et jubil¾ums symposium med episoder fra Det naturvidenskabelige Fakultets 150-Œrige historie 30. - 31 August 2000 Onsdag den 30. august Auditorium 2 H.C.¯rsted Institutet, Universitetsparken 5, 2100 K¿benhavn ¯. 9.15: Velkomst ved Jesper LŸtzen, arrang¿r, Matematisk afdeling 9.20: Velkomst ved dekan Henrik Jeppesen, Det naturvidenskabelige Fakultet 9.30: To Fakulteter ved prodekan Thorkild Damsgaard Olsen, Det humanistiske Fakultet 9.45: Naturvidenskaberne og K¿benhavns Universitet. Vejen til ligestilling og selvst¾ndighed. ved universitetshistoriker Ejvind Slottved 10.30: Kaffe/the 11.00: N.V. Ussing, en geologisk Pioner. ved Erik Schou Jensen, Geologisk Museum. 11.45: Professor Johannes Lindhardt - om gymnastik, videnskab og kulturel forskellighed. ved Else Trangb¾k og Kurt J¿rgensen, Institut for Idr¾t. 12.30: Frokost 14.00: Et par banebrydere i dansk geografi: Martin Vahl og Niels Nielsen. ved Sofus Christiansen, Geologisk Institut 14.45: Kaffe/the 15.15: 50 Œr efter Galathea ved Torben Wolf, Zoologisk Museum Torsdag den 31. August Auditorium 2 H.C.¯rsted Institutet, Universitetsparken 5, 2100 K¿benhavn ¯. 9.15: H.C. ¯rsted og videnskabens rolle i samfundet. ved Andrew D. Jackson, Niels Bohr Instituttet. 10.00: Kaffe/the 10.30: Julius Thomsen og materiens enhed. ved Helge Kragh, Institut for Videnskabs-historie, Aarhus Universitet 11.15: Skolekammerater og kolleger: Matematikerne Julius Petersen og Hieronimus Georg Zeuthen. ved Jesper LŸtzen, Matematisk Afdeling. 12.00: Frokost 13.15: Lille Bohr: Matematikeren Harald Bohr ved Kurt Ramskov, Herlev Gymnasium. 14.00: Niels Bohr i fysik og storpolitik. ved Ove Nathan, tidl rektor, K¿benhavns Universitet. 14.15: Kaffe/the 15.15: August Krogh: F¿rste fysiolog ved Det naturvidenskabelige Fakultet. ved Anita Kildeb¾k Nielsen, Institut for Videnskabshistorie, rhus Universitet Alle er velkommen og tilmelding er ikke n¿dvendig Dog skal tilmelding til f¾lles frokost ske ved henvendelse til nko[ at ]adm.ku.dk . Prisen for frokost er 75 kr. pr.kuvert incl. en ¿l eller vand. Se ogsŒ www.nat.ku.dk/jubilaeum <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: "Anne Lis Rasmussen, Niels Bohr Archive" The Niels Bohr Archive's Friday 11 August 2000 at 10:15 History of Science Seminar Auditorium A, Niels Bohr Institute Blegdamsvej 17, Copenhagen Joan Warnow-Blewett, Archivist Emeritus Center for History of Physics, American Institute of Physics DOCUMENTING MODERN SCIENCE: WHEN SHOULD SCIENTISTS' UNPUBLISHED RECORDS BE SAVED? For 40 years the Center for History of Physics has played an activist role in ensuring that correspondence and other manuscript source material documenting physics and related disciplines are saved at appropriate repositories. The Center has also pioneered fieldwork with scientists as a means toward learning how to document new research institutions emerging in the post-WWII era. The first such project focused on Brookhaven and other National Laboratories of the Department of Energy. The most recent -- a decade-long study of large multi-institutional collaborations -- is now completed. Along the way, the AIP Center has become the prototype not only for various "discipline centers" in the USA but also for programs in other countries dedicated to documenting national contributions to modern science and technology. As Associate Director of the AIP Center, Warnow-Blewett has had main responsibility for the Center's documentation programs. She will describe the major findings of the fieldwork projects and the AIP recommendations for actions needed to secure the documentation. Basic for any documentation program is the correspondence and other unpublished material of individual scientists; accordingly, Warnow-Blewett particularly welcomes participation by scientists who are concerned about their papers. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. Internet-nyt: Subject: New Journal From: P.J. Stortz [mailto:pjstortz[ at ]TELUSPLANET.NET] The following is a Call for Papers for a new journal out of University of Calgary. Scholars in the field of intellectual history, social history, and history of higher education, among other fields, may find this journal interesting... History of Intellectual Culture Call for Papers History of Intellectual Culture is a new international electronic journal which publishes peer-reviewed research papers on the socio-historical contexts of ideas and ideologies and their relationships to community and state formation, physical environments, human and institutional agency, and personal and collective identity and lived experience. The journal will highlight the viability and vibrancy of intellectual history as a scholarly field, present new perspectives for research and analysis, and stimulate critical discussion amongst scholars and students across disciplines. The editors invite submissions of historical and interdisciplinary papers based on original research in the following broad areas: 1. the contextual development of social, philosophical, scientific, political, and economic ideas, ideologies, and discourses; 2. histories of cultures, communities, and social movements based on shared ideas; 3. histories of higher education including analyses of teaching, research, professorial and administrative activity, resource allocation, political and intellectual milieus, and department and discipline construction; 4. issues in the history of state and community formation; 5. ideas and discourses in the historical construction of race, gender, ethnicity, religion, nationalism, and multiculturalism; 6. histories of women and intellectual culture; 7. historical contexts of ideologies in science and technology, and media and communication; 8. biographies and studies of agency and historical development; and 9. new methodologies, approaches, and historiographies in the history of thought, state, culture, institutions, education, and community. For further information, including the guidelines for submissions, please visit the website of History of Intellectual Culture at: http://www.ucalgary.ca/hic/. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Slut paa HUGIN og MUNIN nr.107 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< H U G I N O G M U N I N elektronisk nyhedsbrev for AAbent Netvaerk for Videnskabsfilosofi og Videnskabshistorie nr. 108 d. 22. aug. 2000 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bringer meddelelser om aktiviteter indenfor VIDENSKABSHISTORIE og VIDENSKABSFILOSOFI og tilgraensende omraader som eksempelvis FORSKNING I FORSKNING * VIDENSKABSTEORI * VIDENSKABSETIK VIDENSKABSSOCIOLOGI * VIDENSKAB, TEKNOLOGI OG SAMFUND * BIOETIK FORSKNINGSPOLITIK * NATURFILOSOFI * VIDENSKABSFORMIDLING <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Indhold: 1. Opslag: Videnskabshistorisk disputats: Lene Koch Three Talks on Constructive Mathematics: Douglas S. Bridges Analytical Problems in the History of the Neurosciences RELIGIONERNE OG NATURVIDENSKAB 2. Call for Papers >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. Opslag: <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> Disputatsforsvar: Ved K¿benhavns Universitet vil historikeren Lene Koch (forskningslektor ved Afdelingen for Medicinsk Sociologi ved Institut for Folkesundheds- videnskab, Panum) forsvare en disputats om Racehygiejne og Tvangssterilisation i Danmark. V¾rket er tobinds: Racehygiejne i Danmark 1920-56 og Tvangssterilisation i Danmark 1929-67. Begge Gyldendal 2000 - den f¿rste er genudgivet i den aktuelle anledning. Opponenter er Inga Floto, Historisk Institut KU, Niels Finn Christiansen, Center for Arbejderkulturstudier KU, og Nils Roll-Hansen, Olso Universitet Tid: d. 15. september kl 14. Sted: Anneksauditorium A, Studiestr¾de 6, Kbh. <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: Klaus Frovin Joergensen Three Talks on Constructive Mathematics by Professor Douglas S. Bridges Universities of Roskilde and Aarhus August 29, 30 and 31 2000 Professor Douglas S. Bridges (Department of Mathematics & Statistics, University of Canterbury, New Zealand) will during his visit to Denmark give three talks on constructive mathematics, two at Roskilde University and one at BRICS, Aarhus University. Professor Bridges has for several decades performed research in constructive foundations of analysis, algebra, and physics. He has, furthermore, worked on computability and complexity. With these three Denmark-lectures he will give a solid introduction to constructive mathematics, its philosophy and its development. The first talk will be of a more philosophical flavour than the second and the third. Talk 1 Constructive Mathematics as a Foundation for Computability 14:00, August 29 Building 43, Auditorium 29, 3rd floor University of Roskilde Abstract: In this talk I sketch the history of constructive mathematics from the time of Brouwer's PhD thesis, in which he introduced his philosophy of "Intuitionism", through to the post-Bishop era. I show how logic, rather than a specific notion of (recursive) algorithm, can be used to handle questions of computability, and that the logical approach is more versatile than the algorithmic one. To illustrate the sort of results that can be obtained using intuitionistic logic, I discuss briefly an axiomatic constructive theory of the real line. Talk 2 Mathematics with Intuitionistic Logic 14:00, August 30: Building 02, Lokale 1, IMFUFA University of Roskilde Abstract: Although the original impetus for constructive mathematics arose from the belief that the "idealistic" notion of existence in mathematics was flawed and should be systematically replaced by a computational one, my experience of the practice of constructive mathematics has led me to share Richman's view that constructive mathematics is simply mathematics, with the normal objects of mathematics, carried out with intuitionistic logic. Viewed in this way, a constructive proof has the advantage of admitting several interpretations: recursive, intuitionistic, and even classical (traditional). In this talk I introduce Bishop's constructive mathematics, discuss its relation with formal systems for computable analysis, and illustrate the practice of constructive mathematics with some examples drawn from elementary analysis. Talk 3 Apartness Spaces as a Foundation for Constructive Topology 14:00, August 31 Bldg. 531, 1st floor, Aud. D4 University of Aarhus Abstract: Errett Bishop, thanks to whom we now know that a broad spectrum of deep mathematics can be developed constructively (Bishop 1967: Foundations of Constructive Analysis), originally dismissed topology with the following remark: "Very little is left of general topology after that vehicle of classical mathematics has been taken apart and reassembled constructively. With some regret, plus a large measure of relief, we see this flamboyant engine collapse to constructive size" (Bishop, 1967, page 63). Perhaps not surprisingly, general topology has since been marginalised in constructive mathematics. In this talk I present some recent joint work with Luminita Vitua (Dediu) on the constructive theory of apartness spaces, which hold considerable promise as a framework for constructive topology. The theory is based on (i) five axioms for a relation apart(x, A) of apartness and (ii) a second-order definition of the corresponding notion of nearness between points x and subsets A of a set X with a nontrivial inequality relation. After a number of elementary deductions from the axioms, I introduce the topology associated with an apartness structure, and three classically equivalent, but constructively inequivalent, notions of continuity for a mapping between apartness spaces. When the codomain of such a mapping is completely regular in a natural sense, the two strongest of the three continuity notions turn out to be equivalent. An extension of some of these results enables us to show that the final axiom for apartness, an axiom that is a triviality with classical logic, is ndependent of the first four. The talk concludes with a discussion of the product of two apartness structures. The three talks are arranged by the Danish Network for History and Philosophy of Mathematics (http://mmf.ruc.dk/mathnet/) in co-operation with BRICS (Basic Research In Computer Science, http://www.brics.dk/), University of Aarhus. For a map of the University of Roskilde, please take a look at http://mmf.ruc.dk/mathnet/sc.htm At the web address http://www.brics.dk/TravelInf/Aarhus/index.html you will find a map of BRICS, University of Aarhus. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Phone: (+45) 3542 4320 Url: http://akira.ruc.dk/~frovin +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: Thomas Sšderqvist Focused Workshop: "Analytical Problems in the History of the Neurosciences" Tirsdag den 17. oktober, 2000 pŒ Bella Center, Sal BV1, 16:30 - 18:00 Program: David Steinberg: Conceptual constraints on historical and scientific knowledge Helge Kragh: Historiographical problems in the historical study of the neurosciences Thomas Soderqvist: Neurology a la Plutarch: Problems in writing the history of contemporary neurology George York: Getting started: Objectives and justifications for historians of neurology Denna "Focused Workshop" indgŒr i den internationale neurolog-kongress ude pŒ Bella-centret i ugen 16-22 oktober. For at fŒ adgang til workshopen uden at skulle betale de 3000 kroner de andre kongressdeltagere skal hoste op med, sŒ skal rekvirere en "free registration badge", der kun g¾lder til selve workshopen. For at fŒ denne eftertragtede "badge" skal man melde sig inden den 15. september til: Lisbeth Hamburger Afdeling for medicinhistorie K¿benhavns Universitet Bredgade 62 1260 Kbh K e-mail: lih[ at ]mhm.ku.dk <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: Kees van Kooten Niekerk FORUM TEOLOGI NATURVIDENSKAB EfterŒrssemesteret 2000 RELIGIONERNE OG NATURVIDENSKAB Den moderne naturvidenskab har udviklet sig i den vestlige, kristne kulturkreds. Nogle historikere mener, at dette ikke er tilf¾ldigt, fordi det j¿disk-kristne syn pŒ naturen som et ikke-guddommeligt skaberv¾rk har fremmet en videnskabelig, objektiverende tilgang til naturen. Hvordan det end forholder sig: der er ingen tvivl om, at diskussionen om forholdet mellem religion og den moderne naturvidenskab har sin oprindelse i en kristen kontekst. Den dag i dag domineres diskussionen af kristne synspunkter. Imidlertid er der sket det, at de vestlige naturvidenskaber og teknologier i kolonialismens k¿lvand har spredt sig til det meste af verden, hvor de i tiltagende grad pŒvirker de lokale kulturer. Desuden er mange tilh¾ngere af ikke-kristne religioner i det sidste (20.!) Œrhundrede flyttet til den vestlige verden. Det har medf¿rt, at ogsŒ ikke-kristne religioner konfronteres med moderne naturvidenskab. Og faktisk er ogsŒ de begyndt at diskutere forholdet mellem religion (teologi) og naturvidenskab. Det er pŒ denne baggrund, at Forum Teologi Naturvidenskab i efterŒrssemesteret 2000 pr¾senterer diskussionen mellem religion og naturvidenskab i et bredere, religi¿st perspektiv - i hŒb om, at det vil frembringe nye synspunkter, som det kan v¾re frugtbart at diskutere for alle parter. En sŒdan diskussion udg¿r en naturlig del af dialogen mellem religionerne i den moderne verden i det hele taget. Her er det n¾rliggende at sp¿rge, om den interreligi¿se dialog og dialogen mellem teologi og naturvidenskab kan v¾re til gensidig inspiration. Foredragsr¾kken Œbner med biokemikeren Peder Olesen Larsens bestemmelse af forholdet mellem kristendom og naturvidenskab, i en kritisk gennemgang af flere nutidige naturvidenskabsm¾nds fors¿g pŒ at nŒ frem til en religi¿s tolkning af naturen. N¾ste taler er mellem¿steksperten Khaled Salih, som vil dr¿fte den iranske filosof Abdolkarim Soroush's fors¿g pŒ at forsone Islam med den moderne naturvidenskab og videnskabsfilosofi. Derefter vil filosoffen Anindita Balslev pr¾sentere hinduistiske ideer om verden, tid og bevidsthed og s¾tte dem i forbindelse med forholdet mellem religion og naturvidenskab. Desuden vil hun frems¾tte nogle bem¾rkninger om den interreligi¿se dialog. Dermed skabes der en god overgang til teologen Viggo Mortensens refleksioner over sp¿rgsmŒlet, om den interreligi¿se dialog og dialogen mellem teologi og naturvidenskab kan l¾re noget af hinanden. Alle er velkomne til foredragene, der kan f¿lges enkeltvis eller som serie. M¿derne holdes mandag eftermiddage fra kl. 15.15 - 18.00 i Studenternes Hus, Aarhus Universitet, m¿delokale 2. Det f¿rste m¿de (18. september) holdes dog i Richard Mortensens Stue, Studenternes Hus. P R O G R A M Mandag den 18. september NATURVIDENSKAB OG KRISTENDOM Peder Olesen Larsen dr. phil. og dr. scient. h.c., er adjungeret professor i forskningspolitik ved Det Naturvidenskabelige Fakultet, Aarhus Universitet. Han har skrevet omkring 60 publikationer om kemiske og biokemiske emner i internationale videnskabelige tidsskrifter. Forskere i naturvidenskab har gennem tiderne s¿gt at fŒ et religi¿st budskab ud af naturen. Disse bestr¾belser forts¾tter ufortr¿dent og vil blive belyst med eksempler hentet fra blandt andet Richard Dawkins, Stephen Hawking, Jacques Monod, Roger Penrose og Edward O. Wilson. Hvad er naturens budskab eller budskaber, hvad har disse bestr¾belser med kristendom at g¿re, og hvilken rolle giver kristendommen til naturvidenskaben? Mandag den 9. oktober ISLAM AND MODERN SCIENCE. THE CASE OF ABDOLKARIM SOROUSH Khaled Salih dr. phil. i statskundskab, er lektor ved Center for Mellem¿st-studier, Odense Universitet. Hans arbejdsomrŒde er den moderne politiske udvikling i Mellem¿sten. Contemporary Islamists try to present Islam as the ultimate answer to the modern world's problems, whatever they are of social, political or even scientific nature. The Iranian philosopher and writer Abdolkarim Soroush has in more than 20 years tried to re-introduce reason and rational debate into this field, thereby dismissing the arguments of many Islamists. In this lecture some of Soroush's ideas and arguments will be presented, as well as his attempts to reconcile Islam with modern science and the philosophy of science. Mandag den 13. november COSMOS AND TELOS: HINDU PERSPECTIVES Anindita Balslev er forskningslektor ved Filosofisk Institut, K¿benhavns Universitet. Hun arbejder med indisk filosofi og religion og er medlem af Advisory Board i American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Hun har skrevet og udgivet adskillige b¿ger, heriblandt Cultural Otherness. Correspondence with Richard Rorty (1991; 1999). An outline will be given of the Hindu conceptual world, especially focusing on traditional Hindu models of cosmology and cosmogony and how these are related to the question of the purpose of it all. In the context of this discussion the presentator will refer to Hindu views about time and consciousness, while highlighting some of the interface issues between science and religion. Some observations will also be made regarding how to facilitate inter-religious exchanges. Mandag den 11. december DIALOGEN MELLEM TEOLOGI OG NATURVIDENSKAB OG DIALOGEN MELLEM RELIGIONERNE. KAN DE TO FORMER FOR DIALOG L®RE AF HINANDEN? Viggo Mortensen dr. theol., er professor ved Institut for Systematisk Teologi, Aarhus Universitet. Han har tidligere besk¾ftiget sig med dialogen mellem teologi og naturvidenskab og er nu optaget af sp¿rgsmŒl relateret til den interreligi¿se dialog. Han har bl.a. skrevet disputatsen Teologi og Naturvidenskab. Hinsides Restriktion og Ekspansion (1989; tysk udgave 1995). Videnskaben, ¿konomien, religionen: tre st¾rke kr¾fter, der alle tre har som intention at virke enhedskabende i verden. Men ofte bringer de ulighed og splittelse. Det g¿r samtalen mellem dem bydende n¿dvendig. I foredraget er det intentionen at efterpr¿ve, om de modeller for dialog, der er udviklet indenfor dialogen mellem teologi og naturvidenskab, kan v¾re frugtbare i den interreligi¿se dialog. Ligeledes er det intentionen at efterpr¿ve, om de former for praktisk samtale og samarbejde, som er udviklet indenfor den interreligi¿se dialog, kan virke inspirerende ind pŒ dialogen mellem teologi og naturvidenskab. _____________________________________________________________________ Der g¿res opm¾rksom pŒ, at der 25-26 september holdes en international work-shop over Evolution - Biological Trends & Applications in Information Technology pŒ Aarhus Universitet, bygning 420. Den byder pŒ opl¾g ved 10 udenlandske og danske forskere, deriblandt Daniel Dennett, som vil tale om Objets TrouvŽs: The Role of Collision in Evolution. For n¾rmere oplysninger se http://www.evalife.dk/workshop2000. _____________________________________________________________________ Arbejdsgrupper Gruppe 1: Moderne fysik og kosmologi. Kontaktperson: Finn Christiansen, tlf. 86211233 Gruppe 2: Hjerneforskning. Kontaktperson: Mogens Dalby, tlf. 86292224 Gruppe 3: Medicinsk etik. Kontaktperson: Eva Nordentoft, tlf. 86176880 Gruppe 4: Kompleksitet. Kontaktperson: Finn Christiansen, tlf. 86211233 NB: Forum Teologi Naturvidenskab har fŒet en hjemmeside. Adressen er: www.forumteonat.au.dk >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. Call for Papers From: Prof S Fuller Apologies for cross-postings. Social Epistemology Special issue on the Commercialisation of Epistemology, Oct-Dec 2001 That knowledge is power and ultimately money is a dictum that has been around since the scientific revolution turned into an industrial one. Few would dispute that knowledge of resources and markets can be turned into a profit. A recent twist to this link between knowledge and money is the turning of 'knowledge about knowledge production' into a commercial product in its own right, sometimes more successfully than knowledge about a specific subject. For instance, under the heading of Knowledge Management, marketable principles are now derived for commercially applied knowledge creation, validation and dissemination. At the same time, in much the same way that Taylorism revolutionised manufacturing by rendering the process of work an object of systematic study, principles for knowledge work are increasingly becoming described, manipulated and commercialised. The journal Social Epistemology is planning a special issue devoted to critical reflections on this phenomenon, its roots in intellectual history, its current practices and implications, and its future. While we expect people in the field of organisational studies to take a particular interest in the subject, we would especially like to encourage submissions by researchers from a variety of perspectives in the social and policy sciences and the humanities. Typical papers might address: * The implications of commercial technologies of knowledge for a social theory of knowledge, and vice versa. * The implications of these new developments for those fields that have specialized in the study of knowledge: the history and philosophy of science, as well as various perspectives in science and technology studies (STS). * The relation between the traditional scientific expert and the knowledge professional. * Case studies on the role of knowledge workers in the commercialisation of epistemology, inside and outside academe. * The implications of markets for 'knowledge of knowledge' for philosophical and social theories of value, and of power, and for debates on the expansion of 'the market' into new domains. * The implications of attempts to Taylorize knowledge production for a range of legal, political and policy issues such as intellectual property, knowledge-based economic development, etc. * Explorations of alternative future scenarios related to this phenomenon. Please submit a 250 word abstract to Sujatha Raman (mailto:s.raman[ at ]lancaster.ac.uk) and Tomas Hellstrom (mailto:tomhel[ at ]mot.chalmers.se) by October 15, 2000. We expect to complete the selection of abstracts by the end of October. The deadline for completed papers will be 1 March 2001, with publication expected by the end of 2001. Tomas Hellstrom Institute for Management of Innovation & Technology Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden tomhel[ at ]mot.chalmers.se Sujatha Raman Centre for Science Studies University of Lancaster, England s.raman[ at ]lancaster.ac.uk >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Slut paa HUGIN og MUNIN nr.108 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< H U G I N O G M U N I N elektronisk nyhedsbrev for AAbent Netvaerk for Videnskabsfilosofi og Videnskabshistorie nr. 109 d. 5. sept. 2000 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bringer meddelelser om aktiviteter indenfor VIDENSKABSHISTORIE og VIDENSKABSFILOSOFI og tilgraensende omraader som eksempelvis FORSKNING I FORSKNING * VIDENSKABSTEORI * VIDENSKABSETIK VIDENSKABSSOCIOLOGI * VIDENSKAB, TEKNOLOGI OG SAMFUND * BIOETIK FORSKNINGSPOLITIK * NATURFILOSOFI * VIDENSKABSFORMIDLING <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Indhold: 1. Opslag: Nationalkommiteens Œrsm¿de for videnskabsteori og -historie Hvad er der sket med fisken ? Seminar om betydningsdannelse Forel¾sninger i Naturfilososofi 2. Internet-nyt Bookshop Philoscience Foundations of Chemistry >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. Opslag: <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: dafa[ at ]filos.sdu.dk (David Favrholdt) Subject: Œrsm¿de, nationalkomiteen, IUHPS Nationalkomiteen under IUHPS (International Union for the History and Philosophy of Science) afholder sit Œrsm¿de pŒ Syddansk Universitet/Odense fredag den 24. og L¿rdag den 25. november, 2000. Bem¾rk datoerne, som er en ¾ndring i forhold til tidligere udsendt meddelelse. SŒfremt interesserede har forslag til en meddelelse om deres forskning i videnskabsteori eller videnskabshistorie (af. ca. 30 minutters varighed) modtages sŒdanne gerne pŒ adressen: David Favrholdt, Filosofisk Universitet, Syddansk Universitet/Odense, Campusvej 55, 5230 Odense M. e-mail: dafa[ at ]filos.sdu.dk. Fax: 65 93 23 75. Bedste Hilsener David Favrholdt <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> from: Dorte SkovgŒrd I anledning af udgivelsen "Hvad er der sket med fisken?" har Det ¯kologiske RŒd og Forlaget Multivers forn¿jelsen af at invitere til reception i: Den Sorte Diamant Det Kongelige Bibliotek S¿ren Kierkegaards Plads 1 K¿benhavn K 12. september kl.15.30 L¾s mere om invitationen her: http://www.multivers.dk/invitation/ De bedste hilsener Dorte SkovgŒrd & Pernille Kaltoft <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: Torkild Leo Thellefsen Seminar for betydningsdannelse. Aalborg Universitet d. 6. og 7. november Seminarets tema er betydningsdannelse. Er det muligt at udsige noget generelt om betydningsdannelse og hvordan betydningen kommunikeres? Hvilke teorier/skoler skal vi benytte for at belyse betydning? Seminarets mŒlgruppe er forskere og studerende med interesse udi informationsteoretiske problemstillinger i Internets¿gning, design af software, mediebŒret kommunikation, betydningsdannelse i filosofisk lys, lingvistik, semiotik, pragmatik og semantik. Forskere opfordres til at deltage i seminaret og sende arrang¿ren et abstract. Yderligere information kan om seminaret kan ses pŒ f¿lgende url: http://www.hum.auc.dk/forskning/sprog/betyd.htm <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: emmeche[at]nbi.dk Plan for forel¾sninger i Naturfilosofi, Niels Bohr Institutet, Det Naturvidenskabelige Fakultet, K¿benhavns Universitet, efterŒret 2000. Tid: Mandage 12:15 - 14:00, og onsdage 15:15 - 17:00, hver forel¾sning (ca. 45 min.) f¿lges af en diskussionstime. Sted: Auditorium U, Blegdamsvej 17, K¿benhavn. En n¾rmere pr¾sentation af hver enkelt forel¾sning findes pŒ http://www.nbi.dk/~natphil/kur/NF2000plan.html Et kompendium med baggrundstekster kan k¿bes i Naturfagsbogladen, se n¾rmere herom pŒ n¾vnte web-adresse. Alle er velkomne. Dag og Dato: Emne og Forel¾ser: ma 11. sep Filosofisk, naturvidenskabelig og anden forskning: Om teori og empiri. Finn Collin on 13.sep Paradigme som videnskabsfilosofisk begreb Stig Andur Pedersen ma 18.sep Kontrolmetaforens sammenbrud og livet som tegn Jesper Hoffmeyer on 20.sep Om forholdet mellem teori og empiri i forbindelse med videnskabens fremskridt: to fysikhistoriske cases Uffe GrŒe J¿rgensen ma 25.sep Interpretation i kemisk forskning: NMR-spektroskopi som eksempel Knud J. Jensen on 27.sep Krop og bevidsthed: En etologisk-biosemiotisk reflektion S¿ren Brier ma 2. okt Kan videnskab bruge filosofi til noget? - om gr¾nsen mellem filosofi og videnskab Hans Siggaard Jensen on 4. okt Videnskab, filosofi og de to kulturer Peter Clemens Kj¾rgaard ma 9. okt Filosofiske og eksistentielle motiver i forskningen belyst ud fra forskerbiografien Thomas Sšderqvist on 11.okt Artsbegreber i biologien Niels Bonde (d.18.-22. okt., uge 42: efterŒrsferie) ma 23.okt Evolutionen kan ikke gentages Claus Heinberg on 25.okt Videnskabelige revolutioner Hanne Andersen ma 30.okt Realisme/antirealisme i kvantemekanikken og generelt Jens Bang og Dres Poulsen on 1.nov Om borde, stole og ¿lkrus - et matematikhistorisk vue Jesper LŸtzen ma 6. nov Hermeneutik og inkommensurabilitet hos T.S. Kuhn Knud Jensen on 8. nov Hvad er tilf¾ldighed? Ole Olsen ma 13.nov Katastrofer og metaforer i natur- og kulturvidenskab Kasper Nefer Olsen on 15.nov Stregen i Sandet - B¿lgen pŒ vandet. Stenos teori om naturens sprog og erkendelsens gr¾nser Jens Morten Hansen ma 20.nov Brug og misbrug af videnskab: om de gode viljer Lene Koch on 22.nov Naturen som social konstruktion Claus Heinberg ma 27.nov Det videnskabelige studium af religion Michael Rothstein on 29.nov Er der plads til bioetik i selve forskningen? Peter Sand¿e ma 4.dec Niels Bohrs syn pŒ atombomben Finn Aaserud on 6. dec Biologiens, bevidsthedens og troens verden Lis Olesen Larsen ma 11.dec The scientist's individual responsibility - a Pugwash perspective John Avery ons 13.dec Paneldiskussion: Selektion af popul¾r forskning Ole Olsen, Benny Lautrup m.fl. og: Kursusafslutning >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. Internet-nyt: From: Subject: Bookshop Philoscience is born Hello, I am pleased to announce the launch of philoscience.com, an online french bookshop specialised in old and second-hand books on science and philosophy, history of science, epistemology. With 4 000 books listed online and as many in reserve, we offer: - an elaborate book-searching system (classification by theme, search engine), - a simple, efficient and fully bilingual web site with shopping cart and safe payment guarantee, - as well as a wide array of services (out-of-stock book search, news on the history of science and philosophy, classifieds, complete bios of scientists and philosophers). Our aim is to offer level of quality resembling that of the major American book web sites, while nevertheless preserving a human touch and offering a customised service. There is many english and american books availables. Http://www.philoscience.com Sincerely, Arnaud Le Bras Webmaster Philoscience, passion for knowledge <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: Eric Scerri Subject: Now Free On-line/ issue 3 of FOCH Dear Colleagues, I thought you might like to know that the whole of issue 3 of Foundations of Chemistry is now available and can be dowloaded free of charge from this journal web page. You need Acrobat 3 or any later version. This too can be dowloaded in you don't have it. Just search for Acrobat http://www.wkap.nl/journalhome.htm/1386-4238 click on any of the articles and they will be dowloaded onto your machine. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Slut paa HUGIN og MUNIN nr.109 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< H U G I N O G M U N I N elektronisk nyhedsbrev for AAbent Netvaerk for Videnskabsfilosofi og Videnskabshistorie nr. 110 d. 25. sept. 2000 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bringer meddelelser om aktiviteter indenfor VIDENSKABSHISTORIE og VIDENSKABSFILOSOFI og tilgraensende omraader som eksempelvis FORSKNING I FORSKNING * VIDENSKABSTEORI * VIDENSKABSETIK VIDENSKABSSOCIOLOGI * VIDENSKAB, TEKNOLOGI OG SAMFUND * BIOETIK FORSKNINGSPOLITIK * NATURFILOSOFI * VIDENSKABSFORMIDLING <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Indhold: 1. Opslag: Kollokvier ved Institut for Videnskabshistorie Genteknologi og ¯konomi (Lund) Katalog fra Sydskandinavisk Konsortium for Videnskabsforskning Hans Primas: Fascination and inflation in science 2. Internet-nyt Steve Fuller's ... >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. Opslag: <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: Louis Klostergaard Kollokvier ved Institut for Videnskabshistorie efterŒret 2000 Torsdage kl. 1515 - 1700 i koll. G4, Matematisk Institut Aarhus Universitet Dato Foredragsholder Titel NB! 29.9. Prof. Jed Buchwald: Light, Ego and the Battle between Biot and Arago Dibner Institute, MIT, USA 5.10. Prof. Dr. Trevor H. Levere Science and the Canadian Arctic - From the Napoleonic Wars to the International University of Toronto, Canada Polar Year NB! 11.10 Dr. Arild Stubhaug: "Sophus Lie - hans private og offentlige liv og virke" Oslo, Norge 12.10. Ph.d.-studerende.: Michael Sterll: Videnskabshistorie og biografi Botanisk Museum, K¿benhavn NB! 23.10. Dr. Rajinder Singh: Sir C. V. Raman and the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1930 University of Oldenburg, Germany 26.10. Prof. Carol Colatrella: Representing Female-Friendly Technology in Fiction and Film Georgia Institute of Technology, USA 2.11. Dr. Erik v. d. Vleuten : At gent¾nke systemsamfundet: Store tekniske systemer i teknik, samfund og natur Eindhoven University of Technology, Holland 9.11. Dr. Inger H. Dalsgaard: Wernher von Braun: How the Rocket Baron sold Science in America Inst. for Historie, AU 16.11. Dr. Anders Lundgren: Varfšr stšdja veteskapen? Kemi och kemisk industri kring sekelskiftet 1900 Uppsala Universitet, Sverige 23.11. Ph.d.-stud.: Morten Fink-Jensen: Casper Bartholin (1585-1629) og forholdet mellem teologi og Historisk Institut, KU naturvidenskab 14.12. Lektor Ole ¯sterby: Archimedes, Huygens, Richardson and Romberg Datalogisk Institut, AU Foredragenes abstract kan findes pŒ IVHs hjemmeside, hvor man ogsŒ b¿r holde ¿je med aflysninger/¾ndringer: www.ifa.au.dk/ivh/kollokvier/oversigt.dk.html PŒ gensyn Louis Klostergaard 521-123, 89 42 35 12, ivhlk[ at ]ifa.au.dk <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: Gitte N¿rgaard Subject: Invitation fra Medicon Valley Academy Vi modtager jeres blad og t¾nkte at det var af interesse. Elektronisk link: http://www.mva.org/activities/Genteknikkonferens/gen_valkommen.htm Venlig Hilsen Gitte N¿rgaard Medicon Valley Academy > Medicon Valley Academy inviterer til konferencen > > Genteknologi og ¯konomi > 9. november 2000, Stadshallen, Lund > > ... videnskabelige opl¾g og etisk debat om > - gener som handelsvare > - udnyttelse af biobanker > - bioinformatik > og meget mere... > > > L®S mere om konferencen pŒ http://www.mva.org > > Allerede NU kan du sikre dig en deltagerplads pŒ konferencen - send en > e-mail med navn og adresse til gen[ at ]mva.org > > Konferencen er arrangeret i samarbejde med Etnologisk Institut, Lund > og Genteknikn¾vnet, Stockholm. > > > Med venlig hilsen > > Medicon Valley Academy > <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: Klaus Frovin Joergensen SYDSKANDINAVISK KONSORTIUM FOR VIDENSKABSFORSKNING Til kontaktpersoner og Ph.d.-studerende tilknyttet Konsortiet. Hermed er vores katalog over videnskabsforskningen i Sydskandinavien blevet f¾rdigt. I forhold til tidligere Œrs udgaver af kataloget er dette Œrs udgave udelukkende en www-udgave, og der vil ikke forekomme nogen trykt udgave. Det n¾sten f¾rdige katalog kan nu findes pŒ adressen http://www.mail.ruc.dk/~frovin/videnskabsforskning/ men vil senere blive lagt pŒ adressen http://www.videnskabsforskning.dk/ NŒr adressen skifter vil man automatisk blive sendt videre under valg af den f¿rste adresse. Ikke alle har fŒet sendt dette Œrs opdaterede bidrag til mig - de opfordres hermed. Endelig vil jeg g¿re opm¾rksom pŒ den kommende generalforsamling den 11. december, hvor punkter - blandt andre - vil v¾re styrkelsen af Ph.d.-uddannelser inden for smŒ milj¿er, og det kommende Filosofikum ved de danske universiteter. En skriftelig indkaldelse med dagsorden f¿lger snarest. De bedste hilsner pŒ vegne af arbejdsgruppen: Hanne Andersen, Gunnar Broberg, Peter C. Kj¾rgaard, Helge Kragh og Thomas Sšderqvist *** Klaus Frovin J¿rgensen (faglig sekret¾r) Regul¾r post: Faggruppen for Filosofi og Videnskabsteori P5 Roskilde Universitetscenter 4000 Roskilde Email: frovin[ at ]ruc.dk *** <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: Tom Borsen Hansen Subject: Hans Primas Opslaget drejer sig om et foredrag med den internationalt kendte teoretiske kemiker Hans Primas fra Schweiz, der i anledning af den verserende filosofikumdebat vil tale over emnet: Fascination and inflation in Science. Foredraget finder sted mandag den 13. november kl 15.00 pŒ Danmarks Farmaceutiske H¿jskole. Alle er velkomne og der er gratis adgang. ***** Dansk Center for Naturvidenskabsdidaktik & Danmarks Farmaceutiske H¿jskole Emeritus Professor of Theoretical Chemistry Hans Primas, ETH ZŸrich, Schweiz Mandag, den 13. november, kl. 15.00 i Benzon-auditoriet Danmarks Farmaceutiske H¿jskole Universitetsparken 2, 2100 K¿benhavn ¯ Fascination and inflation in science A common misconception is that science is just facts and figures. Scientists are as creative as artists, musicians, and writers. Yet, few scientists are cognizant about what is going on in their own creative work. If a scientist is not informed about the world of his inner pictures, he does not really know what he is doing in his work, and that may be dangerous for the society. When a scientist becomes fascinated, and even (in the parlance of Carl Gustav Jung) inflated by archetypal contents, his sense of responsibility can become severely distorted. Some examples confirming this will be discussed. This problem cannot be resolved by straightforward scientific ways of thinking alone since fascination is both an indispensable prerequisite for creative scientific work as well as intellectually unassailable. So we have the dilemma that good scientists need to be fascinated by their subject, but that fascination is also dangerous. This is a serious problem with which we have not yet come to terms. Certainly, public funding organizations should not promote mediocre science. But if they sponsor outstanding scientists, it is likely that they support fascinated, maybe even inflated scientists. Whether this is in the public interest is at least doubtful. There is no easy way out of this dilemma. But for an individual working scientist there is moral: It is not enough that a research scientist masters the methods of his field, he also has to know something about the origin of his ideas and about the dangerous nature of fascinosa. Hans Primas is Professor Emeritus in Theoretical Chemistry at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in ZŸrich. From 1953 to 1961 he was constructing high-resolution NMR-spectrometers for chemical applications and was so a cofounder of the NMR-center at the ETH ZŸrich. Later the research group of Hans Primas was concerned with fundamental theoretical questions of natural science, in particular with quantum mechanics of very complex molecular systems. In the center of interest were holistic properties of matter, symmetry breakings, and the associated emergence of order and classical properties in mesoscopic quantum systems. He is the author of the monograph _Chemistry, Quantum Mechanics and Reductionism_ (Springer 1981, 1983), co-author of the text _Elementare Quantenchemie_ (Teubner, 1984), and co-editor of the book _Der Pauli-Jung-Dialog und seine Bedeutung fŸr die moderne Wissenschaft_ (Springer, 1995). >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. Internet-nyt: From: Scott Jaschik Subject: Steve Fuller's critique of Thomas Kuhn The Chronicle of Higher Education is sponsoring an online discussion this week about Steve Fuller's "Thomas Kuhn: A Philosophical History for Our Times" (University of Chicago Press). The discussion is based on an article in this week's issue of The Chronicle about Fuller and his critique of Kuhn and of academe. The Chronicle invites members of this list to read the article and join the discussion at: http://chronicle.com/colloquy/2000/kuhn/kuhn.htm Scott Jaschik Editor The Chronicle of Higher Education >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> HUGIN og MUNIN er et elektronisk nyhedsbrev for aktiviteter indenfor videnskabsteori, videnskabsfilosofi, videnskabshistorie, videnskabssociologi og tilgraensende emneomraader. Det udsendes af Center for Naturfilosofi og Videnskabsstudier, Koebenhavns Universitet, og udspringer af Netvaerk for Videnskabsfilosofi og Videnskabshistorie, som Statens Humanistisk Forskningsraad i Danmark igangsatte i 1994 for at styrke kontakten mellem grupper og enkeltpersoner indenfor de naevnte fagomraader. Annoncering af moeder i Hugin og Munin, tilmelding, afmelding, og andre henvendelser sendes til emmeche[at]nbi.dk . Et web-arkiv for tidligere numre er: http://www.nbi.dk/~natphil/hug/hug.intro.html Hugin og Munin - tanke og erindring - er de to vise ravne, der sidder paa Odins skuldre og hvisker ham alle tidender i oeret. Han sender dem ud ved daggry, og ved morgenmaaltidet vender de tilbage med nyheder fra hele verden. Ravnene er her valgt som vartegn for den filosofiske eftertanke og den historiske erindring. Begge er vigtige naar de enkelte videnskaber om natur og menneske skal bringes i kontakt med videnskabsteoriens beskrivelser af videnskab som en konkret og kompleks proces, der maa forstaas ud fra baade filosofiske, historiske og sociologiske studier. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Slut paa HUGIN og MUNIN nr. 110