import numpy as np from numpy.random import randint, uniform, normal import scipy.sparse as sparse import scipy.sparse.linalg as sparse_linalg import scipy.linalg as la import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Generate a sparse hidden-to-hidden transform Whh with specified spectral radius def sparse_esn_reservoir(Nhidden, Ncols,spectral_radius): # Generate the sparsity pattern: we make a regular sparse matrix # with Ncols nonzero columns per row. colidx = randint(0,Nhidden,(Nhidden*Ncols)); rowidx = np.repeat(np.arange(Nhidden),Ncols) # The values are uniformly distributed between -1 and 1: values = uniform(-1.0,1.0,(Nhidden*Ncols)); #values = normal(loc=0.0,scale=1.0,size=(Nhidden*Ncols)); Whidden = sparse.csr_matrix( (values,(rowidx,colidx)), shape=(Nhidden,Nhidden) ); # Ensure that we get the desired spectral radius rho, _ = np.abs(sparse_linalg.eigs(Whidden,1)) Whidden *= (spectral_radius/rho[0]) return Whidden # Generate hidden state sequence def generate_state_matrix(model,inputs,Ntrans=500): (Whh,Wih,bh) = model; (Nhidden,Ninputs,Ntrain) = (Whh.shape[0],Wih.shape[0],inputs.shape[0]) H = np.zeros((Ntrain,Nhidden)) h = np.zeros((Nhidden,1)) for i in range(Ntrain): h = np.tanh( +[i]) + bh) H[i] = h[:,0] H0 = H[Ntrans:] # I2 = inputs[Ntrans-2:-2,np.newaxis] # I1 = inputs[Ntrans-1:-1,np.newaxis] I0 = inputs[Ntrans:,np.newaxis] ones = np.ones((Ntrain-Ntrans,1)) return np.concatenate([ones,I0, H0],axis=1) # Given a trained model W = (Wih,Whh,Who), a start internal state h0, and input y0 # predict in free-running mode for Npred steps into the future, with output feeding # back y_n as next input: # # h_{n+1} = \tanh(Whh h_n + Wih y_n) # y_{n+1} = Who h_{n+1} # def predict(model,h0,y0,Npred): (Whh,Wih,bh,Who) = model; y = y0 h = h0.copy().reshape(-1,1) ys = np.zeros(Npred) for i in range(Npred-1): h[1] = y h[2:] = np.tanh([2:]) y =,1) ys[i] = y return ys, h def lstsq_stable(H, labels): U, s, Vh = la.svd(H.T) scale = s[0] n = len(s[np.abs(s / scale) > 1e-5]) # Ensure condition number less than 10.000 L = labels.T v = Vh[:n, :].T uh = U[:, :n].T wout =, v) / s[:n], uh) return wout def split_train_label_pred(sequence, train_length, pred_length): train_end = train_length + 1 train_seq = sequence[:train_end] inputs = train_seq[:-1] labels = train_seq[1:] pred_labels = sequence[train_end:train_end + pred_length] return inputs, labels, pred_labels