Log of S/Y Golden Gate, Sunday the 2nd of December 2007

Position Midday:     N 29 06', W 22 02'
Position Midnight:   N 29 07', W 20 39'
Progress last 24h:    148 Nautical miles

It was a heavy rolling night, and I was flying around in my bunk, not getting much sleep. My night watch was very peaceful, the peace only broken by a container ship sailing passed behind us in the distance. Ole came up, and before I went back to bed, I got an amusing description of the occuring incompetence in parts of business, especially banking (Ole's old metier).

After breakfast the sunny weather invited us for a day of reading, only interupted by lunch and watches. During the night, Voyage of the Beagle had gotten a bit wet, so I was turning half soaking pages - but it was only fitting that the story tastes some of the salt water that wrote its tales. The day was further brightened by a large pod of dolphins, which suddenly had surrounded us and wanted to play. It was a smaller very jumpy kind, that kept playing around the ship for quite a while. Towards the end of my day watch, the sweetest smell arose from the galley, as Leilani was cooking dinner.

Due to the large rolling of the ship, we had all slept less profound, and thus lights were out before eight o'clock both onboard and in these parts of the Atlantic.