Log of S/Y Golden Gate, Thursday the 29th of November 2007

Position Midday:     N 31 05', W 24 00'
Position Midnight:   N 30 24', W 25 38'
Progress last 24h:    193 Nautical miles

Amazingly, no matter how big a change of life, routine quickly sneaks in, not the least when having scheduled watches. Lise woke me 3:45, and again I got up to a night sky of moon and stars... and again I got rain after a little while! Venus (the planet) rose in the horisont behind us, and before my watch was over, Ole (the person) also came up. We had a good chat about the common things in life, before I went down to get a nap.

I woke up again around nine, looking out at sunshine and blue sea flying by, and so despite my comfy bunk I got up. We decided to set back the clocks by one hour, as we will have to do four times in total on the passage, and Leilani jokingly said, that this mean groundhawk day at sea.
The waves have grown into large ocean waves, from which we first have a great view and then surf down. The days challenge was guessing, when we reach the halfway mark to St. Maarten (W 39 10'), which we apparently are aiming straight at. And dispite the many uncertainties at sea, we all guessed within a few hours, namely at the morning of the 4th of December.

Lunch, staring pasta in a great sauce with sausage and bell peppers, reasured Leilani her title of best chef in these parts of the Atlantic. In the afternoon the wind changed to due East, and John and Andy changed sails to Goose wing, which increased both speed and comfortability. And in this manner, the afternoon offered the very best of blue water sailing, with sunshine, 26 degrees, and gentle rolling down the ocean waves.
The only spoiler is that I have forgotten my MP3-player in Geneva, and facing weeks without music was a bit of a crisis. But both Ole and Andy were kind enough to lend me their iPods, and so yesterdays log was written to the sounds of Vivaldi and The Beach Boys!