Subject: H U G I N O G M U N I N nr. 121 (13.3.2001) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< H U G I N O G M U N I N elektronisk nyhedsbrev for AAbent Netvaerk for Videnskabsfilosofi og Videnskabshistorie nr. 121 d. 13. marts 2001 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bringer meddelelser om aktiviteter indenfor VIDENSKABSHISTORIE og VIDENSKABSFILOSOFI og tilgraensende omraader som eksempelvis FORSKNING I FORSKNING * VIDENSKABSTEORI * VIDENSKABSETIK VIDENSKABSSOCIOLOGI * VIDENSKAB, TEKNOLOGI OG SAMFUND * BIOETIK FORSKNINGSPOLITIK * NATURFILOSOFI * VIDENSKABSFORMIDLING <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Indhold: 1. Opslag: Fysikvidenskabens drivkr¾fter: Gud og science fiction? En unders¿gelse af forholdet mellem videnskab og v¾rdier (Ph.D) The Challenge of Communicating the Objects of Contemporary Bioscience 2. Internet-nyt >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. Opslag: <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: Lise Lotz Subject: Foredrag: Fysikvidenskabens drivkr¾fter: Gud og science fiction? Onsdag d. 14. marts kl. 19.30 Fysikvidenskabens drivkr¾fter: Gud og science fiction? Cathrine Hasse, antropolog, Ph.d. Seniorforsker ved Dansk Humanistisk ForskningsrŒd Fysikvidenskaben tager sin begyndelse i det mentale rum, der Œbnes i fysikundervisningen - men mŒske f¿rst og fremmest gennem en lang r¾kke fantasier, der s¾ttes i gang af b¿ger, film og tv-serier. Fra denne begyndelse bev¾ger en kommende forsker i fysik sig videre ind pŒ universitetet - og m¿der her hos ¾ldre kolleger flere mentale redskaber og tankeformer, der kan forbindes med sŒvel fremtidsfantasier som et altomfattende gudsbegreb. Det sp¿rgsmŒl, der rejser sig er, om de kr¾fter, der driver nogle men ikke alle fysikstuderende mod en forskerkarriere, er k¿nnede. Cathrine Hasse har i forbindelse med sin Ph.d. om dette emne bl.a. foretaget feltstudie pŒ Niels BohrInstituttet. Sted: HC¯ Instituttet, Universitetsparken 5, 2100 K¿benhavn ¯, Aud. 10 Venlig hilsen Cand. theol. Lise Lotz Sekret¾r for studenterpr¾sten/akademisk medarbejder Tlf. 3532 7094 Panum Instituttet, Lokale 15.2.1 Blegdamsvej 3 2200 K¿benhavn N <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: Hugo Fjelsted Alr¿e Ph.d forsvar: Hugo Fjelsted Alr¿e forsvarer mandag den 19. marts 2001 sin afhandling med titlen "Helhedsorienteret forskning i jordbruget - bidrag til systemisk metodik og etik: En unders¿gelse af forholdet mellem videnskab og v¾rdier med s¾rlig reference til ¿kologisk jordbrug." Forsvaret finder sted kl. 13.00 i auditorium 8-02, KVL-H¿jbakkegŒrd, Agrovej 10, Taastrup. Hovedvejleder: Lektor Jesper Rasmussen, Sektion for Agro¿kologi, Inst. for Jordbrugsvidenskab, KVL Medvejleder: Centerleder Erik Steen Kristensen, Forskningscenter for ¯kologisk Jordbrug (F¯JO) Bed¿mmelsesudvalg: Lektor Henning H¿gh Jensen, Institut for Jordbrugsvidenskab, KVL (formand); Forskningsprofessor Peter Sand¿e, Institut for Husdyrbrug og Husdyrsundhed, KVL; F¿rsteamanuensis Geir Lieblein, Institutt for plantefag, NLH. Et eksemplar af afhandlingen eller et elektronisk preprint af sammenfatning og/eller artikler kan rekvireres pŒ email: hugo.alroe[ at ] <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: Thomas Sšderqvist Highly Impure and Hot to Handle: The Challenge of Communicating the Objects of Contemporary Bioscience An International Seminar to be held at the Department of History of Medicine/Medical History Museum, University of Copenhagen, 26th October 2001. The boundary between basic and applied research is breaking down in the contemporary biosciences. Increasingly, biological research is being re-visioned as not just a mode of discovery but more importantly, an expanding horizon of invention with a completely new interface with society at large. This situation poses many complex challenges for science communicators as the new objects of research they confront come more completely to resemble open and creative feats of engineering rather than stable and incontrovertible facts of nature. More constructed than given; more hybrid than pure, many of the most prized objects of contemporary bioscience are acquiring the character of complex materialities into which variable human values and ambitions are being both experimentally and controversially inscribed. If the biosciences today are unveiling the previously unimaginable and no longer simply the previously unknown how should science communicators rethink their professional identities and responsibilities? Is the contemporary situation increasingly one in which the very survival of the objects of contemporary biological research is dependent upon the strategic intervention of science communicators? The aim of this one-day international seminar will be to bring together perspectives from both leading scholars and practitioners on the challenges facing science communicators in their encounters with the objects of contemporary bioscience. Can a renewed interest in approaching the history of science through transformations in the details of its material culture be successfully adapted to illuminate and contextualize contemporary developments? To what extent can the objects of contemporary bioscience be rendered negotiable through accelerated modes of science communication mobilizing new media and emphasizing interactivity and spontaneous feedback? Through the seminar the viewpoints of professionals working in different media such as exhibitions, journalism and television will be compared and contrasted with those of scholars with both natural scientific and humanistic backgrounds. The hope is that discussions will be able to contribute to the establishment of more reflective foundations for the development of science communication in the future. The seminar will encompass plenary sessions with invited speakers and discussants and a concluding panel discussion. A 200 word paper abstract from each invited speaker will be required by 31st May 2001. For further information regarding the seminar, please contact Thomas Sšderqvist (t.soderqvist[ at ] or Adam Bencard (adb[ at ]; phone: +45 3532 3800), both at the Department of History of Medicine/Medical History Museum, University of Copenhagen, or Mark Elam (marel[ at ] at the Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen (tel. +45 3532 3233). >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. Internet-nyt: From: "Richardson, Gudrun" The Raymond and Beverly Sackler Archive Resource The Sackler Archive Resource is developed by the Royal Society Library and generously funded by the Raymond and Beverly Sackler Trust. The Resource is a biographical database of Fellows of the Royal Society from its inception in 1660 to the present day (excluding the current Fellowship) and includes some 8,000 figures from the history of science. Names such as Sir Christopher Wren (FRS 1663), Sir Humphry Davy (FRS 1803) and Charles Darwin (FRS 1839) appear alongside their contemporaries who have been all but lost to history. The aim of the five-year project is to bring together the diverse printed sources relating to the history of the Fellowship into a fully searchable database. Election certificates are being transcribed, allowing users to search for research interests and also to identify links between individual scientists through candidates' proposers. Other biographical elements include education, career details and family relationships; other information includes references to obituaries of Fellows published by the Royal Society. The next aim of the project is to scan portraits of Fellows and attach these to the biographical records. The Resource is now available via the Royal Society's website: , under the link "Online catalogues". Also available is the library catalogue of the Royal Society, a collection of history of science and science policy, built around the Royal Society's work and Fellows. Work on the Sackler Archive Resource is ongoing and additional information would be most welcome. Comments regarding either the Resource or the library catalogue can be sent to: sackler[ at ] . Gudrun Richardson (Miss) Researcher (Raymond and Beverly Sackler Archive Resource) The Royal Society - promoting excellence in science <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: Giles Hudson Epact Online The Museum of the History of Science, Oxford, Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza, Florence, The British Museum, London, and Museum Boerhaave, Leiden, are pleased to announce the online version of "Epact: Scientific Instruments of Medieval and Renaissance Europe", available at Epact is an electronic catalogue of all the Medieval and Renaissance scientific instruments in the four museums. It is aimed at both the general public and the connoisseur of scientific instruments. Each instrument in the catalogue is described by an overview text and a detailed technical description as well as being illustrated by photographs. Supporting material for the catalogue includes an essay on the Medieval and Renaissance mathematical arts and sciences, articles describing the function of different instrument types, entries on makers and places represented, a glossary of technical terms, and a bibliography. Epact was first published in stand-alone form in the four museums in September 1998. The current online version reproduces the contents of the stand-alone edition with pictures of slightly lower resolution as befits an Internet resource. Corrections and additions are currently being compiled, and in the meantime any problems with the online version and suggestions for further improvements should be directed to giles.hudson[ at ] We believe that Epact is one of the highest quality resources of its kind and hope that it will prove to be of value to researchers as well as bringing the material remains of our scientific heritage to the attention of a wider public audience. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> HUGIN og MUNIN er et elektronisk nyhedsbrev for aktiviteter indenfor videnskabsteori, videnskabsfilosofi, videnskabshistorie, videnskabssociologi og tilgraensende emneomraader. Det udsendes af Center for Naturfilosofi og Videnskabsstudier, Koebenhavns Universitet, og udspringer af Netvaerk for Videnskabsfilosofi og Videnskabshistorie, som Statens Humanistisk Forskningsraad i Danmark igangsatte i 1994 for at styrke kontakten mellem grupper og enkeltpersoner indenfor de naevnte fagomraader. Annoncering af moeder i Hugin og Munin, tilmelding, afmelding, og andre henvendelser sendes til emmeche[at] . Et web-arkiv for tidligere numre er: Hugin og Munin - tanke og erindring - er de to vise ravne, der sidder paa Odins skuldre og hvisker ham alle tidender i oeret. Han sender dem ud ved daggry, og ved morgenmaaltidet vender de tilbage med nyheder fra hele verden. Ravnene er her valgt som vartegn for den filosofiske eftertanke og den historiske erindring. Begge er vigtige naar de enkelte videnskaber om natur og menneske skal bringes i kontakt med videnskabsteoriens beskrivelser af videnskab som en konkret og kompleks proces, der maa forstaas ud fra baade filosofiske, historiske og sociologiske studier. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Slut paa HUGIN og MUNIN nr.121 Subject: H U G I N O G M U N I N nr. 122 (29.3.2001) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< H U G I N O G M U N I N elektronisk nyhedsbrev for AAbent Netvaerk for Videnskabsfilosofi og Videnskabshistorie nr. 122 d. 29. marts 2001 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bringer meddelelser om aktiviteter indenfor VIDENSKABSHISTORIE og VIDENSKABSFILOSOFI og tilgraensende omraader som eksempelvis FORSKNING I FORSKNING * VIDENSKABSTEORI * VIDENSKABSETIK VIDENSKABSSOCIOLOGI * VIDENSKAB, TEKNOLOGI OG SAMFUND * BIOETIK FORSKNINGSPOLITIK * NATURFILOSOFI * VIDENSKABSFORMIDLING <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Indhold: Opslag: Nordisk ph.d.-kurs i molekyl¾rbiologiens historie og filosofi Kritik af socialkonstruktivismen Debataften m.m i Oplysningsforbundet for Kritisk Videnskabsteori PhD-course in St. Petersburg, June 8-15th >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> From: roger.strand[ at ] (Roger Strand) NORDISK PH.D.-KURS I MOLEKYL®RBIOLOGIENS HISTORIE OG FILOSOFI Ph.D.-kurset "The Dynamics of Investigation in the Molecular Biosciences", 22.-29. april 2001 i Rosendal, Norge, har fortsatt ledige plasser for danske s¿kere. MŒlgruppe: Ph.D.-studenter i biokjemi/molekyl¾rbiologi og i vitenskapsteoretiske disipliner som studerer biokjemi/molekyl¾rbiologi. Blant foreleserne finner man Frederic Holmes, Yale, og Hans-Jšrg Rheinberger, Max Planck Inst. fŸr Wissenschaftstheorie, Berlin. Kurset er finansiert av Nordisk Forskerutdanningsakademi. Nordiske deltakere kan fŒ full ¿konomisk st¿tte til reise, opphold og kursavgift. PŒmeldingsfrist: 20. mars (omgŒende!) Mer informasjon: Kontakt: roger.strand[ at ] <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: "BESKED FRA FILOSOFI.NET" Subject: Symposion-foredrag henleder hermed din opm¾rksomhed Œp f¿lgende arrangement: Foredrag pŒ Odense Universitet Torsdag 29.3, Kl.19.00 U91 Finn Collin, Professor,Ph.D.,dr.phil. Kritik af socialkonstruktivismen Der findes to slags socialkonstruktivisme, en ontologisk og en erkendelsesteoretisk. Den ontologiske variant h¾vder, at virkeligheden, is¾r den fysiske virkelighed, er et produkt af de videnskabelige teorier og begrebsapparater vi anvender til at beskrive den. Den erkendelsesteoretiske variant siger, at videnskabelige teorier, herunder og is¾r inden for naturvidenskaberne, alene eller i hovedsagen er et produkt af de sociale omst¾ndigheder under hvilke disse teorier er fremkommet, og dermed altsŒ ikke er en "afspejling " af den virkelighed de handler om, men i stedet en refleksion af sociale forhold (klasseinteresser, etc.). I foredraget vil jeg freml¾gge nogle af de overvejelser, der har fŒet videnskabsforskere til at gŒ ind for sŒdanne radikale standpunkter, og dern¾st underkaste dem et kritisk eftersyn. Symposion er tilknyttet Center for Filosofi, Syddansk Universitet - Odense Universitet <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> from: Jesper Ellegaard Pedersen Indbydelse til debataften m.m i Oplysningsforbundet for Kritisk Videnskabsteori. Hermed indbydes alle interesserede til en debataften samt generalforsamling i Oplysningsforbundet for Kritisk Videnskabsteori (OKV). Arrangementet foregŒr onsdag den 4. april, 2001 kl. 19.30-ca. 22.30 i CafeŽn pŒ Statskundskab, Rosenborggade 9, Kbh. K. Forbundet har haft sit virke i det sidste halvandet Œr, og vi der har v¾ret med til at stifte det, synes nu det er pŒ tide, at alle der har haft kontakt med OKV, skal have mulighed for at v¾re med til at bestemme, hvad der skal ske i fremtiden. Vi hŒber derfor at alle jer der har, eller har haft erfaringer med OKV vil deltage og give jeres besyv med. <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: Liv Karin Sameien Subject: PhD-course in St. Petersburg, June 8-15th Today's research training - tomorrow's scientific quality a PhD-course in scientific theory and philosophy, scientific communication and projects management. Arranged by NorFA and held in St. Petersburg 8 - 15 June 2000. Aim The course aims to give fundamental knowledge in research theory, methodology and philosophy, all fundamental elements to provide a good basis for the student's own research. The course also aims to provide the student with skills to define, finance and manage a research project and how to communicate science. With preparations, the course will correspond to two weeks full study. Main topics á history and philosophy of science and research á research training, supervision and methodology á research systems and problem formulation á knowledge, truth and trust á from science to research á scientific writing á poster presentations á application writing á oral presentations á project and research management á sensitivity training á reviewing scientific papers á reflections on your own PhD-training Deadline for applications on March 30. Further information and application on <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Slut paa HUGIN og MUNIN nr.122 Subject: H U G I N O G M U N I N nr. 123 (9.4.2001) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< H U G I N O G M U N I N elektronisk nyhedsbrev for AAbent Netvaerk for Videnskabsfilosofi og Videnskabshistorie nr. 123 d. 9. april 2001 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bringer meddelelser om aktiviteter indenfor VIDENSKABSHISTORIE og VIDENSKABSFILOSOFI og tilgraensende omraader som eksempelvis FORSKNING I FORSKNING * VIDENSKABSTEORI * VIDENSKABSETIK VIDENSKABSSOCIOLOGI * VIDENSKAB, TEKNOLOGI OG SAMFUND * BIOETIK FORSKNINGSPOLITIK * NATURFILOSOFI * VIDENSKABSFORMIDLING <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Indhold: Opslag: NORDPLUS program on "Inference to the Best Explanation" 'Credibility in/of Science' - seminarprogram David Armstrong, University of London: The invention of man. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. Opslag: <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: Jan Faye NORDPLUS Intensive Program "Inference to the Best Explanation" University of Iceland 25 August - 4 September 2001 Dear NORDPLUS Friends and Colleagues, This is another reminder about the intensive program on "Inference to the Best Explanation" which will be held later this year under the auspices of the NORDPLUS Network in Philosophy. The program will be held in Iceland 25 August - 4 September 2001. I am still actively soliciting QUALIFIED STUDENTS from the partner schools in the Network. We have a good list of students signed up, but there is room for more, and I am anxious that this excellent opportunity not be wasted. Here, again, are the central parameters: - Students should be advanced undergraduates or post-graduate students with a special interest in inference to the best explanation. - We contemplate being able to support both travel and maintainance for the participating students from qualifying partner schools out of our intensive program budget. However, if any students can obtain independent funding (partial), this will help in the big picture. Qualified students from other institutions are welcome to participate fully in the program, but they must provide their own funding. - All students are meant to participate in all sessions. As far as possible, all of the teachers will also attend all sessions. - The working days will be divided into morning and afternoon sessions. In the morning session, one of the instructors will give a seminar on a pre-announced topic, with a focal reading (supplementary readings will also be specificed); the provisional schedule below gives the topics for most of these sessions. In the afternoon session, students will deliver presentations to the whole group on material related to the same day's morning session. In both morning and afternoon sessions, extensive discussion is contemplated. - Students will also be required to deliver an essay of approximately 15 pages following the seminar in Iceland. This essay will be based upon the student's presentation topic and will be read and evaluated by the relevant instructor. - The focal readings (at least) will be distributed to the participants in advance, in the form of a "reader" prepared for the intensive program. - Completion of the program will yield 6 ECTS credits. - The program will be held outside of Reykajvik, with on-site accommodation and food service. For this reason, it essential that the student's travel plans be consistent with arrival (presence in Reykjavik) on 25 August and departure not earlier than 4 September. Teachers are also asked to conform to these requirements to the extent possible. Please contact all potentially interested students as soon as possible. I am including below the latest version of the PROVISIONAL (!) schedule; and I hope to be able to distibute more information shortly. Provisional Schedule (25/03/01) [abbriviated (red.)]: Saturday, 25 August: Arrival Sunday, 26 August Jan Faye: "Inference to the Best Interpretation" Monday, 27 August Alexander Bird: "Sceptical problems with Inference to the Best Explanation" Tuesday, 28 August Guest: TBA Wednesday, 29 August Mikael M. Karlsson: "What is Inference, Anyway?" Thursday, 30 August Bengt Hansson: "What, Then, Is a Good Explanation?" Friday, 31 August Olav Gjelsvik: "Causation, Explanation and Knowledge" Saturday, 1 September Halvor Nordby and Carsten Hansen: TBA Sunday, 2 September Petri Ylikoski: "Inference to the Right Explanandum" Monday, 3 September Matti Sintonen: "Best Explanation: The Epistemological Turtle Under the Metaphysical Elephant" Tuesday, 4 September: Departure Mike Karlsson Department of Philosophy University of Island <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: Annegrethe Hansen Subject: 'Credibility in/of Science' - seminarprogram Nedenfor er et mere detaljeret program for seminaret 'Credibility in/of Science: Credibility within the Scientific Community and in Science Advising'. Seminaret er Œbent, og du mŒ derfor meget gerne give invitationen videre. A.h.t. den videre planl¾gning, vil vi meget gerne have tilmeldinger snarest og senest d. 6. April. Vi ser frem til et forhŒbentlig sp¾ndende seminar. Venlig hilsen Annegrethe Hansen Credibility in/of Science: Credibility within the Scientific Community and in Science Advising A Seminar for Doctoral Students and Others 30th April - 3rd May 2001 Organisers Steve Yearley, University of York and Danish Technical University Annegrethe Hansen, Danish Technical University Lecturers Steve Yearley, professor, University of York and Danish Technical University Ulrik J¿rgensen, associate professor, Danish Technical University ¯yvind Thomassen, associate professor, Senter for Teknologi og Samfunn, Norges Tekniske og Naturvidenskabelige Universitet Andrew Jamison, professor, Aalborg University Gitte Meyer, journalist, Royal Danish Veterinary and Agricultural University Background: The Importance of Credibility Credible knowledge is knowledge which is worthy of belief, which an audience can have confidence in and can trust. Historically, the scientific community worked hard to build institutions which ensured that scientific knowledge was as credible as possible: forms of peer review, various kinds of publication, prizes and contests, even "science courts". Over the same period, scientists and their spokespersons have aimed to promote the credibility of science beyond the scientific community. In part, this has been attempted using similar techniques (including demonstration experiments and expert review panels), but it has also involved innovations including scientific popularisation, the cultivation of 'media-friendly' public relations and the certification of authorised experts. In the closing decades of the twentieth century, social scientists and historians began to make systematic studies of the production and management of both kinds of credibility. For example, Shapin investigated how experimental observations during the 'scientific revolution' were made believable. Given that few sets of reliable equipment existed and that experiments could only be witnessed by small numbers of people, a social technology was needed to differentiate credible reports from worthless ones and to allow the credible reports to circulate. He argued that scientific credibility was patterned on gentlemanly cultures of truth-telling. Later on, techniques of boundary work were used to boost the public credibility of scientific expertise, by drawing a distinction between information on policy matters which was supported by scientifically-tested theory and the (less valuable) claims of 'practical men' which were merely empirical. But by the end of the twentieth century, the rise of science's credibility was still incomplete and had perhaps peaked. Scientific advice was no longer routinely viewed as disinterested, but commonly seen as in the service of commercial interests. In the case of unpredictable environmental and health risks, scientific claims to expertise came to be seen as complacent and hubristic. The ethically-based "precautionary principle" came to rival standards of scientific proof and certainty. Increasingly, governments and policy makers became wary of technocratic defences for official policy. Whether for reasons of expedience or principle, policy makers realised that if they defied public opinion on the basis of scientific advice, they were likely to be punished by the electorate. In some cases, the "wisdom" of the market was used as a substitute for expert scientific advice. The Seminar This four-day seminar will make a comprehensive examination of credibility in science. 30th of April. The meeting will open with an examination of how social scientists, historians and philosophers have approached the question of credibility within the scientific community. The studies reviewed will range from Latourian ideas about the "cycle of credibility" in laboratory studies, through controversy studies, to historical accounts of the building of institutions for conferring credibility on reports of scientific work. Afternoon * Introduction to the seminar and to seminar participants * Steve Yearley: 'Expertise and credibility: an introduction to key themes, principles and methods in the sociology of science' * ¯yvind Thomassen: 'The historical construction of science' * Contributions from participants and discussion of theory and methodology in laboratory studies, historical studies and science controversy studies. Evening * Steve Yearley: 'Contemporary controversies surrounding experts' credibility' 1st May Examination of case studies of the external credibility of scientific expertise. Topics covered will include studies in the public's understanding of scientific advice and information; studies of public participation and the building of the credibility of 'citizen expertise'; studies of the credibility of standards; and analysis of the precautionary principle as a basis for policy making. Consideration of other topics, including the representation of the trustworthiness of science in the mass media and in fiction, will also be encouraged. Morning session: * Merete Hende & Michael S¿gaard J¿rgensen: 'Science Shops: bringing science to the people?' * ¯yvind Thomassen: 'Changing roles of the university' * Gitte Meyer: 'Whose knowledge?' Afternoon session: * Andrew Jamison: 'The politics of public accountability procedures' * Contributions from participants on the 'external' credibility problems of scientific, technical and engineering expertise, focusing in particular on trustworthiness, impartiality and disinterestedness. 2nd May The focus will be on the connection between techniques for building credibility within science and strategies for boosting the credibility of the scientific community in the eyes of external agencies. Studies of interdisciplinary science will also be used to investigate how the credibility of one discipline is negotiated among exponents of other disciplines. It will be seen that many of the techniques for credibility-building are analogous in all these contexts and that, therefore, the sociology of the scientific community is central to understanding the broader social authority of science. Morning session: * Field trip to the 'alternative'. Alternative credibility, different questions or different experiments? Afternoon session: * Ulrik J¿rgensen: 'Knowledge claims: the reach of science vs. technical pragmatism and experience'. * Andrew Jamison: 'Science, technology and and the limits of rationality' * Contributions on epistemologies within science and outside, including regulatory bodies, and on interdisciplinary research, especially the role of disciplines in interdisciplinary research 3rd May Continuation of the theme of Wednesday - creating credibility within and outwith the scientific community Morning session * Contributions from participants on public understandings of science, technology and regulatory measures * Steve Yearley: 'Modelling and the limits to scientific expertises: the cases of urban air pollution and climate change' * Discussion of further initiatives and proposals for further work Participants Maximum of 20 participants. PhD students and others. Application Applications including a 1 page abstract in English should be sent before April 6 2001 at 12.00, to Annegrethe Hansen ITS/IPL DTU Building 307 Matematiktorvet DK-2800 Lyngby e-mail: agh[ at ] Papers, preferably in English, of 10-15 pages should be submitted no later than one week before the seminar Location LisegŒrden in Liseleje or DTU, depending on financial support Price DKK 2.600,- . This includes seminar material, and lunch and dinner on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. If sufficient finincial support is obtained, accomodation will be at Lisegaarden Travel expenses are to be covered by the participants themselves. In the event that the course is held at DTU, participants will be expected to arrange their own accommodation. <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: Anne Katrine Gjerl¿ff MANDAG D. 7. MAJ - 16.00 FOREL®SNING P MEDICINSK-HISTORISK MUSEUM Dr. David Armstrong, University of London: The invention of man. Arrang¿r: Sniff Nex¿, Institut for Folkesundhedsforskning, Trine Lassen og Anne Katrine Gjerl¿ff, Institut for Historie. yderligere oplysninger: akg[ at ] <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Slut paa HUGIN og MUNIN nr.123 Subject: H U G I N O G M U N I N nr. 124 (23.5.2001) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< H U G I N O G M U N I N elektronisk nyhedsbrev for AAbent Netvaerk for Videnskabsfilosofi og Videnskabshistorie nr. 124 d. 23. maj 2001 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bringer meddelelser om aktiviteter indenfor VIDENSKABSHISTORIE og VIDENSKABSFILOSOFI og tilgraensende omraader som eksempelvis FORSKNING I FORSKNING * VIDENSKABSTEORI * VIDENSKABSETIK VIDENSKABSSOCIOLOGI * VIDENSKAB, TEKNOLOGI OG SAMFUND * BIOETIK FORSKNINGSPOLITIK * NATURFILOSOFI * VIDENSKABSFORMIDLING <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Indhold: 1. Opslag: SELSKABET FOR DE EKSAKTE VIDENSKABERS HISTORIE 2. Internet-nyt HOPOS The Archives Hub >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. Opslag: <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> from: Jesper Lutzen SELSKABET FOR DE EKSAKTE VIDENSKABERS HISTORIE indbyder til foredrag: * * * tirsdag den 24. april 2001 kl. 19 pŒ H.C. ¯rsted Instituttet, Universitetsparken 5, aud. 10 Cand. scient., ph.d.-studerende Henrik Kragh S¿rensen Institut for Videnskabshistorie, Aarhus Universitet Abels Pariserafhandling og dens placering i den matematiske brydningstid I 1826 indleverede Niels Henrik Abel (1802-1829) en afhandling til AcadŽmie des sciences i Paris. Denne sŒkaldte Pariserafhandling behandlede egenskaber ved en hel klasse transcendentale funktioner, og til trods for dens dramatiske sk¾bne havde den stor indflydelse pŒ udviklingen af nye omrŒder af matematikken i det 19. Œrhundrede. Abels Pariserafhandling falder i en tradition, udgŒet fra Euler og Legendre i 1700-tallet, som s¿gte at udvide analysens dom¾ne til ogsŒ at omfatte ikke-element¾re transcendentale funktioner. De simpleste og bedst kendte eksempler pŒ sŒdanne funktioner udgjordes af de elliptiske integraler. Abels ber¿mmede nye tilgang til theorien om elliptiske integraler (udgivet 1827) afhang pŒ central vis af visse additionsformler, og Pariserafhandlingen generaliserede sŒdanne additionsformler til en st¿rre klasse transcendentale funktioner. Det er velkendt, at matematikkens ydre rammer undergik dybe forandringer i k¿lvandet pŒ Den franske Revolution. Men ogsŒ interne aspekter af matematikken forandres dramatisk i begyndelsen af 1800-tallet. I l¿bet af denne brydningstid udskiftedes den meget eksplicitte og 'beregnende' stil indenfor forskning og kommunikation med en meget mere begrebsbaseret tilgang til matematikken. Kollokviet vil, efter at have pr¾senteret en kronologisk ramme, illustrere og diskutere de direkte analogier mellem Abels arbejder om elliptiske funktioner og hans Pariserafhandling. Is¾r vil indflydelsen af den pŒstŒede brydningstid i matematikken blive eksemplificeret og diskuteret. Efter foredraget er der en ¿l og lidt sm¿rrebr¿d i Matematisk Instituts frokoststue, ˆ 20 kr. * * * tirsdag den 22. maj 2001 kl. 19 pŒ H.C. ¯rsted Instituttet, Universitetsparken 5, aud. 10 Adjunkt, ph.d., Peter Clemens Kj¾rgaard Institut for IdŽhistorie, Aarhus Universitet William Crookes og opdagelsen af en ny naturkraft I en ganske ung alder vandt William Crookes (1832-1919) et ry som samvittighedsfuld, omhyggelig og ikke mindst trov¾rdig kemiker pŒ baggrund af hans eksperimentelle arbejde i sit private laboratorium. Dette f¿rte i 1861 til opdagelsen af grundstoffet thallium og resulterede i at han som 31-Œrig i 1863 blev valgt som medlem af Royal Society. Det lykkedes ham dog n¾sten fuldkomment at s¾tte sit gode navn og rygte som videnskabsmand over styr, da han omkring 1870 brugte sine veludviklede laboratorieteknikker pŒ unders¿gelsen af spiritistiske f¾nomener (telekinese, Œndemaning, osv.) Crookes selv mente at kunne verificere en r¾kke spiritistiske f¾nomener som autentiske, hvilket f¿rte ham til at annoncere intet mindre end en ny naturkraft - en s¾rlig psykisk kraft - pŒ linie med tyngdekraften. Han m¿dte dog st¾rk modstand blandt sine kolleger i Royal Society, der ikke ville lade ham offentligg¿re de pŒstŒede resultater i deres regi. Istedet var Crookes henvist til at publicere i Quarterly Journal of Science, som han i ¿vrigt selv kontrollerede. Jeg vil i mit foredrag give nogle bud pŒ hvad der fik Crookes til at tro pŒ sine resultater og hvilke konsekvenser det havde for hans karriere, hvorfor han m¿dte sŒ st¾rk modstand og derigennem give et generelt billede af den videnskabelige reaktion - positiv sŒvel som negativ - pŒ spiritistiske f¾nomener i det viktorianske England. Efter foredraget er der en ¿l og lidt sm¿rrebr¿d i Matematisk Instituts frokoststue, ˆ 20 kr. * * * Selskabets sekret¾r er lektor Torkil Heiede, Institut for Matematik, Fysik, Kemi og Informatik, Danmarks L¾rerh¿jskole, Emdrupvej 115 B, 2400 K¿benhavn NV. Tel. 3969 6633 lokal 2694 eller 3966 3232 (klartone) 2694. Fax 3969 6626. E-mail: th[ at ] (Privat tlf. 4581 1520 kan ogsŒ benyttes). >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. Internet-nyt: HOPOS home page: HOPOS is an informal, international working group of scholars who share an interest in promoting serious, scholarly research on the history of the philosophy of science and related topics in the history of the natural and social sciences, logic, philosophy, and mathematics. We interpret this statement of shared interest broadly, meaning to include all historical periods and diverse methodologies. We aim to promote historical work in a variety of ways, including the sponsorship of meetings and conference sessions, the publication of special issues of journals, the dissemination of information about libraries, archives and collections, and, as more ambitious projects become feasible, the preparation of bibliographies and finding guides. Electronic Mailing List (e-list) To subscribe to HOPOS-L, send an e-mail message to listserv[ at ] and include as the ONLY message text the line: subscribe hopos-l Your Name The return address on the message you send will be the address to which messages from the e-list are sent. <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: Jon Agar Subject: Archives Hub Recently brought to my attention by Carsten Timmermann, this archive gateway: is very useful indeed for researching history of UK science. Introduction to the Archives Hub The Archives Hub provides a single point of access to descriptions of archives held in UK universities and colleges. At present these are primarily at collection-level, although where possible they are linked to complete catalogue descriptions. The Archives Hub forms one part of the UK's National Archives Network, alongside related networking projects. A Steering Committee which includes representatives of the Public Record Office, the Historical Manuscripts Commission and the other archive networks guides the progress of the project. The service is hosted at MIMAS on behalf of the Consortium of University Research Libraries (CURL) and is funded by the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC). Systems development work is undertaken at the University of Liverpool. <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: "BESKED FRA FILOSOFI.NET" Subject: Filosofi.Nyt er blevet opdateret med f¿lgende publikationer: NYE AFHANDLINGER: Lisbeth J¿rgensen: "Uendelighed, aktuel eller potentiel?" Peter Storm-Henningsen: "Eleaternes udfordring" Tore Bak: "Evolutionsteoriens betydning for filosofisk etik." Karsten Holt: "Humanisme og antihumanisme. Humanismebegrebet hos Sartre og Heidegger" NYE ARTIKLER: Thomas Presskorn Thygesen: "Om muligheden for objektive kunstkriterier" NYE ANMELDELSER: Finn Frandsen: "Umberto Eco og semiotikken" anmeldt af Dennis Brink Ernst Cassirer: "Et essay om mennesket" anmeldt af Karsten Holt I kalenderen kan du l¾se mere om de n¾ste par mŒneders filosofiske arrangementer, ligesom du er meget velkommen til at tilmelde et arrangement. Blandt de kommende arrangementer er: 24/4: Dyreetik. V. Morten Gad 3/5: Kunstens transformatorer. V. Cecilie Bepler 8/5: Michael Devitts semantik. V. Esben N. Petersen 15/5: Edmund Burkes ¾stetik. V. Christina Rosendahl 18-19/5: Kognition, emotion og repr¾sentation Med venlig hilsen <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Slut paa HUGIN og MUNIN nr.124 Subject: H U G I N O G M U N I N nr. 125 (9.5.2001) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< H U G I N O G M U N I N elektronisk nyhedsbrev for AAbent Netvaerk for Videnskabsfilosofi og Videnskabshistorie nr. 125 d. 9. maj 2001 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bringer meddelelser om aktiviteter indenfor VIDENSKABSHISTORIE og VIDENSKABSFILOSOFI og tilgraensende omraader som eksempelvis FORSKNING I FORSKNING * VIDENSKABSTEORI * VIDENSKABSETIK VIDENSKABSSOCIOLOGI * VIDENSKAB, TEKNOLOGI OG SAMFUND * BIOETIK FORSKNINGSPOLITIK * NATURFILOSOFI * VIDENSKABSFORMIDLING <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Indhold: 1. Opslag: Evolutionary algorithms and the Knowledge Economy Gatherings in Biosemiotics, Copenhagen 2. Internet-nyt Etik-kritik THEMES in EDUCATION, new journal New online guide for HPSTM internet/web users >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. Opslag: <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: Bernhelm Booss-Bavnbek Location: RUC (University of Roskilde, Denmark) Institute: Computer Sciences and IMFUFA At: Thursday MAY 10th 2001, 14:30-16:00 Type: SEMINAR IN COMPUTER SCIENCES AND OPTIMIZATION METHODOLOGY Place: RUC, Building 42.1, M¿delokalet Speaker: Prof. Dr. Roman Galar, Wroclaw Technical University, Department of Engineering Cybernetics Title: Evolutionary algorithms and the Knowledge Economy Abstract: The recently propagated concept of the Knowledge Economy challenges the established, linear model of technological progress as detached from reality. The new propositions - based on observation of what actually works - strikingly correspond to the experience accumulated with evolutionary algorithms while investigating their saddle crossing abilities. Organizers: Henning Christiansen and Bernhelm Booss-Bavnbek Announcement: <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: emmeche[at] (Claus Emmeche) Gatherings in Biosemiotics 1 Copenhagen May 24 - 27, 2001 Gatherings in Biosemiotics, intends to establish a regular framework for discussions of biosemiotics in the context of biology. Gatherings in Biosemiotics will be annual meetings for scholarly exchange of ideas and views in biosemiotics. Denmark and Estonia will alternate as hosts for these meetings. This is the first meeting. Programme, abstracts and other information for the meeting can be found at: Registration: The registration fee is 200 DKKr. Included in the fee is coffee and lunch (dinner is on your own). Organisers: Jesper Hoffmeyer, Claus Emmeche & Kalevi Kull. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. Internet-nyt: <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> Etik-kritik: I sidste nummer (121) af det danske fysiktidskrift Gamma findes en interessant og etik-metodekritisk artikel af Asger S¿rensen om etikkens metode og fysikken, se hvorfra en kopi af artiklen kan downloades i .pdf format. <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: Constantine D. Skordoulis [mailto:kskordul[ at ]] The new website of the multidisciplinary journal THEMES in EDUCATION. THEMES in EDUCATION is a multidisciplinary journal that aims in bringing together the communities of Mathematics Educators, Science Educators, Information Technology Educators and Historians and Philosophers of Science & Mathematics with the scope of promoting a deeper understanding of the problems of Education in their totality. <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: "G.J.N GOODAY" Subject: New online guide for HPSTM internet/web users Do you or your students need a free user-friendly guide to virtual resources in history & philosophy of science, technology and medicine? If so you can now find one at: This is the recently launched on line tutorial 'Internet for History and Philosophy of Science' prepared by James Sumner, a PhD student at the University of Leeds, as one of 29 new such 'virtual training suites' supported by the Resource Discovery Network for HUMBUL in a wide range of disciplines. A complete list of these suites with hyperlinked gateways can be found at The complete range humanities suites - including specialist tutorials for History and for Philosophy - can also be accessed at Graeme Gooday Dr Graeme Gooday Associate Director(History & Philosophy of Science) LTSN Philosophy & Religious Studies Subject Centre School of Philosophy, Division of HPS University of Leeds Leeds LS2 9JT, UK e-mail g.j.n.gooday[ at ] Tel: 0113 233 3274 Fax: 0113 233 3265 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Slut paa HUGIN og MUNIN nr.125 Subject: H U G I N O G M U N I N nr. 126 (29.6.2001) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< H U G I N O G M U N I N elektronisk nyhedsbrev for AAbent Netvaerk for Videnskabsfilosofi og Videnskabshistorie nr. 126 d. 29. juni 2001 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bringer meddelelser om aktiviteter indenfor VIDENSKABSHISTORIE og VIDENSKABSFILOSOFI og tilgraensende omraader som eksempelvis FORSKNING I FORSKNING * VIDENSKABSTEORI * VIDENSKABSETIK VIDENSKABSSOCIOLOGI * VIDENSKAB, TEKNOLOGI OG SAMFUND * BIOETIK FORSKNINGSPOLITIK * NATURFILOSOFI * VIDENSKABSFORMIDLING <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Indhold: 1. Opslag: NSU kreds 3: Videnskab - didaktik - etik Medicon Valley BioConference 2nd Europ. Conf. of the Intern. Soc. Literature and Science: cfp Ph.D.-kursus i videnskabsteori 2. Ny bog: Naturvidenskab, dannelse og kompetence. 3. Internet-nyt SciKron: The Online Chronicle Of The Sciences The new Marconi museum and archive website Center for Bioethics Email Newsletter Peirce and Spencer-Brown: History and synergies in cybersemiotics >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. Opslag: <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: pmn[ at ] (Peter M¿lgaard Nielsen) Invitation og 'Call for Papers' Sommersessionen 2001 NSU kreds 3: Videnskab - didaktik - etik Gšteborg, den 29. juli - 5. august 2001 NSU-kredsenes f¾lles sommersession finder sted i dagene fra den 29. juli til den 5. august 2001. Rammerne om sessionen bliver Nordiska Folkhšgskolan, KungŠlv n¾r Gšteborg. N¾rmere oplysninger om sommersessionen, de praktiske detaljer, det f¾lles program etc. fremgŒr af Information 1-2001 fra Nordisk Sommeruniversitet, der fremsendes (hvis du ikke allerede har modtaget det) ved henvendelse til undertegnede. Informationsh¾ftet kan ogsŒ findes som en pdf-fil pŒ NSU hjemmesiden Prisen for at deltage i sommersessionen bliver DKK 2500 for overnatning i enkeltrum/dobbeltrum uden bad og DKK 1400 for overnatning i sovesal. Prisen for b¿rn 3-14 Œr bliver DKK 900, og der arrangeres "barnekrets" (b¿rnepasning) for b¿rn over 3 Œr. Deltagerafgiften d¾kker ophold og alle mŒltider fra middag s¿ndag den 29. juli til morgenmad l¿rdag den 5. august. NSU yder rejsegodtg¿relse svarende til billigste transport til alle, der deltager i hele sommersessionen. Det praktiske arrangement styres centralt fra NSU, det er altsŒ ikke knyttet til den enkelte kreds. Se derfor NSU-info. omtalt ovenfor for n¾rmere information samt tilmelding. Form Sommersessionen bestŒr af en blanding af f¾lles arrangementer (sociale sŒvel som faglige), hvor alle kredse deltager samt kredssessioner, hvor kredsene arbejder med hver deres tema. Alle sessioner er Œbne, sŒ sommersessionen er ogsŒ chancen for at snuse til de andre NSU-kredse! <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> from: Christina Guldberg, Medicon Valley Academy Medicon Valley BioConference 2001, 19. - 20. september, DGI-Byen i K¿benhavn For femte Œr i tr¾k samler Medicon Valley Academy (MVA) ¯resundsregionens forskere og forretningsfolk fra universiteter, hospitaler og industri - bŒde farmaceutisk, mediko- og bioteknologisk - pŒ Medicon Valley BioConference 2001. Det forventes at konferencen tiltr¾kker omkring 800-1000 deltagere. MŒlet med konferencen er at skabe et f¾lles forum, hvor forskere inden for omrŒder som biomedicin og bioteknologi holder foredrag, pr¾senterer posters, udveksler idŽer/resultater og ikke mindst networker. I Œr s¾ttes der blandt andet fokus pŒ emner som bioinformatik, neurobiologi, cancer, proteomics, stamcelleforskning og klinisk afpr¿vning. Du kan l¾se mere om konferencen pŒ <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: Finn Olesen CONFERENCE ANNOUNCEMENT THE SECOND EUROPEAN CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR LITERATURE AND SCIENCE: EXPERIMENTING ARTS AND SCIENCES May 8-12, 2002. FIRST CALL FOR PAPERS AND WORKSHOPS The second European conference of the International Society for Literature and Science (SLS) will take place at University of Aarhus, Denmark, May 8-12, 2002. The conference will gather scholars from human, social, medical, technical and natural sciences as well as artists, who are interested in inter- and transdisciplinary approaches and linkages between the study of culture, literature, visual arts and technoscience, and between science and the arts. Culture and technoscience used to be regarded as disparate activities and fields of study that referred to separate spheres of society, and to different epistemologies, methodologies and practices. But in recent years, a growing number of scholars from many disciplines have forged transversal lines and links between the study of culture/literature/visual arts and technoscience, exploring issues such as for example * links between fact and fiction * transversal lines between science and story-telling * links between cultural imaginaries and scientific practices * semiotic-material practices * how metaphors matter and matter performs metaphorically * intersections and incommensurabilities between visual arts, literature, culture and technoscience * translations between physical and virtual spaces * cyborg identities and cyborg bodies * feminist and postcolonial perspectives in technoscience studies The conference will be a forum for exchange of ideas between senior and junior researchers committed to the exploration of such issues and to experiments with transgression of boundaries between the formerly disparate fields of culture/literature/visual arts and technoscience. In particular, the conference will give space to scholars who want to compare notes cross-nationally and cross-Atlantically. Many European scholars seem to be committed to the study of the new interdisciplinary field of culture & technoscience studies without knowing about the International Society for Literature and Science that originally was started by US-colleagues. The first European conference of the society, held in Brussels in April 2000, initiated a much needed cross-Atlantic dialogue. The idea is that the second conference in May 2002 shall take this process important steps further. Proposals for papers and workshops are invited from both senior and junior scholars from all disciplines who are interested in the links and border transgressions between the study of culture, literature, visual arts and technoscience. Abstracts for papers and workshops (2-300 words) should be sent to SLS[ at ] before Oct. 1, 2001. SLS c/o: Randi Markussen, Associate Professor, Ph.D. Dept. of Information and Media Studies University of Aarhus Niels Juels Gade 84 8200 Aarhus N Denmark Phone (switchboard) +45 89 42 11 11 Phone (direct) +45 89 42 19 66 Telefax +45 89 42 19 52 Conference website from September 1: http: // The City of Aarhus can be visited 'virtually' at and University of Aarhus at SLS HISTORY Literature and science has existed as a field of study in the US since the 1920s, when the Modern Language Association established a division of that name. Its practitioners were almost solely literary scholars, and its reigning paradigm was the "influence" model that focused on the one-way interaction from science to literature. By the 1980s there was a strong desire to open the field to a greater number of disciplines and approaches. Discussions among a small group of scholars, envisioned a new Society for Literature and Science (SLS) where scholars from a broad range of fields, and particularly the sciences, would feel welcome, and where the discursive arena would belong to no single discipline or group of disciplines. SLS was officially launched in 1985 and held the first of its annual meetings in 1987. The Society's deliberate refusal to delimit "literature and science" encouraged the participation of scholars from many fields whose common commitment was the investigation of the representations of rhetoric or the practice of science. Thus, SLS meetings began to attract those interested in visual and aural as well as textual representations of science. An important stage in the Society's development was the establishment of its journal, Configurations that first appeared in 1993. Although a small number of European colleagues have attended annual meetings in the US, their numerous contributions to Configurations reflect the much larger number who share interests among themselves and with their American colleagues. In order to provide a forum for these European scholars to interact, the first European SLS conference took place in Brussels in April 2000. Its success provided the momentum for the second European conference that will take place in Aarhus, Denmark, in May 2002. Here, the establishment of a European SLS branch will also be discussed. <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> Fra: S¿ren Brier Ph.D.-kursus i videnskabsteori efterŒr 2001 uge 36 til 50, pŒ KVL, Kbh. Ansvarlig: S¿ren Brier, Sektion for l¾ring og tv¾rvidenskabelige metoder. ¯vrige undervisere: N. Sriskandarajah og Marianne H¿yen. Kursets mŒl er at give : Basal indsigt i videnskabsteori med udgangspunkt i naturvidenskaberne. En historisk indsigt i udviklingen af videnskabernes verdensbilleder, vidensbegreber og selvforstŒelser med udgangspunkt i den naturvidenskabelige forstŒelse af genstandsomrŒder. En indledende forstŒelse af, hvorledes de videnskabelige genstandsomrŒder, problemer og metoder tager sig ud fra en samfundsvidenskabelig og en humanistisk synsvinkel. En eller flere transdisciplin¾re modeller til forstŒelse af vidensformerne. En mulighed for at reflektere over egne projekters problemanalyser og metodevalg. Foruds¾tninger L¾sning af en tv¾rgŒende videnskabsteoribog, gerne Brier, S. (1997): Videnskabens ¿, NSU, 4.udv.udg. Kan k¿bes i KVL-boghandel. Jeg stiller mig til rŒdighed for en til to gange med sp¿rge- og diskussionstimer f¿r sommerferien for interesserede. En meget let bog at starte med er Turen, T. (1992): Videnskabsteori for begyndere, Munksgaard. eller Chalmers, A.F. (1995): Hvad er videnskab, Gyldendal. Undervisningsform Selvst¾ndig l¾sning og fremstilling fra de studerende (pŒ skift), som retter sig mod at formidle essensen i det l¾ste, give baggrundsforklaringer, samt stille forstŒelsessp¿rgsmŒl, kritiske sp¿rgsmŒl og evt. relatere til eget projekt. Mindst to opl¾g per studerende. Freml¾ggelse af eget ph.d.-projekt (pŒ skift) pŒ ca. 20 min. med fokus pŒ videnskabsteoretiske og metodiske problemstillinger samt diskussion i gruppen. Der inviteres foredragsholdere udefra pŒ specialomrŒder. De otte f¿rst gange afs¾ttes til gennemgang af basisstof De n¾ste seks gange afs¾ttes til selvvalgte emner. Hvilke diskuteres pŒ et form¿de. Sidel¿bende eller efter kurset skrives en 20 siders opgave pŒ kursuslitteratur og selvvalgt speciallitteratur. Opgaven mŒ meget gerne handle direkte om ens eget projekt. Der er ekstern censor pŒ opgaven. BestŒelseskriterier 1. To opl¾g. 2. Ca. 70% aktiv deltagelse. 3. En 20 siders eksternt bed¿mt opgave til bestŒet, der i betydeligt omfang bruger det gennemgŒede stof kombineret med selvvalgt litteratur og gerne inddragende refleksioner over eget projekt. Points 10 ETC Basispensum Brier, S. (2000): Fra Kosmos til Infos: Stof, Energi, Information. En fremstilling af det mekanicistiske forskningsprograms brydning med de evolution¾re, energetiske og informationsvidenskabelige natur- og videnssyn, Kompendium KVL, I¯SL, SLOT, pp.425. K¿bes i KVL-boghandel. Flyvbjerg, B. (1992): Rationalitet og magt. Bind 1: Det konkretes videnskab, Akademisk forlag. Fogh Kirkeby, O. (1994): Verden, ord og tanke: Sprogfilosofi og f¾nomenologi. Handelsh¿jskolens forlag. Forel¿big undervisningsplan Basisstof (i alt 8 gange) Fire gange, hvor vi l¾ser og diskuterer Brier: Fra Kosmos til Infos: Dette er et videnskabshistorisk perspektiv omkring skift i videnskabernes verdens- og vidensbillede samt oplevelsesdimensionens indplacering i videnskabernes genstandsfelter frem til kaosforskning, kybernetisk kommunikations- og informationsvidenskab og semiotik. I alt ca. 350 sider. Foredrag af Claus Emmeche. To gange med udgangspunkt i Fogh Kirkebys Verden, ord og tanke t.o.m. s. 84. Dette er en fremstilling, der kontrasterer naturvidenskab og f¾nomenologi. Sidste gang suppleres evt. med et par hermeneutiske og f¾nomenologiske prim¾rtekster. Uddrag fra f.eks.: Gulddal og M¿ller (1999): Hermeneutik: En antologi om forstŒelse, Gyldendal. To gange med udgangspunkt i Flyvbjergs Rationalitet og magt, hvor forfatteren pŒ baggrund af et naturvidenskabeligt og teknologisk ideal inddrager samfundsvidenskaberne i forstŒelsen af studiet af rationalitet. Selvvalgt stof (i alt 6 gange) - til diskussion To gange med systemvidenskab ved N. Sriskandarajah for at give indsigt i helhedsorienterede tilgange der medreflekterer aspekter af samfundsvidenskab og humaniora i arbejde med landbrugssystemer. En gang med tekster af Bourdieu ved H¿yen til at illustrere hvorledes videnskabsteori kan anvendes i en videnskab som sociologi. En gang med ved S¿ren Barlebo Wenneberg baseret pŒ hans bog om socialkonstruktivisme for at give indblik i denne tilgangs overordnede syn pŒ videnskab. Tid og sted Onsdage fra 13-17 pŒ I¯SL Rolighedsvej 23 er fast undervisningstidspunkt. Tilmelding: Skriv dit navn og adresse plus e-mail og lokaltelefonnummer og studienummer, som tegn pŒ endelig tilmelding til S¿ren Brier sbr[ at ] helst inden den 10 juli. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. Bog-nyt: from: Christine ¯hlenschl¾ger NYUDGIVELSE - udkommer den 1. maj 2001 Hermed skal jeg g¿re opm¾rksom pŒ en bog, Aalborg Universitetsforlag har udgivet. Hvis man er interesserede i at anmelde bogen, kan man naturligvis rekvirere et anmeldereksemplar. Se venligst den vedh¾ftede fil. Med venlig hilsen Christine ¯hlenschl¾ger * * * NATURVIDENSKAB, DANNELSE OG KOMPETENCE af Tom B¿rsen Hansen, Kristian Hvidfelt Nielsen, Rie Popp Troelsen, Elin Winther Aalborg Universitetsforlag 2001 176 sider, 100 kr Dansk Center for Naturvidenskabsdidaktik pŒ Aalborg Universitet udskrev i februar 2000 en priskonkurrence pŒ 100.000 kr omkring problemstillingen "naturvidenskab, dannelse og kompetence" set i relation til de naturvidenskabelige universitetsuddannelser. Bed¿mmelsesjuryen bestŒende af professor Svein Sj¿berg fra Oslo Universitet, lektor Ole Goldbech fra Danmarks L¾rerh¿jskole og lektor S¿ren Brier fra Den Kgl. Veterin¾r og Landboh¿jskole valgte at lade f¿rsteprisen gŒ i f¾llesskab til Rie Popp Troelsen og Tom B¿rsen Hansen og dern¾st tredjeprisen til Elin Winther og Kristian Hvidtfeldt Nielsen. De tre prisopgaver er samlet i denne udgivelse, der indledes med et forord af Svein Sj¿berg. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3. Internet-nyt: <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: "John J. Carvalho" We have a new online science and philosophy of science journal. Journal Title: SciKron: The Online Chronicle Of The Sciences URL: Key words: scikron, science, philosophy, religion, biology, theology, evolution, journal, magazine, online, sci-fi, education, medicine, chemistry, physics, astronomy, societies, teaching, DNA, debate, forum, college, dinosaurs, kids science, creation, dialog, news Description: is the official website of The SciKron Corporation. The SciKron Corporation promotes the advancement of the natural sciences as well as the history, philosophy, and social studies of science. Our website, is an online, science resource center that provides resources whereby parties can explore science, educate themselves about science, promote scientific research, advance scientific research funding, purchase scientific books and supplies, and contribute information to the scientific community. SciKron: The Online Chronicle of the Sciences is our magazine for dialogue from scholars from all over the science related fields. Issues such as breakthroughs in experimental research, evolutionary theory, bioethics and medical ethics, the philosophy and history of science, the science and religion dialogue, science education, science policy, the environment, and much more are intended to be covered in our various volumes. We look forward to hearing from you! Many Thanks! John Carvalho IV Editor-in-Chief SciKron: The Online Chronicle Of The Sciences <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: "G.J.N GOODAY" Anyone interested in the history of communications might find it useful to check out the new Marconi museum and archive website. URL Extracts from the frontpage: "INTRODUCTION The unique Marconi Collection housed at Chelmsford UK, has never before been available to the public. This digital archive draws from the Collection and concentrates on the first 50 years of wireless from 1896 to 1946. It covers an important cross section of early equipment and experiments and contains a large collection of documents, around 700 photographs and 500 pieces of ephemera." "ARCHIVE HIGHLIGHTS Titanic Messages - Exclusive archive of original material 3D demonstration of Marconi portable receiver & transmitter Excerpts from the diary of Marconi's Assistant - George Kemp Newspaper articles covering the marriage of Marconi to Beatrice Film footage of Marconi's funeral Marconi's original patent for a system of wireless telegraphy Sound recording of Captain Kendall speaking about Dr. Crippen" <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: Jon Merz Subject: PENN Center for Bioethics Newsletter, May 2001 University of Pennsylvania Volume 9, No. 1 Center for Bioethics Email Newsletter May 1, 2001 Our hardcopy newsletter has fallen prey to budgetary constraints and to the moving on of past editor Glenn McGee to the new American Journal of Bioethics. In an attempt to continue to inform the bioethics community about the Center and its happenings, we are trying this new email format. We will be presenting brief news about the Center, essays that hopefully will be of interest to you, and about recent publications. Click to download the .pdf file of the newsletter! In this issue, we offer a new feature, Ethics Anecdotes, and give a little information about people and projects. Then, Art Caplan -- coming off his recent experience as a defendant -- says a word about bioethics liability, Donald Light describes his experiences in helping the NHS rethink their physician incentive structures, and Peter Ubel gives us a personal note about his recent book on rationing. Finally, we have an update (admittedly a big one, due to the long delay since our last newsletter) on publications by Center faculty. This email newsletter will come out roughly quarterly, and will be posted as well on the Center's website If you wish to be removed from our list, or if you know others who might be interested in receiving this, please just email me at merz[ at ] How to Reach The Center for Bioethics phone: 215-898-7136 fax: 215-573-3036 <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: S¿ren Brier Subject: Cybernetics & Human Knowing Dear friends and colleagues Allow me to inform you about our new double-issue of Cybernetics & Human Knowing that dives deep into analysis of the logical foundations of the two principal thinkers behind second order cybernetics/autopoiesis theory and pragmatic semiotics. In the present issue Louis H. Kauffman has brought together specialist to analyze not only Spencer-Brown and C.S. Peirce's work per see, but also how they relate to each other. I do not think we have seen such an analysis on the foundations of cybersemiotics ever before. [...] Below [...] there are URLs to the journals homepage where you can see abstracts and columns. CYBERNETICS AND HUMAN KNOWING Volume 8, No.1-2, 2001 Special Double Issue: Peirce and Spencer-Brown: History and synergies in cybersemiotics edited by Louis H. Kauffman and Soren Brier Abstracts: Full text: Subscriptions: Enquiries: sandra[ at ] <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Slut paa HUGIN og MUNIN nr.126 Subject: H U G I N O G M U N I N nr. 127 (31.8.2001) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< H U G I N O G M U N I N elektronisk nyhedsbrev for AAbent Netvaerk for Videnskabsfilosofi og Videnskabshistorie nr. 127 d. 31. aug. 2001 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bringer meddelelser om aktiviteter indenfor VIDENSKABSHISTORIE og VIDENSKABSFILOSOFI og tilgraensende omraader som eksempelvis FORSKNING I FORSKNING * VIDENSKABSTEORI * VIDENSKABSETIK VIDENSKABSSOCIOLOGI * VIDENSKAB, TEKNOLOGI OG SAMFUND * BIOETIK FORSKNINGSPOLITIK * NATURFILOSOFI * VIDENSKABSFORMIDLING <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Indhold: 1. Opslag: Relocating Medicine in History - A one-day workshop Deleuze and the Use of the Genetic Algorithm in Architecture Hvorfor kun Žn dansk Nobelpris i fysik og kemi f¿r 1950? Kollokvier ved Institut for Videnskabshistorie Forel¾sninger i Naturfilosofi International Symposium on Drama and History of Science 2. Tidskrift-nyt >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. Opslag: <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: Soren Bak-Jensen Subject: Invitation til medicinhistorisk workshop i K¿benhavn 14. september 2001 Relocating Medicine in History A one-day workshop on the historiography of 20th century medicine Department of History of Medicine - Medical History Museum, University of Copenhagen Friday, September 14, 2001 In the course of the past 100 years medicine has realised a scientific ambition, establishing itself as a community of specialists guided not only by a common theoretical framework but also by an increasing use of new technology. At the same time the growth in resources devoted to fighting disease and promoting health has forged a wide and complicated range of links between medicine and society. These transformations present challenges to the writing of 20th century medicine. What is the proper subject of 20th century historiography? Does it make any sense to follow a concept like 'medicine' through the past 100 years? The contributors to Medicine in the Twentieth Century (Roger Cooter and John Pickstone, eds., Amsterdam: Harwood Academic Publishers, 2000), move away from such a mission. Refusing any distinction between the history of medicine and history at large, the volume opens up an analytical field devoid of traditional distinctions between medicine, culture and society and their interactions across this boundary. The essays explore numerous aspects of 20th century medicine with regard to political, demographic and cultural factors forcing themselves equally on everyone involved in that particular branch of healing, whether as a patient or as a practitioner. Medicine is moved out of the laboratory and the university, but also out of grip of cultural belief systems. Yet by removing medical history from former positions, the purpose of the enterprise becomes uncertain. During the past 100 years medical history has worked to legitimate the authority of the medical professions in matters concerning health and illness and to establish the patient's right to autonomy. Who will benefit from a relocation of medicine as a subject of historical research? Or is the question rather: What is the purpose of medicine in the 21st century, and how should it relate to the writing of history in general and medical history in particular? These and related questions will be discussed at a one-day workshop on September 14, 2001, at the Department of History of Medicine - Medical History Museum, University of Copenhagen. The workshop will include presentations by: Roger Cooter (Professor of Social History, Director of the Wellcome Unit for the History of Medicine, University of East Anglia) Paolo Palladino (Senior Lecturer, Department of History, Lancaster University) Lene Koch (Senior Lecturer in Health Political Analysis, Department of Health Services Research, University of Copenhagen) Thomas Sšderqvist (Professor of History of Medicine, Department of Medical History, University of Copenhagen) Henrik R. Wulff (Professor Emeritus of Medical Philosophy, University of Copenhagen) Adam Bencard (cand.mag., Department of History of Medicine, University of Copenhagen) S¿ren Bak-Jensen (PhD-student, Department of History of Medicine, University of Copenhagen). Your registration should be sent to S¿ren Bak-Jensen, Department for History of Medicine - Medical History Museum, Bredgade 62, DK-1260 Copenhagen (or by e-mail: ) no later than August 31, 2001. Note that in order to provide ample room for discussion the number of participants is restricted. The places will be filled on a first-come-first-served basis. Early registration is therefore recommended. The workshop is free, but to cover lunch and refreshments participants (non-speakers) will be asked to contribute 100 DKK which can be paid on arrival. For further information, contact S¿ren Bak-Jensen by e-mail or phone: (+45) 3532 3809. Preliminary Programme 9.30-9.45: Opening remarks by Thomas Sšderqvist and S¿ren Bak-Jensen 9.45-10.15: Roger Cooter: Way of Doing: The History of 20th Century Medicine. 10.15-10.30: Adam Bencard: Critical comments to Medicine in the Twentieth Century. 10.30-10.45: S¿ren Bak-Jensen: Critical comments to Medicine in the Twentieth Century. Coffee 11.15-12.30: General discussion Lunch 14.00-14.30: Paolo Palladino: Medicine yesterday, today and tomorrow. 14.30-14.45: Lene Koch: Eugenics and new genetics - Wirkungsgeschichte and interdependence. 14.45-15.00: Henrik R. Wulff: What was the Outcome of the Efforts of the Medical Profession in the Past? Coffee 15.30-16.45: General discussion 16.45-17.00: Concluding remarks by S¿ren Bak-Jensen and Thomas Sšderqvist <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: cirdan[ at ] Institut for Informations & Medievidenskab, Aarhus Universitet Lok 340, Niels Juelsgade 84, 8200 rhus N Mandag d.24 September 2001 kl. 14.15 Seminar med Manuel De Landa, Research Scholar, Institute of Advanced Study, Princeton University "Deleuze and the Use of the Genetic Algorithm in Architecture" Brief abstract This lecture combines a discussion of the use of digital simulations of evolutionary processes in artistic design with an brief account of Gilles Deleuze's philosophy of form. The point of bringing these two disparate items together is to show that a productive use of certain computer tools (genetic algorithms) needs to go beyond software issues and incorporate specific philosophical resources, such as population thinking and a topological approach to the genesis of form. De Landa har stillet et kort essay om emnet til rŒdighed pŒ forhŒnd - det kan rekvireres ved henvendelse pŒ nedenstŒende adresse. De Landas arbejde drejer sig om udviklingen af en ny processuel historieopfattelse, der giver mulighed for at forstŒ evolutionen af biologiske og tekniske, sociale og organisatoriske systemer, og deres interrelationer. Dette teoretiske projekt udvikles med Gilles Deleuzes proces-filosofiske t¾nkning. Yderligere bygges pŒ nyere matematiske og biologiske udviklinger indenfor blandt andet kaos- og kompleksitetsteori. Ud fra disse perspektiver har De Landa studeret en r¾kke temaer og fagomrŒder, sŒsom IT-systemer, interface-design, vŒbenudvikling, markeds¿konomi og sprogudvikling. Resultaterne kan findes i hans b¿ger War in the Age of Intelligent Machines, A Thousand Years of Nonlinear History og et kommende v¾rk om Deleuziansk filosofi i lyset af nyere naturvidenskabelige teorier. Kontakt Casper Bruun Jensen # 89421946 e-mail: cirdan[ at ] Institute for Information- & Media Studies University of Aarhus <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: Kurt Ramskov Foredrag i SELSKABET FOR DE EKSAKTE VIDENSKABERS HISTORIE: Lektor Henry Nielsen, Institut for Videnskabshistorie, Aarhus Universitet: Hvorfor kun Žn dansk Nobelpris i fysik og kemi f¿r 1950 - og hvorfor blev den f¿rst tildelt Niels Bohr i 1922? Tirsdag, den 25. september 2001, kl. 19.45 (NB!) i auditorium 10 pŒ H. C. ¯rsted Instituttet, Universitetsparken 5, K¿benhavn ABSTRACT I Œr er det et hundrede Œr siden, at verdens mest eftertragtede pris, Nobelprisen, blev uddelt f¿rste gang - en begivenhed der bliver fejret i en lang r¾kke lande. OgsŒ i Danmark er jubil¾et blevet markeret, bl.a. gennem udgivelsen af v¾rket "Neighbouring Nobel. The History of Thirteen Danish Nobel Prizes", der er et resultat af femten videnskabs- historikeres studier i diverse arkiver, ikke mindst Nobelarkiverne. (Dansk udgave af bogen udkommer i oktober 2001). Henry Nielsen, der har fungeret som projektleder og som den ene af bogens to redakt¿rer, vil pŒ baggrund af det nu fremdragne kildemateriale diskutere, hvorfor Danmark kun fik Žn naturvidenskabelig Nobelpris i f¿rste halvdel af 1900-tallet - og hvorfor denne pris ikke var helt sŒ ligetil, som man i dag skulle tro. ---------------------------------------------- Efter foredraget inviterer Selskabet pŒ ¿l og lidt sm¿rrebr¿d for 20 kr. i Institut for Matematiske Fags frokoststue. Personer, der ikke er medlemmer, er velkommen til at komme til et arrangement f¿r indmeldelse. ---------------------------------------------- Selskabet har fŒet hjemmeside pŒ: <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: Anita Kildebaek Nielsen KOLLOKVIER VED INSTITUT FOR VIDENSKABSHISTORIE, efterŒret 2001 Torsdage kl. 15.15 - 17.00 i koll. G4, Institut for Matematiske Fag 6.9. Associate Professor Mark H. Clark, Oregon Institute of Technology "Scandinavian Engineers and Scientists in the United States 1850-1950: Preliminary Results of a Collective Biography Project" 13.9. Arne Hessenbruch, ph.d. Dibner Institute for the History of Science and Technology, Boston "" 20.9. Adjungeret prof. Peder Olesen Larsen, Det Naturvidenskabelige Fakultet, Aarhus Universitet "Carlsberg Laboratorium 1976-2001" 27.9. Fil. dr. Hans Weinberger, Avd. fšr teknik- och vetenskapshistoria, KTH, Stockholm "IdŽernas marknad och svensk forsknings-politik: FrŒn fria uppfinnare till organiserad kreativitet" 4.10. Professor Geoffrey Cantor, The School of Philosophy (& the Division of History and Philosophy of Science), University of Leeds "Religion and Science in Nineteenth-Century England" 25.10. Minisymposium: Aspekter af de biologiske videnskabers historie 12.30-13.30: Lektor Peter H. Wagner, Botanisk Centralbibliotek, K¿benhavn "Institutionaliseringen af botanik og geologi i Danmark-Norge i det 18. Œrhundrede" 13.30-14.30: Jenny Beckman, ph.d., Inst. f. studier av utbild. och forskning, Stockholm "GrŠnser i naturens riken: Skolor, museer och naturalhistoriens amatšrer 1880-1920" 15.00-16.00 Peder Anker, ph.d., Senter for Utvikling og Milj¿, Universitetet i Oslo "¯kologisk forskning i det britiske imperiet (1895-1945)" 1.11. Kandidatstud. Michael L. Christensen, IVH "Udviklingen af teorien for elektrosvage vekselvirkninger" 8.11. Stipendiat Karen Mathilde Haugland, Historisk Institutt, Universitetet i Oslo "Carl Anton Bjerknes (1825-1903) hydrodynamikk, historiografi og heterotopi - refleksjoner over et vitenskapshistorisk prosjekt" 15.11. Kandidatstud. Maj-Britt M¿ller Hansen, IVH "Matematikken i Mesopotamien og dens relation til den kultur den var en del af" 22.11. Professor John Law, University of Lancaster "Entanglement and Utopia: an Inquiry into Train Accidents" 28.11. (NB: onsdag) Professor David Nye, Center of American Studies, Syddansk Universitet, Odense "Transportation and Landscape: Seven Theses" 7.12. (NB: fredag) Professor Martin Kemp, Faculty of Modern History, University of Oxford Festforel¾sning: "David Hockney and the projected image from the Renaissance to Now" 13.12. Kandidatstud. Merete Lemke, IVH "Platons matematik" Foredragenes abstract kan findes pŒ IVHs hjemmeside, hvor man ogsŒ b¿r holde ¿je med aflysninger/¾ndringer: PŒ gensyn """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Anita Kildebaek Nielsen, Ph.D., Librarian History of Science Department, University of Aarhus Ny Munkegade, Building 521 DK-8000 Aarhus C., Denmark Phone: +45 8942 3509 Fax: +45 8942 3510 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: Claus Emmeche FOREL®SNINGER I NATURFILOSOFI, efterŒrssemestret 2001 Tid: Onsdage og fredage 10:15 - 12:00, hver forel¾sning (ca. 45 min.) f¿lges af en diskussionstime. Sted: Niels Bohr Institutet, Auditorium U, Blegdamsvej 17, K¿benhavn. En n¾rmere pr¾sentation af hver enkelt forel¾sning findes pŒ Et kompendium med baggrundstekster kan k¿bes i Naturfagsbogladen, se n¾rmere herom pŒ n¾vnte web-adresse. Alle er velkomne. Dag og Dato: Emne og Forel¾ser: ons 5.sep Den naturfilosofiske undren Claus Emmeche ons 12.sep Enhedsvidenskab i moderne form: natur og kultur Jan Faye fre 14.sep Naturen der blev v¾k: Fra positivisme til socialkonstruktivisme Claus Emmeche ons 19.sep Et andet syn pŒ videnskab S¿ren Wenneberg fre 21.sep Det gode forskningsmilj¿ Maj-Britt Juhl Poulsen ons 26.sep Konsekvenserne af socialkonstruktivisme som videnskabssyn Finn Collin fre 28.sep Interpretation i kemisk forskning: NMR som eksempel Knud J. Jensen ons 3.okt Tv¾rfaglighed og videnskabelig prestige Inge Henningsen fre 5.okt Fysikkens mŒde at t¾nke pŒ Holger Bech Nielsen ons 10.okt Den molekyl¾rbiologiske mŒde at t¾nke naturvidenskab pŒ Olaf Nielsen fre 12.okt Hvad er naturforskning? - et geologisk perspektiv Jens Morten Hansen ons 24.okt Naturaliseret erkendelsesteori Klemens Kappel fre 26.okt Er datalogien en naturvidenskab? Hasse Clausen ons 31.okt Teleologi og liv Sune Fr¿lund fre 2.nov Udvikling af bevidsthed - et darwinistisk perspektiv Bent Foltmann ons 7.nov Paradigmer i videnskaben Hanne Andersen fre 9.nov Hermeneutik og inkommensurabilitet Knud J. Jensen ons 14.nov Henimod en biosemiotisk bevidsthedsteori S¿ren Brier fre 16.nov Hvorfor d¿r astrologien ikke af at blive slŒet ihjel? Mogens Esrom Larsen ons 21.nov Informationsteori - godt nyt for K¿benhavnerskolen? Flemming Tops¿e fre 23.nov Fra babelsk forvirring til cladistisk klarhed: Biologiske arter Niels Bonde ons 28.nov Mars, menneskeliv, og liv i universet Jens Martin Knudsen fre 30.nov Natur, naturlighed og jegets ontologi Henrik Bandak ons 5.dec Kritik af den utilitaristiske etik Asger S¿rensen fre 7.dec Biologiens bevidsthed og troens verden Lis Olesen Larsen ons 12.dec Naturvidenskab, religion og teologi - en introduktion Peter Nicolai Halvorsen Arrang¿r: Center for Naturfilosofi og Videnskabsstudier. <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: "Aaserud, Finn" Subject: Drama og videnskabshistorie INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON DRAMA AND HISTORY OF SCIENCE. In the last few years international drama has increasingly and successfully taken up topics and events from the history of science. One eminent case of this trend is the British dramatist Michael Frayn's play "Copenhagen." Unlike many other dramatists, Frayn has willingly engaged himself in a debate with historians of science. On 22 and 23 September the Niels Bohr Archive will organize the symposium "'Copenhagen' and beyond: drama meets history of science," which will discuss the drama/history relationship and encourage further contact between the two areas. Here Frayn will meet some of the foremost historians of science. There will also be discussions between historians and other internationally renowned dramatists who have written plays based on the history of science. Additional contributors will be directors and actors, primarily from Scandinavia, who have been involved in various productions of Frayn's play. In addition to encouraging communication and cooperation between dramatists and historians of science, the symposium will take up questions such as how and to what extent drama can and ought to be used to disseminate science to a wider public. The first day will take place at the Niels Bohr Institute, the second at the Carlsberg Academy. For further information, please consult the web site of the Niels Bohr Archive,, which will be continuously updated. The symposium is sponsored by the Danish Ministry of Research, the Science Faculty of the University of Copenhagen, and the Carlsberg Foundation. The price of 300 Danish kroner, which includes lunch and coffee both days, should be paid according to the instructions on our web site, The number of seats is limited, and it can be expected that the symposium will quickly be sold out. If you are interested in taking part, you are therefore encouraged to contact the Niels Bohr Archive at the earliest opportunity. Please send an e-mail (nba[ at ] or a fax (+45 353 25428), or write a letter to: Niels Bohr Archive Blegdamsvej 17 DK-2100 Copenhagen Denmark. You can also call us at +45 353 25219. We hope to see you in September. Sincerely yours, Finn Aaserud director Niels Bohr Archive >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. Tidskrift-nyt: SEMIKOLON - tidsskrift for studierne af IdŽhistorie,Semiotik og Filosofi. Tidsskriftet Semikolon blev i 2000 grundlagt af studerende ved de tre institutter - alle ved rhus Universitet. FormŒlet er, indenfor emnerne idŽhistorie, semiotik og filosofi, at udbrede kendskabet til og skabe kritiske tv¾rvidenskabelig dialog mellem juniorforskere i hele Danmark, dvs.prim¾rt studerende ved de H¿jere L¾reranstalter i Danmark. Det i form at artikler, overs¾ttelser, interviews, boganmeldelser og ikke mindst specialesynopser. Semikolon modtager gerne alle former for relevante videnskabelige artikler, boganmeldelser,interviews,overs¾ttelse og s¾rligt er vi interesseret i din specialesynops. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Slut paa HUGIN og MUNIN nr.127 Subject: H U G I N O G M U N I N nr. 128 (14.9.2001) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< H U G I N O G M U N I N elektronisk nyhedsbrev for AAbent Netvaerk for Videnskabsfilosofi og Videnskabshistorie nr. 128 d. 14. sept. 2001 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bringer meddelelser om aktiviteter indenfor VIDENSKABSHISTORIE og VIDENSKABSFILOSOFI og tilgraensende omraader som eksempelvis FORSKNING I FORSKNING * VIDENSKABSTEORI * VIDENSKABSETIK VIDENSKABSSOCIOLOGI * VIDENSKAB, TEKNOLOGI OG SAMFUND * BIOETIK FORSKNINGSPOLITIK * NATURFILOSOFI * VIDENSKABSFORMIDLING <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Indhold: Opslag: Forskningsnetv¾rk om vidensnetv¾rk Seminarplan for VIDENNET efterŒr 2001 Invitation til konferencen TEKNOLOGI OG GLOBALISERING Nationalkomiteen for videnskabshistorie og vid.fil.: Œrsm¿de >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Opslag: <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: Soeren Wenneberg FORSKNINGSNETV®RK OM VIDENSNETV®RK Af S¿ren Barlebo Wenneberg I ¿jeblikket er der ved at blive dannet et dansk forskernetv¾rk - VIDEN NET - der skal studere, hvad vidensnetv¾rk er for noget - specielt hvad forskningens rolle er i sŒdanne vidensnetv¾rk. Forskernetv¾rket bestŒr i dag af ca. 35 danske forskere, men s¿ger her i efterŒret om midler til mindst 15 personer mere (phd- og post.doc-stipendiater). Netv¾rket er blevet pr¾kvalificeret til at s¿ge i anden runde om midler til dannelsen af en "St¿rre Tv¾rgŒende Forskergruppe" (et nyt forskningspolitisk instrument for at fremme tv¾rfagligt samarbejde). Her s¿ges der om 25 mill. Forskergruppen er blevet dannet pŒ initiativ af tre forskere fra K¿behavns Universitet (Hanne Foss Hansen, Finn Collin og Claus Emmeche) og to pŒ Institut for Ledelse, Politik og Filosofi (LPF) pŒ Handelsh¿jskolen i K¿benhavn (Kenneth Husted og S¿ren Barlebo Wenneberg). K¿benhavns Universitet og Handelsh¿jskolen i K¿benhavn stŒr som institutioner bag initiativet, og i ¿jeblikket er forskergruppen ved at blive et formaliseret forskernetv¾rk gennem en samarbejdsaftale pŒ disse to universiteter. Handelsh¿jskolen har allerede st¿ttet med 170.000 til opstart og finansiering af et 1-Œrigt g¾steprofessorat. I august kommer svenskeren Sven Hemlin sŒledes til LPF. Han er ekspert i forskningskvalitetog forsker i ¿jeblikket i, hvad et godt forskningsmilj¿ er. Ideen med VIDEN NET er at udf¿re tv¾rfaglig frontforskning i, hvad vidensnetv¾rk erfor noget. Antagelsen er, at fremtidens afg¿rende sociale struktur er vidensnetv¾rk, hvor viden produceres og anvendes pŒ samme tid. Vidensnetv¾rk der gŒr pŒ tv¾rs af de traditionelle opdelinger og strukturer (pŒ tv¾rs af offentlig og privat, pŒ tv¾rs afuniversitet, sektorforskning og industriel forskning osv.). Videnspotentialer bŒde opbygges og aktualiseres i disse netv¾rk, der er grundlaget for innovation, l¾ring og v¾rdiskabelse. Det er sŒledes af afg¿rende betydning at forstŒ disse netv¾rk, deres betydning for organisationer og deres mikropolitiske dynamikker. De epistemologiske konsekvenser af netv¾rkenes dominans over vidensproduktionen, samt betydningen for forstŒelsen af videnskab, er ligeledes centrale problemstillingerfor forskernetv¾rket. FormŒlet med forskernetv¾rket er ikke 'bare' at forske i disse problemstillinger, men ogsŒ at skabe et solidt grundlag for samarbejde pŒ tv¾rs af faggr¾nserne. Netv¾rket vil derfor ogsŒ lave en lang r¾kke infra-struktur tiltag: l¿bende seminarer, phd-kurser, hjemmeside, informationstjeneste osv. VIDEN NET har ogsŒ som formŒl at sikre denne forsknings forankring i uddannelser, samt at forskningen formidles bredt til samfundsm¾ssige 'stakeholders' i det hele taget. Derfor er netv¾rket ogsŒ gŒet i dialog med disse interessenter (ministerier, forskerparker,universiteter, industrielle forskningsorganisationer, brancheorganisationer osv.) om, hvordan de kan indgŒ i netv¾rkets aktiviteter. I ¿jeblikket er et advisory board for netv¾rket ogsŒ ved at blive etableret. VIDEN NET er et Œbent forskernetv¾rk og derfor Œbent for alle interesserede videnskabsforskere, som ikke allerede er medlemmer. Interesserede kan henvende sig til Line Gry Knudsen (lk.lpf[ at ] eller S¿ren Wenneberg (wenne[ at ] pŒ 38153630. Her kan man ogsŒ fŒ mere baggrundsmateriale om forskernetv¾rket og dets aktiviteter (f.eks. en kopi af ans¿gningen til De St¿rre Tv¾rgŒende Forskergrupper). <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: Marianne Rasmussen Seminarplan for VIDENNET efterŒr 2001. VIDENNET-seminarerne afholdes hver anden onsdag kl. 14-16 med start den 5/9-2001 ved: Institut for Ledelse, Politik og Filosofi BlŒgaardsgade 23B (m¿delokalet 2.sal) 2200 K¿benhavn N Dette efterŒrs seminarer deler sig i tre temaer: Positivisme, Viden i netv¾rk og Forskningsmilj¿. *** 1. Positivisme *** 5/9 Positivisme revisited - opl¾g v./ Asger S¿rensen, Institut for Ledelse, Politik og Filosofi, HHK 19/9 Neuraths erkendelsesteori - opl¾g v./ Nikolaj Nottelmann, Institut for Filosofi, P¾dagogik og Retorik, KU 3/10 Kuhn og hans samtid - opl¾g v./ Hanne Andersen, Afdeling for Medicinsk Videnskabteori, Institut for Folkesundhedsvidenskab, KU *** 2. Viden i netv¾rk *** 17/10 Viden i netv¾rk med udgangspunkt i Bruno Latour - opl¾g v./ Bent Meier, Institut for Ledelse, Politik og Filosofi, HHK 31/10 Viden i netv¾rk med udgangspunkt i Pierre Bourdieu - opl¾g v./S¿ren Buhl Pedersen, Institut for Ledelse, Politik og Filosofi, HHK 14/11 Viden i netv¾rk med udgangspunkt i Michel Foucault - opl¾g v./Sverre Raffns¿e, Institut for Psykologi, Filosofi og Videnskabsteori, RUC 28/11 Viden i netv¾rk med udgangspunkt i hhv. Martin Heidegger & Gilles Deleuze - opl¾g v./ Martin Fuglsang, Institut for Ledelse, Politik og Filosofi, HHK *** 3. Forskningsmilj¿ *** 12/12 Forskningsmilj¿ 1. del - opl¾g v./Maj-Britt Juhl Poulsen, Afdeling for Medicinsk Videnskabsteori, Institut for Folkesundhedsvidenskab, KU 9/01 Forskningsmilj¿ 2. del - opl¾g v./ Sven Hemlin, g¾steprofessor ved Institut for Ledelse, Politik og Filosofi, HHK 23/01 Forskningsmilj¿ 3. del - opl¾g v./ Mats Benner, Lund Universitet For yderligere oplysninger kan henvendelse ske til Line Gry Knudsen, S¿ren Barlebo Wenneberg eller Marianne Rasmussen ved Institut for Ledelse, Politik og Filosofi tlf. 38153630. <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> from: Morten Andreasen Invitation til konferencen TEKNOLOGI OG GLOBALISERING TeknologirŒdet ¿nsker at inddrage "teknologi-aspektet" i debatten om globalisering. Som et led heri afholder vi en international konference med overskriften Teknologi og Globalisering. Konferencen skal s¾tte fokus pŒ den problemstilling at teknologiudviklingen, og den tilh¿rende beslutningskompetence mht. hvilke teknologier der er acceptable, globaliseres i stadigt st¿rre omfang. Det bliver sv¾rere for det enkelte land at regulere i forhold til egne normer for hvad der er "god" og "dŒrlig" teknologi. Og mŒlgruppen for en folkelig debat om teknologiudvikling bliver mere og mere diffus. Hvordan skal vi forholde os til denne udvikling, og hvordan kan der f¿res dansk teknologipolitik i fremtiden? Konference vil v¾re bygget op omkring en r¾kke opl¾gsholdere, der vil blive udfordret af en sp¿rgepanel. Konferencens deltagere vil have mulighed for at komme til orde. Konferencen vil blive Œbnet af forskningsminister Birte Weiss og finder sted: Onsdag den 31. oktober 2001 kl. 9 - 15.30 Dronningesalen, Den Sorte Diamant, S¿ren Kirkegaards Plads 1, K¿benhavn K Deltagelse i konferencen vil koste 100 kr. Dette bel¿b inkluderer materiale til konferencen og kaffe/the og frokostsandwich inkl. vand/¿l. For tilmelding kontakt venligst projektsekret¾r Marian Schr¿der i TeknologirŒdet, e-mail: ms[ at ], telefon: 33 45 53 60 eller fax 33 91 05 09. Tilmelding senest torsdag den 18. oktober. Deltagerpladserne tildeles i den r¾kkef¿lge TeknologirŒdet modtager tilmeldingerne. Bekr¾ftelse pŒ deltagelse udsendes sammen med girokort efter modtagelse af tilmelding. Yderligere oplysninger om konferencen kan fŒs hos undertegnede, telefon 33 45 53 62 eller e-mail: sg[ at ] Programmet og en projektbeskrivelse kan ses pŒ TeknologirŒdets hjemmeside ( Program 1. Den teknologiske globalisering Hvori bestŒr den teknologiske globalisering, hvilke (Œrsags)sammenh¾nge er der mellem teknologi og globalisering, hvad betyder globaliseringen for teknologiudvikling og for produktionsforhold. 9.00-9.10: Velkomst v. Henrik Toft Jensen, Formand for TeknologirŒdet 9.10-9.30: bning af konferencen v. Birte Weiss, Forskningsminister 9.30-10.00: Den teknologiske globalisering v. Paul Hirst, Professor, Birkbeck College, University of London 10.00-10.30: Sp¿rgerunde 10.30-11.00: Kaffepause 2. Det nationale spillerum Hvilket juridisk spillerum har nationalstaterne, hvilke internationale akt¿rer har beslutningskompetence, hvad er deres mandat, og hvilken vej gŒr udviklingen? Findes en s¾regen dansk teknologikultur og etik som trues af globaliseringen? Har Danmark udvist en s¾rlig national vinkel i forhold til regulering af teknologiudvikling, og hvordan kan Danmark f¿re teknologipolitik i fremtiden? 11.00-11.20: Det juridiske spillerum v. Charlotta Zetterberg, jur. dr. i milj¿ret, Juridisk Institut, Uppsala Universitet 11.20-11.40: Teknologivurdering i Danmark, - karakteristiske tr¾k v. Oluf Danielsen, Lektor, Institut for Kommunikation, RUC 11.40-12.00: Dansk teknologipolitik nu/i fremtiden v. Jens Nyholm, afdelingschef, Erhvervsministeriet 12.00-12-30: Sp¿rgerunde 12.30-13.30: Frokost 3. Den folkelige debat Hvad bliver der af den folkelige indflydelse nŒr beslutningskompetencen globaliseres? Hvordan kan man forestille sig borgerinddragelse og debat om forskning og teknologiudvikling i fremtiden? 13.30-13.55: Folkelig indflydelse pŒ fremtidig teknologiudvikling v. Rachel Iredale, Lektor, University of Glamorgan 13.55-14.15: Teknologidebat i en globaliseret verden v. Lars KlŸver, Sekretariatschef, TeknologirŒdet 14.15-15.00: Sp¿rgerunde og afrunding * * * Konferencens opl¾gsholdere udfordres af et sp¿rgepanel bestŒende af Frede Westergaard, Weekend-Avisen, Dorthe Pedersen/Jens Reiermann, P1 Orientering og J¿rgen Staun, Dagbladet Information. Tilh¿rerne vil ogsŒ fŒ mulighed for at komme til orde i debatten. Ordstyrer: Lars Bo Kaspersen, Sociologisk Institut, K¿benhavns Universitet Projektledelse: S¿ren Gram, TeknologirŒdet <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> Fra: Poul R. Kruse Invitation og indkaldelse af foredrag til NATIONALKOMITEEN FOR VIDENSKABSHISTORIE OG VIDENSKABSFILOSOFI RSM¯DE 2001 Fredag den 16. november og l¿rdag den 17. november 2001 Benzon Auditoriet Danmarks Farmaceutiske H¿jskole Universitetsparken 2 2100 K¿benhavn ¯ Fredag den 16. november afholdes foredrag a 30 minutter med temaet: "Teologi og naturvidenskab: filosofiske og historiske aspekter". L¿rdag den 17. november afholdes "Frie foredrag", hvor blandt andet ph.d.-studerende har mulighed for at pr¾sentere deres projekter. Forslag til foredrag samt abstracts indsendes til Poul R. Kruse, Danmarks Farmaceutiske H¿jskole, e-mail pk[ at ] N¾rmere oplysninger om program og tilmelding vil f¿lge. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Slut paa HUGIN og MUNIN nr.128 Subject: H U G I N O G M U N I N nr. 129 (11.10.2001) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< H U G I N O G M U N I N elektronisk nyhedsbrev for AAbent Netvaerk for Videnskabsfilosofi og Videnskabshistorie nr. 129 d. 11. okt. 2001 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bringer meddelelser om aktiviteter indenfor VIDENSKABSHISTORIE og VIDENSKABSFILOSOFI og tilgraensende omraader som eksempelvis FORSKNING I FORSKNING * VIDENSKABSTEORI * VIDENSKABSETIK VIDENSKABSSOCIOLOGI * VIDENSKAB, TEKNOLOGI OG SAMFUND * BIOETIK FORSKNINGSPOLITIK * NATURFILOSOFI * VIDENSKABSFORMIDLING <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Indhold: 1. Opslag: Naturvidenskab som eksistentielt grundlag Fagets videnskabsteori - det ny filosofikum Highly Impure and Hot to Handle Sustainability and biodiversity: ethical perspectives 2. Internet-nyt er blevet opdateret >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. Opslag: <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> from: emmeche[at] (Claus Emmeche) Center for Naturfilosofi og Videnskabsstudier ved K¿benhavns Universitet har adjungeret direkt¿r, lic.scient. Jens Morten Hansen, Forskningsstyrelsen, som professor ved centret. Jens Morten Hansen holder TILTR®DELSESFOREL®SNING med titlen Naturvidenskab som eksistentielt grundlag Torsdag den 11. oktober 2001, kl. 15.00 i auditorium store B Geocentret ¯ster Voldgade 10 1350 K¿benhavn K. Efter forel¾sningen er Center for Naturfilosofi og Videnskabsstudier v¾rt ved en reception i Geo-kantinen. Alle er hjerteligt velkomne. Venlig hilsen Claus Emmeche Centerleder Center for Naturfilosofi og Videnskabsstudier <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: Kathrine Eriksen Fagets videnskabsteori - det ny filosofikum Siden forŒret har vi arbejdet pŒ at fŒ skabt en platform, hvor alle der skal arbejde med indf¿relse af fagets videnskabsteori kan hente information om kurser, litteratur, andres erfaring osv. Denne platform er nu pŒ plads i form af en hjemmeside skabt af Evitek-gruppen med ressourcer stillet til rŒdighed af Dansk Center for Naturvidenskabsdidaktik. Vi hŒber at mange vil bes¿ge hjemmesiden pŒ og have gl¾de af de informationer der findes der. Skulle I have idŽer som kan forbedre siden, fx til nyt materiale, informationer om kurser, relevante links eller lignende, sŒ send dem til os pŒ adressen orc[ at ] Evitek-gruppen* *Evitek-gruppens formŒl m.m. ses ved at klikke pŒ gruppens logo pŒ ovenn¾vnte hjemmeside. Kathrine Krageskov Eriksen - Ph.d.-studerende Center for Naturfagenes Didaktik - H.C. ¯rsted Instituttet K¿benhavns Universitet - Universitetsparken 5 - 2100 K¿benhavn ¯ Telefon: 3532 0473 - E-mail: kke[ at ] <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: adam bencard Highly Impure and Hot to Handle: The Challenge of Communicating the Objects of Contemporary Bioscience An International Seminar to be held at the Department of History of Medicine, Medical History Museum, University of Copenhagen, 26th October 2001. The boundary between basic and applied research is breaking down in the contemporary biosciences. Increasingly, biological research is being re-visioned as not just a mode of discovery but more importantly, an expanding horizon of invention with a completely new interface with society at large. This situation poses many complex challenges for science communicators as the new objects of research they confront come more completely to resemble open and creative feats of engineering rather than stable and incontrovertible facts of nature. More constructed than given; more hybrid than pure, many of the most prized objects of contemporary bioscience are acquiring the character of complex materialities into which variable human values and ambitions are being both experimentally and controversially inscribed. If the biosciences today are unveiling the previously unimaginable and no longer simply the previously unknown how should science communicators rethink their professional identities and responsibilities? Is the contemporary situation increasingly one in which the very survival of the objects of contemporary biological research is dependent upon the strategic intervention of science communicators? The aim of this one-day international seminar will be to bring together perspectives from both leading scholars and practitioners on the challenges facing science communicators in their encounters with the objects of contemporary bioscience. Can a renewed interest in approaching the history of science through transformations in the details of its material culture be successfully adapted to illuminate and contextualize contemporary developments? To what extent can the objects of contemporary bioscience be rendered negotiable through accelerated modes of science communication mobilizing new media and emphasizing interactivity and spontaneous feedback? Through the seminar the viewpoints of professionals working in different media such as exhibitions, journalism and television will be compared and contrasted with those of scholars with both natural scientific and humanistic backgrounds. The hope is that discussions will be able to contribute to the establishment of more reflective foundations for the development of science communication in the future. Seminar Schedule 08.45-09.15 Registration 09.15-09.30 Introduction: Thomas Sšderqvist (Medical History Museum, University Copenhagen). 09.30-10.35 'The Abstract Sublime: Popular Science and the Search for a General Biology' - Jon Turney (Science and Technology Studies, University College London). 10.35-11.00 Coffee/Tea Break 11.00-12.05 'Beauty and the Beast: Exploring the Monstrous' - Robert Bud (Wellcome Institute and Science Museum, London). 12.05-13.15 Lunch 13.15-14.20 'A Scientist on Stage' - Bengt Olle Bengtsson (Department of Genetics, Lund University). 14.20-15.25 'Medical Imaging in Media and Culture' - JosŽ van Dijck (Department of Film & Media Studies, University of Amsterdam). 15.25-15.45 Coffee/Tea Break 15.54-16.50 'Immediacy and Honest Witnessing: New Media and Bioscience Communication' - Mark Elam (Department of Sociology, Copenhagen University). 16.50-17.45 Concluding Panel Discussion led by Thomas Sšderqvist (Medical History Museum, University Copenhagen). For further information regarding the seminar please contact Professor Thomas Sšderqvist (T.Soderqvist[ at ] and Adam Bencard (bencard[ at ], Medical History Museum, University of Copenhagen (tel. +45 35323815) or Mark Elam (mark.elam[ at ], Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen (tel. +45 35323233). <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> from: CHG[ at ]FSL.DK (Christian Gamborg) [forkortet (red.)] Ph.d.-forsvar: Sustainability and biodiversity: ethical perspectives on forest management Afhandlingen, indleveret til Den Kgl. Veterin¾r- og Landboh¿jskole (KVL) af Christian Gamborg, forsvares mandag d. 29. oktober kl. 13-16 i Aud. A, Center for Skov, Landskab og Planl¾gning (Forskningscentret for Skov & Landskab). Hovedvejleder er forskningsprofessor Peter Sand¿e (KVL). Bed¿mmelsesudvalget bestŒr af professor Peder Agger, Roskilde Universitetscenter, docent Hans Fink, Aarhus Universitet og professor Finn Helles (formand), KVL. Afhandlingen ligger til gennemsyn pŒ Center for Bioetik og Risikovurdering (KVL). F¿lgende er et kort dansk sammendrag af afhandlingen: FormŒlet med ph.d.-afhandlingen er at se pŒ skovdrift fra forskellige etiske synsvinkler. Det sker i form af at s¾tte ord pŒ samt analysere etiske antagelser bag specifikke eksempler pŒ dyrknings- og driftspraksis og andre skovbrugsrelaterede emner. [...] Afhandlingen peger pŒ behovet for en h¿jere grad af gennemskuelighed i skovdriften og -forvaltningen fra et etisk synspunkt. Dette er en vigtig foruds¾tning for at opnŒ en h¿jere grad af accept af drifts- og forvaltningsbeslutninger samt for generelt at fastholde eller udvikle bedre overensstemmelse mellem praksis- og interessentv¾rdier. I afhandlingen konkluderes det, at for at opnŒ denne, forbedrede overensstemmelse kr¾ves for det f¿rste en st¿rre opm¾rksomhed omkring de v¾rdikonflikter, der kan v¾re skjult i brugen af begreber sŒsom b¾redygtighed og biodiversitet. For det andet kr¾ves der en forbedret afklaring og gennemgŒende kritisk diskussion af v¾rdiantagelser i forbindelse med drifts- og forvaltningspraksis. PŒ denne vis kan en frugtbar dialog mellem skovbruget og beslutningstagere samt befolkningen videreudvikles. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. Internet-nyt: From: "BESKED FRA FILOSOFI.NET" K¾re l¾ser er blevet opdateret med f¿lgende: Nye afhandlinger: Jesper M¿ller: "F¾nomenologiens og hermeneutikkens bidrag til en aktuel kulturteori." Karsten Holt: "Sandhedens tilsynekomst i Gadamers Hermeneutik." Find dem pŒ: Ny artikel: Mohammad-Reza Kokabi-Hamadani: "Hyperantirealisme - en refleksion." Find den pŒ: Nye anmeldelser: JŸrgen Habermas: "Politisk filosofi" anmeldt af Dennis Meyhoff Brink Joachim Wrang & Jens Peter Kaj Jensen (red.): "Filosofiske Kugler - En grundbog i politisk filosofi" anmeldt af Thomas Telving Anders Fogh Jensen: "Metaforens magt" anmeldt af Dennis Meyhoff Brink Jaques le Goff: "La vieille Europe et la n™tre" anmeldt af dr. theol. h.c. Helge Haystrup Georges Duby: "Sur les traces de nos peurs" anmeldt af dr. theol. h.c. Helge Haystrup Anne Marie Petersen: "Kom, min due. Hans Adolph Brorson og hans salmer" anmeldt af dr. theol. h.c. Helge Haystrup Knud Rendtorff: "Eksistens i tiden. Rudolf Bultmann, - en teologisk livshistorie" anmeldt af dr. theol. h.c. Helge Haystrup Find dem pŒ: N¾ste deadline er 1. januar 2002. PŒ gensyn pŒ Mange hilsener <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Slut paa HUGIN og MUNIN nr.129 Subject: H U G I N O G M U N I N nr. 130 (23.10.2001) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< H U G I N O G M U N I N elektronisk nyhedsbrev for AAbent Netvaerk for Videnskabsfilosofi og Videnskabshistorie nr. 130 d. 23. okt. 2001 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bringer meddelelser om aktiviteter indenfor VIDENSKABSHISTORIE og VIDENSKABSFILOSOFI og tilgraensende omraader som eksempelvis FORSKNING I FORSKNING * VIDENSKABSTEORI * VIDENSKABSETIK VIDENSKABSSOCIOLOGI * VIDENSKAB, TEKNOLOGI OG SAMFUND * BIOETIK FORSKNINGSPOLITIK * NATURFILOSOFI * VIDENSKABSFORMIDLING <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Indhold: 1. Opslag: Mathematics as Rational Activity Literature and Science: Experimenting Arts and Sciences 2. Ny bog Tegn og betydning >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Opslag: <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> From: Klaus Frovin Joergensen Mathematics as Rational Activity Roskilde University November 1 - 3 2001 *Motivation* In the 20th century philosophy of mathematics has been dominated by views developed during the foundational crisis in the beginning of that very century. These views have primarily focused on questions pertaining to the logical structure of mathematics and questions regarding the justification and consistency of mathematics. If one could justify the certainty and truth of mathematical theorems the foundational task would have been accomplished. However, in the second part of the 20th century both philosophers and historians of mathematics have started to question the adequacy of the foundational programmes. The focus has turned to consider what mathematicians actually are doing when they produce mathematics. Questions about concept formation, non-informal understanding of new mathematical phenomena, changes in styles of reasoning, the role of analogies and pictures, etc. have now become central issues. These historians and philosophers do not have the question of an indisputable justification of mathematical consistency and truth as the major concern. They are more interested in understanding the mathematical activity as a human activity. That is, they concentrate on how new mathematical objects and concepts are generated, how mathematics interacts with physics, how mathematical thinking depends on the culture it is imbedded in, what makes new discoveries interesting, etc. The purpose of this meeting is to trace and discuss some of these new perspectives on the nature of mathematics. *List of lectures* Paolo Mancosu, Berkeley University, USA: - Visualization in Mathematics - The Varieties of Mathematical Explanations} Marcus Giaquinto, University College London, England: - From Symmetry Perception to Basic Geometry James Robert Brown, Toronto University, Canada: - Problems for Naturalism Reviel Netz, Stanford University, USA: - Towards an Aesthetics of Mathematics Karine Chemla, Paris University VII, France: - The Interplay Between Proof and Algorithm in 3rd Century China: The Measure of the Circle James Tappenden, Michigan University, USA: - Styles of Reasoning and Visualization in Algebraic Geometry Jens H¿yrup, Roskilde University, Denmark: - On Reasoning Styles in Early Mathematics *Time and location* All presentations will take place November 1 -3 at Roskilde University (RUC)in the auditorium in building 46. To reach RUC at 8:45 take a train from the Central Station of Copenhagen at 8:10 to Roskilde and get off at Trekroner Station. There will be signs from the station. To reach RUC from Roskilde at 8:52 take a bus from Roskilde Station at 8:41. (An appropiate train for Saturday leaves Copenhagen Central Station at 8:34). *Registration* Registration is free. Please write Klaus Frovin J¿rgensen at frovin[ at ] Please be sure to include your name, institution, country and zip code and your email-address. If email is used include ``Rational Registration'' in the subject entry. Questions pertaining to registration and accommodation should be directed to Mr.\ J{\o}rgensen. No individual notification upon registration will be forwarded to individual participants. However, the conference homepage will be updated regularly. The page also presents the time schedule and abstracts. The conference is arranged by The Danish Network for the History and Philosophy of Mathematics. <>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<> from: Finn Olesen [abbreviated (ed.)] CONFERENCE ANNOUNCEMENT THE SECOND EUROPEAN CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR LITERATURE AND SCIENCE: EXPERIMENTING ARTS AND SCIENCES Aarhus, May 8-12, 2002 Second Call for papers and proposals for workshops: Deadline 15th of December 2001 Please submit to sls[ at ] The Second European conference of the International Society for Literature and Science (SLS) will take place at University of Aarhus, Denmark, May 8-12, 2002. The conference will gather scholars from human, social, medical, technical and natural sciences as well as artists, who are interested in inter- and transdisciplinary approaches and linkages betweenthe study of culture, literature, visual arts and technoscience, and between science and the arts. Culture and technoscience used to be regarded as disparate activities and fields of study that referred to separate spheres of society, and to different epistemologies, methodologies and practices. But in recent years, a growing number of scholars from many disciplines have forged transversal lines and links between the study of culture/literature/visual arts and technoscience, exploring issues such as for example * links between fact and fiction * transversal lines between science and story-telling * links between cultural imaginaries and scientific practices * semiotic-material practices * how metaphors matter and matter performs metaphorically * intersections and incommensurabilities between visual arts, literature, culture and technoscience * translations between physical and virtual spaces * cyborg identities and cyborg bodies * feminist and postcolonial perspectives in technoscience studies The conference will be a forum for exchange of ideas between senior and junior researchers committed to the exploration of such issues and to experiments with transgression of boundaries between the formerly disparate fields of culture/literature/visual arts and technoscience. In particular, the conference will give space to scholars who want to compare notes cross-nationally and cross-Atlantically. Many European scholars seem to be committed to the study of the new interdisciplinary field of culture & technoscience studies without knowing about the International Society for Literature and Science that originally was started by US-colleagues. The first European conference of the society, held in Brussels in April 2000, initiated a much needed cross-Atlantic dialogue. The idea is that the second conference in May 2002 shall take this process important steps further. The conference will also include a plenary panel session on "Research in inter- and transdisciplinary no-wo/man's lands", organized by the Danish research project 'Cyborgs and Cyberspace'. The purpose of the panel is to discuss differences and similarities, problems and potentials of the three inter- and transdiscplinary research traditions: - Cultural Studies (CS) - Science and Literature Studies (SLS) - Science and Technology Studies (STS) These research traditions have different stories and genealogies - the panel intends to explore their interrelations and resonances, regarding such issues as: - innovative inter- and transdisciplinary approaches (no policing of disciplinary boundaries); - the commitment to "inappropriate/d" topics (from popular culture to non-human actors etc.) - the commitment to "inappropriate/d" others in terms of gender, ethnicity, class, sexuality, generation etc. - and different kinds of intersections with feminism, postcolonial and anti-racist theory, queer theory, youth culture research etc. Proposals for papers and workshops are invited from both senior and junior scholars from all disciplines who are interested in the links and border transgressions between the study of culture literature, visual arts and technoscience. Abstracts for papers and workshops (2-300 words) should be sent to SLS[ at ] before 15th of December 2001. SLS c/o: Randi Markussen, Associate Professor, Ph.D. Dept. of Information and Media Studies University of Aarhus Niels Juels Gade 84 8200 Aarhus N Denmark Phone (switchboard) +45 89 42 11 11 Phone (direct) +45 89 42 19 66 Telefax +45 89 42 19 52 Conference website: http: // SLS HISTORY Literature and science has existed as a field of study in the US since the 1920s, when the Modern Language Association established a division of that name. Its practitioners were almost solely literary scholars, and its reigning paradigm was the "influence" model that focused on the one-way interaction from science to literature. By the 1980s there was a strong desire to open the field to a greater number of disciplines and approaches. Discussions among a small group of scholars, envisioned a new Society for Literature and Science (SLS) where scholars from a broad range of fields, and particularly the sciences, would feel welcome, and where the discursive arena would belong to no single discipline or group of disciplines. SLS was officially launched in 1985 and held the first of its annual meetings in 1987. The Society's deliberate refusal to delimit "literature and science" encouraged the participation of scholars from many fields whose common commitment was the investigation of the representations of rhetoric or the practice of science. Thus, SLS meetings began to attract those interested in visual and aural as well as textual representations of science. An important stage in the Society's development was the establishment of its journal, Configurations that first appeared in 1993. Although a small number of European colleagues have attended annual meetings in the US, their numerous contributions to Configurations reflect the much larger number who share interests among themselves and with their American colleagues. In order to provide a forum for these European scholars to interact, the first European SLS conference took place in Brussels in April 2000. Its success provided the momentum for the second European conference that will take place in Aarhus, Denmark, in May 2002. Here, the establishment of a European SLS branch will also be discussed. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. Ny bog. From: Iben Stampe Sletten TEGN OG BETYDNING - Betydningsdannelse i filosofisk, biologisk og semiotik perspektiv redigeret af Torkild Leo Thellefsen 255 sider, kr. 278,- inkl. moms ISBN: 87-500-3596-7 Akademisk Forlag A/S Hvad vil det sige, at noget betyder noget? Igennem de seneste 2500 Œr har filosoffer v¾ret optaget af dette sp¿rgsmŒl, men de ul¿seligt forbundne begreber betydning, viden og - i nyere tid - tegn og information kan n¾ppe defineres entydigt og stringent. Definitionen vil altid v¾re betinget af den kontekst, hvori begreberne bliver fortolket, og derfor betyder betydning noget forskelligt i den humanistiske og den naturvidenskabelige tradition. Der er dog s¾rdeles gode grunde til at beskrive f¾nomenet betydningsdannelse i et tv¾rvidenskabeligt perspektiv. Sproget er kun Žn blandt mange typer af tegnsystemer, som den menneskelige eksistens er afh¾ngig af, f.eks. er de biologiske funktioner betinget af tegnudveksling, hvad enten det g¾lder mennesker, dyr eller planter - og b¿r betydningsdannelse overhovedet begr¾nses til levende organismer? Bogen indeholder en r¾kke artikler af forskere fra et bredt spektrum af forskningsomrŒder, bl.a. filosofi, biosemiotik, tidslogik, metaforteori og interaktion mellem mennesker og maskiner. Tilsammen udg¿r denne vifte et mangefacetteret og inspirerende grundlag for videre diskussioner af hvad betydning er: Hvis betydning er resultatet af en fortolkningsproces - hvem eller hvad s¾tter sŒ processen i gang - og hvorfor? Bogens forfattere: Ole Fogh Kirkeby, Anne Marie Dinesen, Torkild Leo Thellefsen, Frederik Stjernfelt, Claus Emmeche, Jesper Hoffmeyer, S¿ren Brier, Michael May, J¿rgen Dines Johansen, Peter ¯hrstr¿m. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> HUGIN og MUNIN er et elektronisk nyhedsbrev for aktiviteter indenfor videnskabsteori, videnskabsfilosofi, videnskabshistorie, videnskabssociologi og tilgraensende emneomraader. Det udsendes af Center for Naturfilosofi og Videnskabsstudier, Koebenhavns Universitet, og udspringer af Netvaerk for Videnskabsfilosofi og Videnskabshistorie, som Statens Humanistisk Forskningsraad i Danmark igangsatte i 1994 for at styrke kontakten mellem grupper og enkeltpersoner indenfor de naevnte fagomraader. Annoncering af moeder i Hugin og Munin, tilmelding, afmelding, og andre henvendelser sendes til emmeche[at] . Et web-arkiv for tidligere numre er: Hugin og Munin - tanke og erindring - er de to vise ravne, der sidder paa Odins skuldre og hvisker ham alle tidender i oeret. Han sender dem ud ved daggry, og ved morgenmaaltidet vender de tilbage med nyheder fra hele verden. Ravnene er her valgt som vartegn for den filosofiske eftertanke og den historiske erindring. Begge er vigtige naar de enkelte videnskaber om natur og menneske skal bringes i kontakt med videnskabsteoriens beskrivelser af videnskab som en konkret og kompleks proces, der maa forstaas ud fra baade filosofiske, historiske og sociologiske studier. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Slut paa HUGIN og MUNIN nr.130