Log of S/Y Golden Gate, Monday the 3rd of December 2007

Position Midday:     N 29 06', W 19 15'
Position Midnight:   N 28 25', W 17 57'
Progress last 24h:    157 Nautical miles

I had a nice watch, with an almost clear night sky. When Ole got up, I stayed up with him to see the sunrise, which was quite spectacular. I rewoke with a great hunger, and after a usual yacht shower, I fixed it with yoghurt, which we suddenly don't have to rationalize any more. It was another sunny day with much wind and waves. While reading about Beagle, the almost dry book got another spray, and will thus probably not be dry until I return home. Lunch was for the first time a repeatition of previous days, but nicely composed of four different dishes, and as usual delicious.

In the afternoon, Ole decided that we would sail south of Palma island, both to give us a more sheltered sailing the coming night, but also allowing us to set sails, as suggested by Andy, and so we did... and what a rise in the spirit onboard. After days of just using the engine, we were for once sailing before sails again. We were all enjoying the sun and our newly set sails.
Looking for land, but couldn't quite see it, though we were almost surely within reach, and we could also see the clouds above the islands. However, right at the end of my watch at sun set, suddenly the lights of Las Palmas became visible, and thus only lack of visibility had kept of from seeing land earlier. And after nine days at sea, land - whichever side of the Atlantic it is on - is a nice sight.

Dinner was chicken Masala, served just after sunset, and since the moon only rose later in the night, it was dead pitch dark... but we still had land ahead, as one has in this part of the Atlantic!