import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt # System characteristics nStates = 3 nObervations = 2 radius = 1 dTheta = 2*np.pi dt = 0.001 # The width of the Gaussian from which the noise added to the true observation is drawn (This of course would be # something inherent to the measurement device or method and not something we would explicitly set) trueObservationNoise = 0.3 # In the ideal situation where we would/could give correct initial values (state and covariance) this should be equal # to the true observation noise. guessedObsrevationNoise = 10 # We are modeling an ideal process that has no noise. In reality this would be something inherent to the true # dynamical process in the world. # trueProcessNoise = 0.1 # Same applies here as for the guessed observation noise. guessedProcessNoise = 0.01 # State - r, theta, dTheta x = (np.array([1, 0, dTheta])*0)[:, np.newaxis] # Covariance Matrix p = np.identity(nStates)*1 # Transition matrix f = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, dt], [0, 0, 1]]) # Observation Matrix h = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1], [0, 0]]).T # Process noise q = np.identity(nStates)*guessedProcessNoise # Observation noise r = np.identity(nObervations)*guessedObsrevationNoise def polarToEuclid(pol): """ return (x, y) from r, theta """ return pol[0, :]*np.array([np.cos(pol[1, :]), np.sin(pol[1, :])]) def truePath(t, r, dTheta): """ return true observation at time t """ return np.array([r, t*dTheta])[:, np.newaxis] def updateLines(lines, true, obs, est): """ Update plot artists' data """ d = polarToEuclid(true[:, :i+1]) lines[0].set_data(d[0, :], d[1, :]) d = polarToEuclid(obs[:, :i+1]) lines[1].set_data(d[0, :], d[1, :]) d = polarToEuclid(est[:, :i+1]) lines[2].set_data(d[0, :], d[1, :]) # Loop and logging variables t = 0 nIterations = 10**3 trueData = np.empty((nObervations, nIterations)) observedData = np.empty((nObervations, nIterations)) estimatedData = np.empty((nStates, nIterations)) # Set some more variables related to plotting plt.ion() fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, aspect='equal') scale = 1.5 ax.set_xlim(-scale*radius, scale*radius) ax.set_ylim(-scale*radius, scale*radius) lines = [] lines.append(ax.plot([], [], '.', label="True")[0]) lines.append(ax.plot([], [], '.', label="Observed")[0]) lines.append(ax.plot([], [], linewidth=2, label="Estimated")[0]) plt.legend(loc=4) itePerUpdate = nIterations/300 iteSinceUpdate = 0 for i in range(nIterations): # Generate observation zTrue = truePath(t, radius, dTheta) z = zTrue + np.random.randn(nObervations)[:, np.newaxis]*trueObservationNoise # Prediction x = pPre = + q # Correction y = z - s = + r k = x += p = (np.identity(nStates) - # Store data estimatedData[:, i] = x[:, 0] trueData[:, i] = zTrue[:, 0] observedData[:, i] = z[:, 0] # Plot once in a while if iteSinceUpdate > itePerUpdate: iteSinceUpdate = 0 updateLines(lines, trueData, observedData, estimatedData) # matplotlib stinks - so we (might) need to do this plt.pause(0.00001) t += dt iteSinceUpdate += 1 updateLines(lines, trueData, observedData, estimatedData) plt.ioff() # plt.savefig('./kalman.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')