Åbent netværk for videnskabsfilosofi og videnskabshistorie


Nyt om aktiviteter indenfor Videnskabshistorie og Videnskabsfilosofi og tilgrænsende områder f.eks. Videnskab, teknologi og samfund, Forskning i forskning, Videnskabsteori, Videnskabsetik, Videnskabssociologi, Bioetik, Forskningspolitik, Naturfilosofi, Videnskabsformidling.

Redaktør: Marie Svarre Nielsen, CNV.
Annoncering af møder i Hugin og Munin, tilmelding, afmelding, og andet:



The Niels Bohr Archive's History of Science Seminar:

Arctic Empires: Terrestrial Physics and the Frontiers of Science

Thursday 27 April 2006, 14.15
Auditorium M, Niels Bohr Institute
Blegdamsvej 21, Copenhagen

I'm happy to invite you to another event in our seminar series at the end of this month, in a field increasingly attracting attention among historians of science.

There will be another event at the end of May, which I will inform you about as soon as the details have been settled. As usual, you can find more information on our website

Finn Aaserud
Niels Bohr Archive
Blegdamsvej 17
DK-2100 Copenhagen

'Arctic imperialism' has become the term associated with Norwegian claims on northern territories in the period leading up to, and immediately following, the separation from the Swedish crown in 1905. Historians have focused on the years from 1890 to the 1920s, discussing the ways in which nationalism shaped scientific practices in this period and, in turn, how science contributed to the nationalist agenda. Here I argue that Norway's experience in using science to buttress territorial claims in the polar regions -- Spitzbergen/Svalbard and Queen Maud's Land, Antarctica -- may serve as a point of departure for an understanding of the development of terrestrial physics in the twentieth century. The science of frontiers -- of establishing, exercising, and maintaining boundaries -- provided the context for terrestrial physics during the Cold War. The American case, in which science and sovereignty provided a matrix in which results in atmospheric physics and physical oceanography were crafted to enlist the world in a series of technological systems, is illuminated by parallels with the Norwegian experience and especially at the points where the NATO partners cooperated in Cold War scientific research.

Bruce Hevly, Department of History
University of Washington
Seattle, U.S.A.


Max Planck Research Network Wandering Seminar:

History of Scientific Objects

Medical Museion, Copenhagen,
Monday 8 - Friday 12 May, 2006.

Der er enkelte pladser tilbage på Københavns-delen af Max Planck Research Network's europæiske vandringsseminar "History of Scientific Objects", 8. - 12. maj. Pladserne vil tildeles dem, der først melder sig. PhD-studerende har fortrinsret. Prisen for deltagelse er 300,-/dag (undtagen mandag), og inkluderer kaffepauser og frokost. Evt. middagsdeltagelse betales derudover.

Tilmelding til Thomas Söderqvist, Medicinsk Museion,, senest fredag den 5. maj kl. 12.

Monday 8 May
15.00 - 16.00 Wellcome! Appetizer overview of Medical Museion's exhibitions and collections.

16.00 - 18.00 Round-table presentation of wanderers and the week's local staff. Debriefing of wanderers' experience in Munich

Tuesday 9 May
9.30 - 10.30 "The Medical Museion concept" (Thomas Söderqvist)

11.00 -12.30 Round-trip in the collections of Medical Museion (Ion Meyer, Anders Olsen, Camilla Mordhorst, Thomas Söderqvist)

13.30 -14.30 "Collecting biomedicine of the 21st century" (Thomas Söderqvist)

15.00 -16.45 Project presentations - I:
"Human boundary objects" (Klaus Høyer) and "The multiple foetus: practicing foetuses in medicine, history and museums (Sniff Nexø)

Wednesday 10 May
9.30 - 11.30 Project presentations - II:
"Researching, collecting and interviewing for a history of kidney transplantation (Søren Bak-Jensen) and "Researching and collecting virtual surgery" (Jan Eric Olsén)

11.45 - 12.45 Round-trip in the present exhibitions of Medical Museion (NN)

14.00 - 15.00 "A new medical history museum exhibition concept" (Camilla Mordhorst)

Thursday 11 May
9.30 - 11.30 Project presentations - III:
"Following the minipig" (Hanne Jessen) and "Visualizing epidemiology" (Susanne Bauer)

11.45 - 12.45 Preserving recent biomedical objects - demonstration of the conservator's laboratory work (Ion Meyer)

14.00 - 15.30 Visit to The Danish Museum of Art and Design, Bredgade 68, Copenhagen (NN)

Friday 12 May
9.30 - 10.30 "Carnevalesque medicine: Representing and displaying curious, anecdotal, unique, peculiar and monstrous biomedical objects" (Camilla Mordhorst, Thomas Söderqvist)

11.00 - 12.00 Concluding discussion about medical, scientific, museological and art objects

14.00 - 17.00 Technological objects:
Visit to the History of Technology Division, Technical University of Denmark, Anker Engelundsvej 1 (Building 101A), Lyngby (Jan Tapdrup, Chris Chilvers)


MECOBS Workshop:

Mathematical Modelling of Membrane Processes

29. juni - 1. juli,
RUCs Søminestation ved Isefjorden

Program mm. på

Tilmeldning til Bernhelm Booss-Bavnbek

MECOBS står for FTP's nye netværk "Mathematical Modelling, Estimation and Control of Biotechnological Systems"



Forfatter: Alan Culter
Titel: Steno - En biografi om anatomen og præsten Niels Stensen der løste gåden om strandskallerne på bjergtoppene
Oversat fra engelsk af Werner Svendsen.
264 sider,
275 kr.
ISBN 8702035782

Alan Cluter har skrevet en Steno-biografi, der nu er oversat til dansk. Der er en anmeldelse af bogen på Informations hjemmeside. Klik her for at se anmeldelsen:

Informations anmeldelse


HUGIN og MUNIN er et elektronisk nyhedsbrev for aktiviteter indenfor videnskabsteori, videnskabsfilosofi, videnskabshistorie, videnskabssociologi og tilgrænsende emneområder. Det udsendes af Center for Naturfilosofi og Videnskabsstudier, Københavns Universitet, for at styrke kontakten mellem grupper og enkeltpersoner indenfor de nævnte fagområder.

Hugin og Munin - tanke og erindring - er de to vise ravne, der sidder på Odins skuldre og hvisker ham alle tidender i øret. Han sender dem ud ved daggry, og ved morgenmåltidet er de hos ham igen med nyheder fra hele verden.

Ravnene er her valgt som vartegn for den filosofiske eftertanke og den historiske erindring.