from sklearn import tree from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.ensemble import AdaBoostClassifier, RandomForestClassifier,BaggingClassifier #Splitting the data data2_np = np.array(data2) train, test = train_test_split(data2_np, test_size=0.2, random_state=217) X_train = train[:,0:-2] Y_train = train[:,-1] X_test = test[:,0:-2] Y_test = test[:, -1] #Function for doing predictions with the sklearn models # 'classifier': The classifier to use e.g. tree.DecisionTreeClassifier, AdaBoostClassifier, RandomForestClassifier etc. def classifier(classifier): clafi =classifier(),Y_train) predictions = clafi.predict(X_test) return predictions #Example of applying the function to AdaBoost predictions = classifier(AdaBoostClassifier) #Altered version of the evaluation function from monday def evaluate_pred(pred_class, real_class): N = [[0,0], [0,0]] # Make a list of lists (i.e. matrix) for counting successes/failures. for i in np.arange(len(real_class)): if (pred_class[i] == 0 and real_class[i] == 0) : N[0][0] += 1 if (pred_class[i] == 0 and real_class[i] == 1) : N[0][1] += 1 if (pred_class[i] == 1 and real_class[i] == 0) : N[1][0] += 1 if (pred_class[i] == 1 and real_class[i] == 1) : N[1][1] += 1 fracWrong = float(N[0][1]+N[1][0])/float(len(real_class)) return N, fracWrong #Evaluate the result N,fracWrong = evaluate_pred(predictions, Y_test) print(" First number is my estimate, second is the MC truth:") print(" True-Negative (0,0) = ", N[0][0]) print(" False-Negative (0,1) = ", N[0][1]) print(" False-Positive (1,0) = ", N[1][0]) print(" True-Positive (1,1) = ", N[1][1]) print(" Fraction wrong = ( (0,1) + (1,0) ) / sum = ", fracWrong)