Log of S/Y Golden Gate, Saturday the 1st of December 2007

Position Midday:     N 29 18', W 24 53'
Position Midnight:   N 29 12', W 23 26'
Progress last 24h:    155 Nautical miles

The wind had (fortunately for once) calmed, and so we all slept relatively well. My night watch was partly cloudy and rather eventless, until Ole came up early from his cabin for a chat about business and life in general and of course his watch. I went back to sleep shortly before sunrise.
Second time up a bit late, the sun was shining. As it was the first of December, I opened the surprice bag from my parents (which Ole had brought), and found 24 small wrapped gifts - one for each day. Furthermore, there was a calender, which had a picture of my old christmas gift calender attached to it, and the cockpit was full of impressed looks.

Lunch was delishies sandwiches, and afterwards Ole smugled up some chocolate from his cabin, on which we had a true feast. Later we saw a large container ship in the distance, and inspired by the signs of life at the ocean, we decided to let out the fishing hook and try our luck - but alas, at least no fish for dinner!

When I went to sleep, the wind and waves had picked up again, and though quite tired, it is damn hard to fall asleep, when your bed occationally throws you in the air and/or disappears below you! However, once asleep, I dreamt the most wonderful of dreams, weived from the finest threads of story telling by the most determined of poets. Strange how such things occur more often, when you break the routines of daily life, and throw yourself at adventure.