Åbent netværk for videnskabsfilosofi og videnskabshistorie

Nyhedsbrev nr. 235 2007

Nyt om aktiviteter indenfor Videnskabshistorie og Videnskabsfilosofi og tilgrænsende områder f.eks. Videnskab, teknologi og samfund, Forskning i forskning, Videnskabsteori, Videnskabsetik, Videnskabssociologi, STS, Bioetik, Forskningspolitik, Naturfilosofi, Videnskabsformidling.

Redaktør: Marie Svarre Nielsen, CNV.
Annoncering af møder i Hugin og Munin, tilmelding, afmelding, og andet:

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Tirsdag d. 13. november
Kl. 13.30
Bygning 15, Auditorium 15

Alle er velkomne
Snacks, te og kaffe ad libitum, så længe lager haves
Arr. Studenterpæsten på RUC og Studenterpræsten på KU. Nat og sund fak.

Yderligere oplysninger hos studenterpræsterne Ulla Pierri Enevoldsen (upe @ eller Nicolai Halvorsen (pnh @


Rektor ved Danmarks Biblioteksskole, filosof og forfatter.
Studenterpræst ved Panum (Natur- og Sund.).
Idehistoriker, adjunkt, Arkitekt Skolen.

Hvad er forudsætningerne og bevæggrundene for den nye ateisme - hvad går kritikken ud på? Skyder ateisterne med spredehagl - og rammer man lige godt i alle tilfælde? Lever religionskritikerne og fundamentalisterne af hinanden - og bruges den samme retorik i begge lejre?

Vi stiller følgende spørgsmål til panel-deltagerne:

1) Er den nye religionskritik dum, fordi den forholder sig til dum religion?
2) Kan fundamentalisme bekæmpes med ateistisk religionskritik?
3) Kan den ateistiske/ rationelle livsanskuelse begrundes - eller er den et tros-system? (Er ateisme og agnosticisme trosformer?)

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Striden mellem religionen og den nye ateisme

Kl. 19.30
Onsdag d. 14. november
Købmagergade 44 over gården

Foredrag og debat ved lektor i filosofi på Syddansk Universitet, Ph.d. Peter Wolsing. Replik ved post.doc i filosofi på RUC, Ph.d. Morten Ebbe Juul Nielsen

Alle er velkomne

Entre: 20 kr.

Arr. Forum for Eksistens og Videnskab i samarbejde med Afdeling for Systematisk Teologi.

Yderligere oplysninger hos studenterpræst Nicolai Halvorsen pnh @

Den stadig voksende indflydelse, som religionen udøver på politik, undervisning og menneskers forestillingsliv i USA og den øvrige vestlige verden i de senere år har samlet videnskabsfolk og filosoffer til et modangreb.

Under påberåbelse af rationaliteten som kilde til den moderne verdens fremskridt inden for videnskab, teknologi og velfærd, angriber denne 'nye ateisme' - der tæller bl.a. biologen Richard Dawkins og filosoffen Sam Harris - en række af de religiøse forestillinger, der angiveligt betyder et tilbageskridt i henseende til en rationel verdensbetragtning.

Foredraget vil forme sig som en præsentation af denne strid mellem ateisme og religionen og gå ind i den filosofiske argumentation bag gamle religionsfilosofiske spørgsmål om gudsbegrebet, gudsbeviser, 'intelligent design' samt teodicéproblemet. Sigtet er at vise, at ateismens kritik går fejl af religionens (kristendommens) bærende forestillinger og, at den ydermere mangler sans for den særlige religiøse/kristne erfaring af tilværelsen. I det lys er religion ikke nødvendigvis en anfægtelse af, men kan tværtimod udgøre en udfordring til, vores moderne indstilling til verden.

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Telling the Past Now
Historiographies for the 21 st century

22-24 November 2007
University of Aarhus

For registraition and more information click here:

The conference (23-24 November)

This conference brings together leading historians from a number of different fields in an interdisciplinary effort to discuss the challenges, possibilities and ways of writing history today and for the future. The participants will engage in state of the art debates and problematics concerning the conceptualization and writing of history within a range of topical subjects such as place, culture, politics, narrative and forgetting.

Telling the Past Now is a keynote conferenc with more than 10 lectures delivered over two days on the 23-24 November. The conference is open to all interested participants via registration. An initial Ph.d. seminar will take place on Thursday the 22nd of November. Please see the programme below.

Ph.D.-seminar (22 November)

The Ph.D.-seminar will focus on interaction between three selected guests and PhD-students in workshop sessions. The workshops will be divided into three parallel sessions dealing with the following issues:

• Concepts
• Practices
• Things

For each topic a list of research questions are defined well in advance. The lecturers participate in different sessions chaired by one of the organisers. The other participants are equally distributed according to their own preferences. In each session a graduate student is assigned to give a brief summary in the workshop presentation session (10-15 minutes). There will be a concluding lecture from one of the invited speakers.

Graduate students who sign up for the conference will be offered the opportunity of presenting a poster in a designated "poster room" open for conference delegates throughout the conference. It should be noted that, for Day 1, there will be required reading. Participating PhD-students will be awarded 3 ECTS if they participate in the entire conference and will earn an extra 1 ECTS if they present a poster. The ECTS points will be awarded jointly by the two research schools.

Organising Committee:

Peter C. Kjærgaard (University of Aarhus), Dorthe Gert Simonsen (University of Copenhagen), Mikkel Thorup (University of Aarhus), Ben Dorfman (Aalborg University)

Consulting Graduate Students:

Casper Andersen, Frank Beck Lassen, Hans Henrik Hjermitslev and Bertel Nygaard (University of Aarhus)


The Danish Research School for Philosophy, History of Ideas and History of Science
The Danish Research School for History
Faculty of Humanities, University of Aarhus, Research Focus: The Knowledge-Based Society
Department of History and International Studies & the Department of Languages and Culture, Aalborg University
Aarhus Network for Science, Technology and Medicine Studies


23 November
Room 122 (Nobelsalen) in building 1453

9-10 Registration + tea

10:00 Welcome by the organisers

10:15-12:15 Theories and thinking
Warren Breckman (University of Pennsylvania) : The times of theory

Nancy Nersessian (Georgia Institute of Technology) Cognition

Chair: Mikkel Thorup

12:15 Lunch

13:00-14:00 Poster session: graduate students are available for questions

14:00-16:00 Images and objects

Nick Hopwood (University of Cambridge): Making an Icon of Knowledge: Haeckel's embryological comparisons

Mats Fridlund (Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen): Material culture

Chair: Casper Andersen

16:00-16:30 Tea

16:30-18:30 Places and peoples
Charles Withers (University of Edinburgh): Geography and History: Place and the 'Spatial Turn

Thomas Söderqvist (University of Copenhagen): Biography and methodological individualism in historiography of science and science studies

Chair: Hans Henrik Hjermitslev

Dinner in town

24 November
Room 211 (aud. 2 ) in building 1253

10:00-12:00 Identities

Nina Lerman (Whitman College, Washington): Othering: gender and race

Peter Mandler (University of Cambridge): National Identity and the Historians

Chair: Peter C. Kjærgaard

12:00-13:00 Lunch

13:00-15:00 Politics and narratives

Kirstin Asdal (University of Oslo): On politics and the little tools of democracy: a down to earth approach

Kalle Philanen (University of Turku): Narrative

Chair: Dorthe Gert Simonsen

15:00-15:30 Tea

15:30-17:00 Forgetting

Allan Megill (University of Virginia): Regional history and the future of historical writing

Concluding remarks

Chair: Ben Dorfman

Optional dinner in town (own expense)

Ph.d. seminar 22. November
Room 122 (Nobelsalen) in building 1453

9:00-9:15 Registration and introduction to the workshop

9:15-10:00 Allan Megill Mythistory: For and Against; Or, How "scientific" should history-writing be?

10:00-10:45 Warren Breckman: From the editor's chair of The Journal of the History of Ideas

10:45-11:00 Tea

11:00-11:45 Mats Fridlund: On artefactualities

11:45-13:00 First workshop session

13:00-14:00 Lunch

14:00-15:15 Second workshop session

15:15-15:30 Tea

15:30-16:30 Workshop presentations and closing discussions in plenum

Chair: Peter C. Kjærgaard

See workshop folder for specified program of the workshop sessions.

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Getting in Gear for 2009

7-8 February
The University of Aarhus

For more information please visit:



Practical questions should be addressed to conference secretary: Jakob Bek-Thomsen:

Questions regarding the academic programme should be addressed to: Peter C. Kjaergaard:

In 2009 Charles Darwin will be celebrated around the world for his 200th birthday 12 February and the 150th anniversary for the publication of On the Origin of Species. Already preparations are in full swing at schools, universities, museums, production companies and publishing houses. The internet is buzzing with excitement and antievolutionists are preparing for a counter strike. But where does that leave historians of science? What is our role? What can we do? How do we contribute to the Darwin anniversaries? Is this time for reflection or time for action? You decide! Come to Aarhus in February 2008 and let us talk about it -- seriously.


Peter Bowler (Queen's University, Belfast)
Marwa Elshakry (Harvard University)
Eve-Marie Enges (Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen)
Thomas Glick (Boston University)
John van Wyhe (University of Cambridge)


We invite proposals for papers on the many different receptions, uses and abuses of Darwin and evolution in the almost 150 years since the publication of On the Origin of Species in an effort to explore what we as historians are saying about Darwin today. We would like each speaker to have in mind a critical look at our profession, at what we are doing, for whom we are doing it and why.

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Encompassing Knowledge

Call for Papers

15- 17 May 2008
University of Aarhus

For further information and registration please see:

1st Call for Papers for the upcoming conference The 2nd International Conference in the 360 Conference Series: Encompassing Knowledge at the University of Aarhus 15- 17 May 2008

The conference will deal with knowledge from three perspectives:

• Communication of Specialised Knowledge
• Representing Knowledge in Texts
• Knowledge Construction and Learning

Papers should be designed to fit into a 30-minute time slot. Abstracts of approx. 250 words should contain title, general research topic, content, discussion and bibliography (max. 5 titles).

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DASTS konference

Den årlige konference i DASTS afholdes torsdag. 5. og fredag 6. juni 2008, IT-huset, Katrinebjerg, Åbogade, Århus N.

Keynote speaker vil være Lucy Suchman, professor, Lancaster University, England.

Alle STS-interesserede inviteres hermed til at deltage.

Indkaldelse og program følger.

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1 PhD fellowship in:

The area of subjectivity research with special focus on theoretical and empirical aspects of psychopathology

One three-year position as a (salaried) PhD fellow is available at the Clinical Department for Neurology and Sensory Sciences from 1 February 2008 or as soon as possible thereafter.

Applications close on 2 January 2008 at noon.

It is a condition for the fellowship to be granted that the planned research project is carried out at the Centre for Subjectivity Research at the Faculty of Humanities. This entails that the project should be completed at the Centre under a main supervisor employed at the Faculty of Health Sciences as a professor, assistant professor, clinical associate research professor, clinical associate professor or external associate professor. It should be noted that it is a condition for processing of the application that a statement from the main supervisor accompanies the application.

It is a condition for employment as a PhD fellow that the applicant enrols as a PhD student at the Faculty of Health Sciences in accordance with the provisions of Executive Order no. 114 of 8 March 2002 regarding the PhD degree. It is recommended that the application for enrolment be submitted once the reply regarding the granting of the fellowship is available - see `Application procedure' below.

Paid work in addition to the fellowship will require prior approval by the Head of PhD Studies.

In addition to the above-mentioned conditions, the qualifications required are a completed Master's degree or another examination at a corresponding level.

The employment is for a three-year period and is subject to the Agreement between AC (the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations) and the Ministry of Finance regarding salaried PhD fellows. PhD fellows are covered by the regulations pertaining to `new salaries' for public employees, and the salary is therefore subject to individual negotiation. The PhD fellow is obliged to carry out - without additional pay - allocated teaching-related tasks, etc. of up to 840 working hours during their period of employment.

Application procedure:

The application form for PhD fellowships must be used as front page and can be obtained by enquiry in person from the PhD administration (room 9.1.38A), by telephoning +45 35 32 70 68 or by emailing maar @ The application material can also be downloaded from the PhD administration website at

The application must be written in Danish, unless the applicant and/or the main supervisor do not speak Danish. The application with the application form as front page should be accompanied by the following appendices ONLY:

Appendix 1: Brief curriculum vitae for the applicant including details of the applicant's employment history and research experience (max. 1 A4 page).
Appendix 2: Copy of examination certificate/transcript of records.
Appendix 3: List of the applicant's publications (max. 1 A4 page).
Appendix 4: Project description (max. 5 A4 pages (font size: 12 points, single line spacing including illustrations).
Appendix 5: List of references (max. 1 A4 page).
Appendix 6: Statement from main supervisor (max. 1 A4 page). The main supervisor may only act as main supervisor on two applications for the positions.
Appendix 7: Brief curriculum vitae for the main supervisor (max. 1 A4 page).
Appendix 8: List of the research group's 10 most important works/publications (max. 1 A4 page).
Appendix 9: Written confirmation from business partners.

If the application fails to meet the above-mentioned requirements or contains additional appendices, the application will be rejected by the administration and will not be considered.

The application form, etc. must be submitted as a set and in seven copies (preferably stapled together at the left-hand corner - not in plastic folders) to the Faculty of Health Sciences, Blegdamsvej 3 B, DK-2200 Copenhagen N, and the material must reach the Faculty by:

2 January 2008 at noon

Applications submitted after this deadline will not be considered. In case of submission in person, the application must be handed in at Journalen (the Registrar's office), room 9.1.49.

All interested parties are encouraged to apply regardless of age, gender, race, religion or ethnic origin.

In accordance with Executive Order no. 170 of 17 March 2005 regarding employment of teachers and scientific staff at universities, etc. under the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, applications will be assessed by an expert selection committee appointed by the Faculty. Applicants will be informed of the composition of the committee. The Executive Order is available at Memorandum of 18 December 2006 regarding Position Structure for Scientific Staff at Universities is also available at

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Der er desværre ikke noget stafetinterview i dette nummer.

Om Stafetten
I Stafetten bliver en forsker bedt om at besvare en række spørgsmål og derefter sende Stafetten videre til en ny forsker efter eget valg.

Tidligere Stafet-interview:
Claus Emmeche
Brit Ross Winthereik
Lene Koch
Maja Horst
Randi Markussen
Ninna Lykke
Stine Adrian
Tom Børsen Hansen
Jens Dolin
Cathrine Hasse
Theresa Schilhab
Luis Emilio Bruni
Mette Böll
Jesper Hoffmeyer
Frederik Stjernfelt
Hans Siggaard Jensen
Kirsten Drotner
Frans Gregersen

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HUGIN og MUNIN er et elektronisk nyhedsbrev for aktiviteter indenfor videnskabsteori, videnskabsfilosofi, videnskabshistorie, videnskabssociologi og tilgrænsende emneområder. Det udsendes af Center for Naturfilosofi og Videnskabsstudier, Københavns Universitet, for at styrke kontakten mellem grupper og enkeltpersoner indenfor de nævnte fagområder.

Hugin og Munin - tanke og erindring - er de to vise ravne, der sidder på Odins skuldre og hvisker ham alle tidender i øret. Han sender dem ud ved daggry, og ved morgenmåltidet er de hos ham igen med nyheder fra hele verden.

Ravnene er her valgt som vartegn for den filosofiske eftertanke og den historiske erindring.