Log of S/Y Golden Gate, Wednesday the 5th of December 2007

Position Midday:     N 27 49', W 16 46'
Position Midnight:   N 27 49', W 16 46'
Progress last 24h:    0 Nautical miles

Given a late night out and the calmness of the ship, nobody woke by mere habit of night watch routine. We all got up at our own pace, and John and Andy started looking at the damaged hydraulics and spinnaker pole. Ole, Lise, and myself took a look around the little harbour village, but we had to go to the neighbouring village to find any information about what the island had to offer. The green North and sunny South part of the island were both worth seeing, as well as the central mountains with Roque Nublo (an 80m monolith) and the Eastern shore with the Maspalomas dunes. However, these were all quite distant from each other, and it would take many hours to drive around the island to see them.
I was a bit keen on taking a 20 minute flight around the island, which was less than 100 euros, but as usual Ole played the ace of trump in suggestions, and soon had us booked on a helicopter flight! After a quick lunch, we were picked up and driven to the small landing strip, and before either Lise or I could get used to the idea of going around the island by helicopter, we were airborn.
As the best example of Murphy's Law, my camera had a terminal malfunctioned just before departure, and Ole ran out of battery just after, so the experience will have to be one mostly saved in our memories, but what memories! We got to fly (sometimes at low altitude over ridges!) over all of the islands spectacular sites, including a golf course on the edge of a huge crater, ultra dense hotel resorts, deserted mountains, and amazing Roque Nublo with Tenerife's Pico de Teide in the horizon. A fantastic experience, and Lise and I were quite high, when we touched down again.

In the evening we went to another and even better restaurant, and Ole repeated his "trick" from the night before, resulting in an utterly grand dinner, which had us all laughing, drinking, and indulging in a stream of of delicious seafood. We left the restaurant among the last guest, with a bottle of port and champagne on the house, which is beyond anything I have ever tried before. A splendid way to end the adventures, before we next morning left these parts of the Atlantic!