Åbent netværk for videnskabsfilosofi og videnskabshistorie

Nyhedsbrev nr. 242 2008

Nyt om aktiviteter indenfor Videnskabshistorie og Videnskabsfilosofi og tilgrænsende områder f.eks. Videnskab, teknologi og samfund, Forskning i forskning, Videnskabsteori, Videnskabsetik, Videnskabssociologi, STS, Bioetik, Forskningspolitik, Naturfilosofi, Videnskabsformidling.

Redaktør: Marie Svarre Nielsen, CNV.
Annoncering af møder i Hugin og Munin, tilmelding, afmelding, og andet:

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Patient partcipation in cancer research:

The 'Unfortunate Experiment' at National Women's Hospital

22. april kl. 15.15-17.00
Lokale CSS 15.3.15
Center for Sundhed og Samfund
Øster Farimagsgade 5
1014 København K

Forskerskolen i folkesundhedsvidenskabs Sundhedstjenesteforskningsseminarer fortsætter den 22. april, med en forelæsning om en politisk kontrovers om forskning.

DPhil and Associate Professor Linda Bryder
Department of History, University of Auckland

Linda Bryder forsker i medicinsk historie og social- og sundhedspolitikkens historie i New Zealand og Europa. Hun har blandt andet beskæftiget sig meget med reproduktionsfeltet og skrevet bogen A Voice for Mothers: The Plunket Society and Infant Welfare 1907-2000, Auckland, 2003.


In 1987 the Auckland magazine Metro published an exposé of a longstanding research programme conducted by Associate Professor Herbert Green at New Zealand's National Women's Hospital. Green, it was alleged, had allowed a number of women to develop cervical cancer from carcinoma in situ as part of an experiment into conservative treatment of the disease. The government immediately set up a Committee of Inquiry. This paper examines the investigation into the so-called 'unfortunate experiment', revealing it to be far more than an examination of the work of one man. The Inquiry put the whole of the medical profession on trial and found it wanting. The article in Metro and the Inquiry were a clash between a conservative, predominantly male medical profession and the new women's health movement, for which the former was totally unprepared.

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Videnskaben og den nye ateisme:

Den nye ateismes brug af naturvidenskab

24. April kl. 19.30
Det Teologiske fakultet Auditorium 1
Købmagergade 44
Ind i gården op ad trappen til højre

Entre: 20 kr.

The lecture will be in English

En forelæsning af Alister McGrath med udgangspunkt i ateismen hos Richard Dawkins og Daniel Dennett.

Arr: Forum for Eksistens og Videnskab I samarbejde med afdeling for systematisk teologi

Yderligere oplysninger:
Universitetspræst Nicolai Halvorsen
Pnh (at)

Hos flere af den agressive nye ateismes fortalere spiller naturvidenskaben en hovedrolle. Videnskab og rationalitet står mod religion og irrationaltet. Dette er et hovedpunkt hos fremtrædende ateister som Richard Dawkins og Daniel Dennett. Professor i teologi Alister McGrath ved Oxford Universitet betvivler, at det er så simpelt og argumenterer for et mere nuanceret syn på sagen. McGrath er opvokset i Belfast og var som ung en selvbevidst ateist. Han blev uddannet i kemi og havde en forskerkarriere især indenfor biofysik. På universitetet faldt han over videnskabshistorie og videnskabsfilosofi og blev draget væk fra ateismen og over i teologien.

Foruden professoratet i historisk teologi ved Oxford Universitet er han senior research Fellow ved Harris Manchester College ligeledes i Oxford. Desuden er han for tiden præsident ved the Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics Alister McGrath har skrevet en række bøger om centrale emner i historisk og systematisk teologi. I de senere år har han skrevet flere bøger om ateisme. Nogle af de senste titler er: The Twilight of Atheism: The Rise and Fall of Disbelief in the Modern World. (New York: Doubleday, 2004). Dawkins' God: Genes, Memes and the Meaning of Life. (Oxford: Blackwell, 2004). The Science of God: An Introduction to Scientific Theology. (London: Continuum, 2004). The Order of Things: Explorations in Scientific Theology. (Oxford: Blackwell, 2006). The Dawkins Delusion. (London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 2007).

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Ekskursion til Skt. Hans Hospital

Fredag d. 30. maj kl. 16.00

Senest d. 16. maj til Søren Bak-Jensen
sbj @
Fredericiagade 18
1310 København K.


Dansk Medicinsk-historisk Selskab

Skt. Hans Hospital er Danmarks ældste og stadig største psykiatriske hospital. Vi ser på de historiske bygninger og går derefter på rundvisning i Museet i Kurhus, som har udstilling af hospitalets og behandlingens historie. Derudover er der en unik samling af psykiatriske patienters værker - skulpturer, malerier, tegninger og broderier. Dagen afsluttes med middag, som forudsætter betaling af kr. 50 ved tilmelding.

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BioSys Symposium on

Human Post-Genomics, Evolution and the Future of Life

Friday, May 30th
From 9.00
The Queen's Hall
The Royal Library, Slotsholmen
Søren Kirkegaards Plads 1,
DK - 1214 Copenhagen

Attendance is free, but registration is necessary due to catering. To register please visit our web site:

BioSys is an Innovation Network stimulating interaction between companies and public research institutions working within the fields of Bioinformatics and Systems Biology and raising the general awareness of these technologies in the Danish scientific community. Learn more about us at our website:

Computer technology and development of software to handle complex biological data and data integration is revolutionizing today's biological research as well as providing a new foundation for contesting and reconfiguring former understandings of human nature, human history and the future of human life.

At this symposium leading scientists and experts will present and explore the character and tendencies of contemporary transformations in bioinformatics and systems biology, including 1) Human History Written in our Genome, 2) Mapping Genetic Determinants, and 3) The Future of Human Life.

The symposium will be of interest to everyone with an interest in the frontiers of Life Science, and we welcome participants from industry, academia, the media, public institutions as well as curious laypeople.

We encourage you to forward this invitation to colleagues and friends who may wish to attend the symposium.

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Things, Tools and Touch

Exploring New Materialisms in Science, Technology and Medicine Studies

A monthly reading symposium arranged by

Dept of the History of Ideas, Dept of Science Studies & Centre for STS-Studies, Aarhus Network for Science Technology and Medicine Studies & Research Network for Material Culture, Cognition and Nature, University of Aarhus

The last decade have seen the appearance of a growing body of research pointing toward a increased interest in the role of material culture, material agency and `artifactuality' inside as well as outside science, technology and medicine studies. One example is art historian W. J. T. Mitchell, main protagonists of the visual turn that supposedly supplanted the linguistic turn in the 1990s, in describing the anthology Things That Talk (2004) as an example of

"advanced research in what might be called the 'new materialism.' Unlike the old materialism, which dreamed of a positive science, purified of linguistic accident, ideological prejudice, or fantasy, the new takes aim directly at the figuration and imaging of objects, factoids, and things."

To explore this potential `material turn' researchers, curators and doctoral students within history and social studies of science, technology and medicine are invited to participate in a new reading symposium devoted to these `new materialisms'.

It will meet once a month from April until December at a museum or research institution in connection with the University of Aarhus to discuss a book according to the list below. The symposia will take place 12-3pm consisting of an optional brown bag paper presentation with lunch followed by 2 hours of discussion of the reading concluded by an optional tour of the hosting museum/institution. The discussions will be in English or Scandinavian depending on the participants. We expect to be able to be able to pay for the reading materials and lunches for all participants.

We expect to be able to accommodate all interested but if we will have to limit the number of participants we reserve the right to decide who can participate with priority to doctoral students. It is not necessary to attend every meeting to participate but priority will be given to those expressing their intention in following the whole symposium. Those interested in participating should send an email expressing their interest by Monday April 21 to Kristian Hvidtfelt Nielsen, Dept of Science Studies at khn @ For the first seminar on Wednesday April 30 the readings will be sent out electronically and for the following meetings participants are requested to purchase books that will be reimbursed against receipts by the end of term.

It is possible for doctoral students to follow the reading group for credit as a 5/7.5 ECTS PhDcourse. Students taking the course will be required to attend an additional seminars and for 7.5 ECTS write a longer (20-25 pp) research paper. The conclusion of the PhD course will be concluded with a public symposium where the students present their final papers.


Preliminary Schedule

Seminar 1: Wednesday April 30 at the Steno Museum
Aarhus Network for Science Technology and Medicine Studies Brown Bag Presentation:
Mats Fridlund, University of Aarhus & Medical Museion, "Matter Matters: New Materialisms and Artifactualities in Science, Technology and Medicine Studies"
Readings: Introduction chapters from the following volumes:
• Arjun Appadurai, ed., The Social Life of Things (1986)
• Daniel Miller, Material Culture and Mass Consumption (1987)
• Steven Shapin & Simon Shaffer, Leviathan and the Air-pump (1989)
• Bill Brown, ed. Things (2004)
• Lorraine Daston, ed., Things That Talk (2004)
• Daniel Miller, ed. Materiality (2005)
• Chris Tilley, et al, ed., Handbook of Material Culture (2006)

Seminar 2: Wednesday May 14 at Naturhistorisk Museum
STM-Brown Bag Presentation: Adam Bencard, Medical Museion, KU, "Affects and Materiality"
Reading: Adam Bencard, History in the Flesh: Investigations into the Discursive Figure of the Historicized Body, phd-dissertation, University of Copenhagen (2007)

Seminar 3: Wednesday June 4 at Moesgård Museum
Presentation: Half-day contact workshop on Danish materiality studies in connection with
DASTS conference
Reading: David Edgerton, The Shock of the Old: Technology and Global History since 1900 (2007).

End of Term STM-Seminar: Wednesday June 11
Presentation: TBD

--- Summer break ---

Seminar 4: Wednesday August at the Antikmuseet
STM-Brown Bag Presentation: TBD
Reading: John Law, Organizing Modernity: Social Order and Social Theory (1994) & John Law, Aircraft Stories: Decentering the Object in Technoscience (2002), selections.

Seminar 5: Wednesday September
STM-Brown Bag Presentation: TBD
Reading: Chris Tilley, et al, ed., Handbook of Material Culture (2006)

Seminar 6: Wednesday October
STM-Brown Bag Presentation: TBD
Reading: Peter-Paul Verbeek, What Things Do: Philosophical Reflections on Technology, Agency, and Design (2005)

Seminar 7: Wednesday November
STM-Brown Bag Presentation: TBD
Reading: Daniel Miller, ed. Materiality (2005)

Seminar 8: Wednesday December
STM-Brown Bag Presentation: TBD
Reading: Peter Galison, Image and Logic: A Material Culture of Microphysics (1997)

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a highly needed transdisciplinary post-modern "science" in the knowledge society

April 30, 9.00 - 18.00
Copenhagen Business School
Dalgas Have 15
Auditorium SØ.089
2000 Frederiksberg

Semiotics symposium at The Centre for Language, Cognition and Mentality

The seminar concludes with Søren Brier's inaugural lecture as Professor of the Semiotics of Information, Cognition and Communication Science.

Organized by:
The Center for Language, Cognition and Mentality and The Department of International Culture and Communication Studies

Registration: Admission free (lunch not included). If you wish to attend, please send an email to Merete Borch, or phone +45 3815 3389 no later than Monday April 21.

Further information:
Per Durst-Andersen, or Søren Brier,
Abstracts and presentations of the speakers can be seen at the website of the LaCoMe-Center here: CBS page


9.00-9.15 Welcome, Anette Villemoes, CBS

9.15-10.00 Per-Durst Andersen (CBS)
Linguistics as Semiotics. Saussure and Bühler Revisited

10.00-10.45 Winfried Nöth (University of Kassel)
Signs and Sign Machines: Instruments of Thought?

10.45-11.15 Coffee break

11.15-12.00 Frederik Stjernfelt (Aarhus University)
Semiotics as a tool for transdisciplinary thinking uniting science and humanities

12.00-12.50 Lunch (the cafeteria is nearby)

12.50-13.00 Coffee

13.00-13.45 Jordan Zlatev (CBS/University of Lund)
Meaning, Consciousness and Language

13.45-14.30 John Deely (University of St. Thomas, Houston)
Semiotics and Academe: at the heart of the problem of knowledge

14.30-15.00 Coffee break

15.00-15.15 Introduction, Per Durst-Andersen (CBS)

15.15-16.15 Inaugural lecture, Søren Brier (CBS)
Cybersemiotics: Why information is not enough.

16.15- Reception hosted by the Department of International Culture and Communication Studies

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Leon Rosenfeld invented indeterminate gauge dynamics in 1930

Tirsdag den 6. maj, kl. 17.15
Auditorium 10, H. C. Ørsted Instituttet
Universitetsparken 5, 2100 København Ø

Foredrag ved:
Professor Donald Salisbury
Physics Department, Austin College, Sherman, Texas and Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Berlin

Videnskabshistorisk Selskab

Kl. 16.30 inviterer Selskabet på kaffe, te og frugt for 10 kr. i Institut for Matematiske Fags frokoststue, rum 04.4.19 på 4. sal.

In 1929 and 1930 Heisenberg and Pauli published groundbreaking papers presenting schemes for quantizing the electromagnetic field in interaction with a second-quantized Dirac electron matter field. At the same time Fermi independently proposed his own distinct approach. The principle problem that needed to be addressed was how do deal with the identical vanishing of the momentum conjugate to the temporal component of the electromagnetic potential. Heisenberg and Pauli invented two procedures, each of which destroyed the manifest symmetry under gauge transformations of the potential and matter field. Pauli in particular expressed doubts about the validity of the method. Fermi's construction destroyed manifest Lorentz symmetry.

In 1929 Leon Rosenfeld was working with Pauli in Zurich. With Pauli's encouragement and assistance he was able to show that no unphysical interaction with longitudinal components of the electromagnetic field resulted from the first Heisenberg-Pauli modified Lagrangian. But neither Pauli or Rosenfeld were satisfied with the seemingly ad hoc suggestions for dealing with the vanishing momentum. Again at Pauli's urging and with an apparently essential (though unidentified) idea from Pauli, Rosenfeld undertook the first formal investigation of the nature of local symmetries under the transition from Lagrangian to Hamiltonian dynamics. The resulting analysis was published in Annalen der Physik in 1930. Rosenfeld was able to show that both the Heisenberg-Pauli, and Fermi methods were mathematically justified. In the process he invented a significant portion of the machinary of constrained Hamiltonian dynamics, now the basis of all canonical treatments of local gauge theories, including Yang-Mills, gravity, and superstrings. Furthermore, Rosenfeld treated as an example Dirac matter fields and electromagnetism in interaction with general relativity. It was primarily in this domain in 1949 that Dirac and Bergmann began to produce the constrained Hamiltonian algorithm that now bears their name.

One naturally wonders why Rosenfeld's contribution has not received the attention that it merits. It was surely of crucial interest to Pauli, and demonstrably also to Dirac. In fact, after having satisfied himself of the validity of the Fermi procedure, Rosenfeld published in 1932 a demonstration that Dirac's relativistic electron theory was equivalent to that of Heisenberg and Pauli. Dirac was indeed in correspondence with Rosenfeld before Dirac, Fock, and Podolsky published their "improved" demonstration of this equivalence. Dirac had written Rosenfeld asking him detailed questions about the appearance of arbitrary functions in Rosenfeld's constraint analysis.

It appears that Rosenfeld's contribution to quantum field theory simply came to early. It suffered the same fate in the coming two decades as did quantum field theory itself. Coming to terms with the apparently insurmountable infinities that plagued quantum electrodynamics, Rosenfeld himself declared in his 1932 overview that there was no longer any reason to think that second quantization could lead to an acceptable theory of interaction of material particles. This may also explain why Rosenfeld's contribution was initially unknown to Peter Bergmann in 1949 when he set himself the task of inventing a procedure for tracking the indeterminate time evolution of the gravitational field.

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Understanding Puzzles in the Gendered European Map


Revideret program
Konferencen har været annonceret i et tidigere nummer af Hugin og Munin
Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitetsskole
Tuborgvej 164, 2400 København NV, København, 30.-31. maj 2008

Kulturel grænsedragning i det akademiske arbejdsliv

Ulige karriereveje for mænd og kvinder Hvorfor er nogle lande bedre til at tiltrække og engagere kvindelige forskere? Påvirker arbejdspladskulturen mænds og kvinders forskerkarriere forskelligt? Og hvordan skal politikere og ledere forholde sig til kulturforskelle på universitetet som arbejdsplads?

Den internationale konference Draw the Line! tager fat på nogle af de barrierer, der præger visse akademiske arbejdsmiljøer og får forskere, ikke mindst kvindelige forskere, til at forlade karrieren: Skjult konkurrence, chikane, ansættelsesusikkerhed og konflikt mellem arbejds- og familieliv. Problematikken om kønnede karriereveje diskuteres på konferencens workshops der skal munde ud i anbefalinger til Europa Kommissionen.

Se konferencens fulde program og læs mere om projektet på Workshops vil fortrinsvis foregå på dansk. Tilmelding til konferencen og en workshop på skja @ senest d. 10. maj. Tilmeldingen er bindende.

Taler/paneldebat ved bl.a. :
Lars Qvortrup, dekan på DPU, Aarhus Universitet
Jens Rostrup-Nielsen, direktør for special projects Haldor Topsøe A/S og medlem af det Europæiske Forskningsråd (ERC)
Pia Locatelli, medlem af Europa-Parlamentet
Kirsten Brosbøl, forskningsordfører for Socialdemokraterne
Jonas Dahl, forskningsordfører for Socialistisk Folkeparti
Malou Aamund (Venstre), medlem af Udvalget for Videnskab og Teknologi
Professor Nina Smith, prorektor på Aarhus Universitet
Professor Hans Siggaard Jensen, leder af Learning Lab Denmark, DPU, Aarhus Universitet

Tilmeld dig en af følgende workshops:
• Universitet, ledelse og arbejdspladskultur (University, management and workplace culture)
• Ligestilling på universitetet som arbejdsplads (Gender equality at university as workplace)
• Identitet og stereotyper i naturvidenskab (Identity & stereotypes in natural sciences)
• Industriel forskning på 'mode II' universitetet (Industrial research at the `mode II' university)
• Kulturel diversitet i opfattelsen af familie- og arbejdsliv (Cultural diversity in the conception of work and family)
• Frafald i naturvidenskab (Drop-outs in science)
• Videnskabs politik og national politik (Science policy & national politics)

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Ekskursion til

Hauchs physiske cabinet

Sorø Akademi
Lørdag den 24. maj

Der vil være rundvisning i cabinettet ved daglig leder Jørgen From Andersen fra kl. ca. 11 til 13 og efterfølgende frokost.

Det er gratis at deltage i rundvisningen, mens frokosten koster ca. kr. 70,- pr. person.

Tilmelding til vhs @ senest d. 10. maj. Antallet af deltagere er begrænset til 30.

Der vil blive arrangeret fælleskørsel og man er velkommen til at stille bil til rådighed. Vi skal køre fra Københavnsområdet ca. kl. 10.

Arrangør: Videnskabshistorisk Selskab

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Blogs og online debat om etik og teknologi

Den 17. april åbner Det Etiske Råd for blogs og online debat på Rådets website om cyborgs og robotter: Det Etiske Råd satser i øjeblikket stort på at inddrage borgerne i den etiske debat via internettet.

I efteråret 2007 har Det Etiske Råd rejst rundt i landet med det multimedielle website i tasken: det blev til en omfattende foredragsturné, der kom rundt til 17 vidt forskellige fora over hele landet.

Men nu er turen kommet til dem, der er vilde med at debattere online på nettet. Det Etiske Råd har inviteret tre spændende og vidt forskellige gæstebloggere til at sparke debatten i gang i foråret: biokemiker og filosof Jesper Hoffmeyer, installationskunster Pipaluk Supernova og direktør for Danmarks Grundforskningsfond Thomas Sinkjær.

Gæstebloggerne vil skrive indlæg, og Det Etiske Råd forventer, at indlæggene vil kickstarte en uforudsigelig etisk debat, hvor kun brugerne afgør, hvilke uventede synsvinkler, vidensinput og holdninger, der vil komme for en dag.

I Det Etiske Råd er vi spændte på at se, hvordan det går. Vi håber, I vil være med til at sprede kendskabet til debatten.

Thomas Laursen
thomas.laursen @

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Stafet-interviewet udgår denne gang

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HUGIN og MUNIN er et elektronisk nyhedsbrev for aktiviteter indenfor videnskabsteori, videnskabsfilosofi, videnskabshistorie, videnskabssociologi og tilgrænsende emneområder. Det udsendes af Center for Naturfilosofi og Videnskabsstudier, Københavns Universitet, for at styrke kontakten mellem grupper og enkeltpersoner indenfor de nævnte fagområder.

Hugin og Munin - tanke og erindring - er de to vise ravne, der sidder på Odins skuldre og hvisker ham alle tidender i øret. Han sender dem ud ved daggry, og ved morgenmåltidet er de hos ham igen med nyheder fra hele verden.

Ravnene er her valgt som vartegn for den filosofiske eftertanke og den historiske erindring.