1. Classification_ClaraHeine_lightgbm.txt Algorithm: lightGBM Classifier GBDT (GradientBoostingDecisionTree) HP values: num_leaves = 50 | max_depth = 10 HP Optimisation: tried different settings for max_depth and num_leaves Binary Log Loss function with all features 0.138229 (with 5fold cross validation). Accuracy: 0.9443 Execution time 22.03 seconds The 25 variable was chosen with SHAP Binary Log Loss function with 25 features 0.209287 (with 5fold cross validation). Accuracy: 0.9150 Execution time 4.43 seconds Own evaluation. Well performing and fast model. 2. Classification_ClaraHeine_MLPClassifier.txt Algorithm: MLPClassifier (NN - Adam) HP values: solver='adam' | activation='relu' | hidden_layer_sizes=(100,) | learning_rate='constant' HP Optimisation: tried different settings for hidden_layer_sizes Pre-processing: Scaled with Sklearn standart scaler Binary Log Loss function with all features 0.102407. Accuracy: 96.31 Execution time 200.54 seconds The 25 variable was chosen with permutation importance Binary Log Loss function with 25 features 0.144705. Accuracy: 94.54 Execution time 193.39 seconds Own evaluation. Well performing but not fast. Better result than LightGBM-algorithm but slower. 3. Regression_ClaraHeine_LightGBM.txt Algorithm: LightGBM Regressor GBDT (GradientBoostingDecisionTree) Key HP values: num_leaves = 31 | max_depth = -1 | num_iterations = 300 | learning_rate = 0.1 HP optimisation: HP was tuned using random GridSearch. Best result was in overall the default values from LightGBM it self. MAE: 6082.55 Execution time 14.24 15 variables was chosen with in-built feature importance MAE: 6290.69 Execution time 1.67 Own evaluation. The model performs quick and produces a result I'm satisfied with. The MAE seems a little high it self, though the energy is relatively high too. 4. Clustering_ClaraHeine_Kmeans.txt Algorithm: sklearn KMeans HP n_clusters=4 | init='k-means++' | max_iter=300 | n_init=10 HP optimisation: Used the Elbow method - 4 clusters Pre-processing: Scaled with Sklearn standart scaler 8 variables was chosen by looking at feature importance in reduced dimensions with PCA Execution time 2.96 Own evaluation: The model works and performed quickly and the result seems okay.